Season 2 DLC wishlist.
I've been contemplating what I would like to see for DLC for TWD and I have it narrowed down to two options: pre-season & post-season.
In the pre-season it would function like 400 Days DLC that can show how things developed before we started as Clem in Episode 1. These potential story arcs can include all the groups or people we've encountered. What happen during those months when it was just Clem and Christa? How the cabin group made their escape? How Kenny escaped, met Sarita, and then Walt and Matthew? The journey Jane endured with her sister and how she dealt with her guilt after leaving her? There are many potential stories to tell, unanswered questions that has left us speculating; and could use a little filling in. While this is something that I'm very keen on, it's not my preference of a DLC choice.
The post-season is something that would allow us to continue to play as Clem and wrap up the three major diverging story arcs at the end: Clementine with Kenny, Clementine with Jane, and Clementine going at it alone. By having a DLC that can deal with the mutli-ending story, we can streamline the multiple story arcs into one clean ending which can allow us to play as Clementine as the protagonist in Season 3. This is the only way that I can think of to allow TTG to design Season 3 with Clem as the main focus (something that many of us are hoping for, I'm sure) without wasting the first episode of the next season to resolve this dilemma. Unfortunately a DLC like this would also finish off loose character ends. Both Kenny and Jane are determinant characters depending on how things turn out, and as such if we want Clementine as the protagonist for the next season these characters would need to be removed or killed off. I'm not a fan of the idea but it would have to be done.