Just want to talk about the ending
Well I just wanted to talk about the ending, because my friends dont play it and i have nobody else to talk about it. I just have to tell someone how I feel about this and hope somebody will read this.
So first. if it was ttg goal to destroy my Emotions...than u reached it again. Congratulation. After all a great game. I'm a mess right now. And I dont know where to start. I think I start with Luke. U see I never thought his dead will break my heart so much. I never hate this character. Actually i found it really funny and was happy that he and Jane had a little affair. I can toatally understand that some want to have sex after 2 years living in such a crappy world. I would have too. I mean Luke looked nice But his death was so heart breaking. When I saw the ice under him cracking I just tryed to helped him. Realized what a good guy and friend he was....how many times he tried to help me. I wasnt ready to lose him. So I tryed to save him and the way he begged me not o do it just...well like I sayd it breaked my heart. Than he saved me a last time and I just realized that again everyone of the new group died....and i wished from the bottom of my heart that just luke survived...but he didnt. But the most important point.
This Kenny/Jane situation just destroyed me. I sticked to Jane and I will explain it later but dont understand me wrong: I will NOT say that my ending(the jane ending) was better than the Kenny ending. Both are great and both got there good and bad points. I will definetly not say that it was the right way to shoot Kenny, because it was not. I loved both characters. Jane and Kenny. Kenny...well, he was the good old Kenny. He was there since the first Episode and i going with him throughso much pain and horror. I toatally understand why he becomming like this and that his pain and anger is greater than the other characters. And Jane...well she reminds me a lot of me. A tough women, who had problems with other people, lost her sister, but is actually a person who cared about the others. A great character too....even if she is the exactly same character like molly. Doesnt matter. Kenny just scared me many times in this season. He seemed so unstable and mentaly crushed. Sometimes he was just reckless and hurt's people without good reasons. Yeah I know he lost EVERYTHING. But that doesnt make this right. I hope I dont have to explain all brutal things of Kennys behavior. I mean Everybody in the group losts everything but u didnt see them punshing and threatening everyone. When he fights with Jane...I just knewd that AJ might be still alive because of that was Jane said. I have suspected it. But as Kenny tried to kill jane I just...cant let that happen...but i really dont want to kill him. I loved him. He was the best friend of my Clem and I just dotn want to lose him but i couldnt let him kill jane either. In the end I just saw a man full of anger and frustration wich are becommign more and more like Carver and as I said...Kenny just scared me several times. I shot him with a tear on my gamepad and hold his Hand til the end. I just...felt like I just killed a good friend because I cant stoped him...After Jane told me the truth I was actually fcking upset at her. I suspected it but... couldnt understand it. Why? WHY did she do this to me? What terrible thing did I do to her that I deserved this? She was liek a sister to my Clem but...i cant understand it...Sadly telltale let me no space...Actually I just stayed with her, so AJ is more saved...I just cant raise him alone it's just illogical in my opinion if Clem raised a child without anything and a wounded shoulder. But the real thing I wanted to say to her was "I go with you. But I will never forgive you what you did to me. I really respected you and liked you but that's over now. For ever. You will be never a sister for me or a good friend. You are just a women wich I need so that AJ is saved. I will hate you for letting me shoot the only friend....my best friend I got left. The second fcking time! THE SECOND FCKING TIME I HAD TO SHOOT MY BEST FRIEND ! What did you expect me to say?! Thank you Jane?! Thank you for letting me shoot Kenny?! No you see I need you because of AJ...but I will never forget what you done to me." actally this is the half truth...i know that Kenny where dangerous to other people instead of me and the baby (ITS MY OPINION) And maybe I would forgive Jane after years...but I wont her to suffer for what she did to me...I mean emotionally suffer. So I would say this to her to let her suffer. I was on Janes side and I would honestly do the same choice again because Kenny was in my eyes just dangerous...but it didnt make it right...it didnt make it okay...and the other way around...letting jane die is not okay either...i for my opinion just dont wanted him to kill jane and...thats it...
You should try to put a few breaks in that text, it's hard to read.
You mentioned that you wished you could tell Jane that you'd go with her, but would never be forgiven. I had a similar stance with my decision to save Kenny. I didn't want to go as low as him and kill someone, and I needed him to help me get to Wellington, but I wanted to tell him he would never be forgiven for what he did. Neither deserve the respect from Clementine.
I rewinded.
The whole season I wanted Clem to be alone. After I saw how she cares about everyone no matter what choices I make I changed that mindset though. I shot Kenny and didn't forgive Jane, but also couldn't let Clem be alone so I stayed silent and they went together. It wasn't the right ending for me and my Clem (I'm not saying it's not right ending for everyone). I rewinded, let Kenny kill Jane and left Wellington with him. Again all I wanted was for Clem to be safe, I wasn't really thinking if Wellington is safe or not, I just assumed it is. But again seeing Clem how much she cares, I couldn't let her leave Kenny and decided to leave with him.
You can call it cheating, but that was the right ending for me and my Clem so I'll go with it.
Similar situation as you. Really mad on Jane The bitch, uses Clem's hand to kill Kenny. When I shot Kenny, don't really think he will die...
A small little girl being shot - no big deal
A tough man being shot - dead after a minute. WTF?!
Decided to go on by myself.
Just wonder where will Clem go? I think she will continue to Wellington ?(I keep saying i want to go to wellington during the game.)
Thank you for these nice answers.
I really needed this. I just saw the "Go alone" ending, when u leave Kenny or Jane and...well i really dont like it...seeing Clem how she goed into a herd of walkers with AJ in her Arms...no I want her to be safe. Even if I liked it when Jane crys. I mean I still understand her actings and I still like her...but I cant forgive her. And I wouldnt forgive Kenny if I would stay to him either