I think it has to be said that he was definitely my favourite character, and it really bugged me how Clementine wasn’t bothered by his death after – it was mentioned a couple of times by Bonnie/Jane but Clementine never once gets upset about it. He was like Clems brother in my playthrough and he dies and she just doesn't care! I was planning on saving him at the end in the what would of been Luke-v-Kenny fight and was actually really excited to see how his character would progess and was hoping for an ending with him, Clem and AJ (who I wish we had the option to call LEE!). I had literally no emotional connection to Jane - literally none. Clem and Jane's relationship felt so forced. I did like Kenny so I saved him, but would of much preffered Luke to be with my Clem.
I never wanted to choose between Luke and Kenny because I really liked Luke best BUT I felt like Clem was all Kenny had left in the world so although I was glad I never had to make that choice I was not happy about Luke's death. It was the first death, the only death you had no freaking choice over, and a HORRIBLE death! It's just a game character but I will never get that scene out of my head, the look on his face. Killed me. He deserved longer than he got. They could have let him live. How do you kill Luke and keep Arvo?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!??!??!
I do agree that it would of been best if both Luke and Kenny lived - Didn't even think about both of them living but I do like that idea!! I hated Luke's death. It just felt so unneccasary - and it annoys me how Bonnie will HATE you if you choose to cover Luke, even though he probably would of lived if Bonnie didn't walk on the ice towards him! Defo deserved longer than he got. What kills me the most is how it wasn't even a big death - Everyone had forgotten about him within 5 minutes. And like you say, even though he’s a fictional character, I think it would kill Luke to know his death didn’t really mean anything to anyone – especially Clementine as I feel he would be broken if it was her that had died, and he had lived. I can't believe Bonnie and Mike STILL go with Arvo after seeing him shoot a little girl! Who does that!? Telltale could of had an AMAZING scene if Luke had lived at that part - him holding Clementine after she got shot. It would of been amazing.
Well I dont actually agree. Maybe the situation worked diffrent on me but in my opinion the whole group was shocked because of Lukes death. I was shocked too and i totally understands you. I loved Luke too and his dead breaks my heart. The way he begged me not to save him...damn I almost cryed. I sticked with Jane btw^^