Season 2 Save Files
Obviously, SPOILERS for SEASON 2.
Lots of people have lost their saves during their playthrough, myself included, and i have replayed Season Two many times already, i don't really want to replay it again from the first episode. So now that the last episode is out i thought it might be good if those of you who have finished Season 2 could upload your Season 2 Saves.
So let's use this thread to upload our save folders, and label them with important choices you made. Obviously, this only works for PC/Macintosh. Sorry console friends.
Where is my save folder? -PC- /Documents/Telltale Games/The Walking Dead Season Two
-MAC- /Library/Application Support/Telltale Games/TheWalkingDeadSeasonTwo
The The Walking Dead folder is the one which we would all upload
These Locations are also where you will put your newly downloaded save.
You need to compress your folder to make it one file to upload later on
Requirements for Save -Finished Season 2. Do not upload ones in which you have only finished halfway through
Instructions for uploading a Save 1.List at least the important decisions with your comment (Ones that will probably have a lasting effect on Season
3.) Compress your Folder: MAC- Right click folder/Compress
PC- Right click folder/Send To../Compressed (zip) Folder
3.Upload: Easy methods of uploading your folders (Mediafire etc.)
Download from link given by uploader (self explanatory)
Uncompress. Use 7-zip/winzip/WinRar to uncompress on PC. Mac does this automatically.
Place in appropriate directory. I'll put this again: -PC- /Documents/Telltale Games/The Walking Dead Season Two -MAC- /Library/Application Support/Telltale Games/TheWalkingDeadSeasonTwo (To get to the correct "Library" folder, go to Finder, Hit "go" on top toolbar, hold option key to display "Library", and click)
Be sure to create any missing directory. For example, "TheWalkingDeadSeasonTwo" goes into Telltale Games. If "Telltale Games" does not exist, create the folder, then place "TheWalkingDeadSeasonTwo" inside it.