What do you want to see in this game?



  • In terms of setting; the Blackfyre Rebellion. It'd be awesome to meet the Great Bastards and choose a side.

    It was a far larger war (or series of wars) than the War of the Five Kings or Robert's Rebellion, lasting generations rather than years, spanning the entirety of Westeros, and, most importantly we've gotten far less info about it (what with it happening before any of the source material takes place, barring the Dunk & Egg novellas). That means our character(s) will have more freedom, without feeling like we're breaking canon.

    In terms of characters; if it's set contemporary to the ASOIAF/GoT series, I'd love the Brotherhood Without Banners to feature prominently.

  • I think that the more important is that TT keeps a single track. It would be a shame if they simply give us a big number of characters to play just to show different and distant places at the same time.

    At least for me, it would be better if we can connect with a character (like in TWD S1) and feel the land (I don’t think we need to “present” at most of the major events).

  • edited August 2014

    Just as an example, we don’t need to cross the desert and watch the return of the dragons with Daenerys and also be in the capital at the beheading.

    TMLC posted: »

    I think that the more important is that TT keeps a single track. It would be a shame if they simply give us a big number of characters to pl

  • Character creator...

  • Among other things, I want several different characters that you follow in chapters, like in the books. I also want "categories" of dialogue options. For example: 4 options in the category "Aggressive", 4 options in the category "Witty", 4 in "Kind" and so on. Probably not a very realistic wish, but it would be so cool and perfect when it comes to shaping the characters like your own.

  • edited August 2014

    I didn't read the link but I'm assuming by 'the gravedigging hound complete analysis' it's a theory that the hound is alive with the people who claimed to have buried him?

    *I forget what they're called, but the people who take in Brienne and company where the river ends, right?

  • This might be my favorite fight of the series so far. The way Brienne just goes fucking primal at the end is great.

    Lee4ever posted: »

    We need epic sword fucking sword fights like this where if your character makes the wrong move they fall off a cliff and die for good.

  • I hope he's not, but I really think he's done.

    Almost guarantee he's not dead. He's probably off eating chicken somewhere.

  • In all honesty I was hoping The Hound would win. :'(

    This might be my favorite fight of the series so far. The way Brienne just goes fucking primal at the end is great.

  • Because I can't stand her. I watched the first three seasons of the show before I read all the books, and when I started reading the books I didn't think it was possible for me to like her any less. I was wrong.

    Why would you skip all the Daenerys scenes?

  • But....boobs!

    Because I can't stand her. I watched the first three seasons of the show before I read all the books, and when I started reading the books I didn't think it was possible for me to like her any less. I was wrong.

  • Already seen 'em.


  • Yes, pretty much this. :)

    I didn't read the link but I'm assuming by 'the gravedigging hound complete analysis' it's a theory that the hound is alive with the people

  • Me being the leader of an army, choosing where to place my troops, where to send the archers, where I am...that would be my dream...

    Yes...maybe yes. Gonna need that towel.

  • HODOR!

  • "The Hound" persona dies, Sandor is most definitely alive and chillin' with the Elder Brother

    Pipas posted: »

    Yes, pretty much this.

  • So it seems we'll be playing as a member of House Forrester in the Wolfswood. Which could suggest that it'll be contemporary to A Song of Ice and Fire. Provided the quote isn't a red herring (which would be suitably Gurmian), we'll probably either be following Robb Stark's war, or facing off against the Ironborn. If that is the case we could probably expect to encounter a few characters from the books/show.

  • A Clementine or Lee reference in the game

  • I think next season will touch up on more of them. Season 4 was at a storm of swords. A feast for Crows talks more about the Iron Born and Grey Joys and involves them in the bigger plot for the throne.

    I kind of want to see the Grejoys and the Boltons. There kind of ignored by the show

  • Victarion, Euron and the Damphair haven't been cast. I'm guessing that means the Greyjoys will continue to be ignored.

    Lee4ever posted: »

    I think next season will touch up on more of them. Season 4 was at a storm of swords. A feast for Crows talks more about the Iron Born and Grey Joys and involves them in the bigger plot for the throne.

  • Yes I want to see more of Roose. Hes a cool villan. I mean ramsey is psycho and hes terrified of him. I want that chat from ADWD between Roose and Reek on the show

    Lee4ever posted: »

    I think next season will touch up on more of them. Season 4 was at a storm of swords. A feast for Crows talks more about the Iron Born and Grey Joys and involves them in the bigger plot for the throne.


    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    Even with BOAT?

  • Okay, I literally know nothing of Game of Thrones, but I do know this...

    Whoever Hodor is, I want him in it.

  • It'd be awesome if Sean Bean would voice him in the game.:D

    A prequel with Eddard Stark! Lol, I'm going to have to marathon all four seasons of GoT before this game comes out.

  • edited September 2014

    I'd love to see Robb be resurrected with a happy ending...please?:(

    If not, it'd be pretty cool to see the Hound or Tyrion. The interactions with them would surely be interesting haha.

  • Oh, man. It would be amazing! If TTG could get him, and if he has the time, it would be great for him to voice his own character for the game, haha. B^]

    Tinni posted: »

    It'd be awesome if Sean Bean would voice him in the game.:D

  • edited September 2014

    I want the entire game to be about the boys, Tyrion, Bronn and Pod.

    Alt text

    Make it the Tyrion and Bronn show everyone has always wanted. Bromance 4 lief


  • I can think of no reason to oppose this.

    I want the entire game to be about the boys, Tyrion, Bronn and Pod. Make it the Tyrion and Bronn show everyone has always wanted. Bromance 4 lief https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFVf2Qs7ynk

  • There is none. It would be the best thing to happen since things started happening. :S

    Tinni posted: »

    I can think of no reason to oppose this.

  • Oh god...no...

    There is none. It would be the best thing to happen since things started happening. :S

  • Wrong answer. zaps

    Cope49 posted: »

    Oh god...no...

  • so much this

    I want the entire game to be about the boys, Tyrion, Bronn and Pod. Make it the Tyrion and Bronn show everyone has always wanted. Bromance 4 lief https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFVf2Qs7ynk

  • edited September 2014

    I need to see Kenny from The Walking Dead.
    When someone ask him about.. what's going on, he just say some kind of word: I got lucky. Real lucky.

    Alt text

  • edited September 2014

    I want to have the option to say "fuck the king"

    Also want to be able to build some ally on my own instead of buying the game and find out something like "Hurr durr you're on Stannis' side and there's nothing you ca do 'bout it"

    I want to help the greyjoys win the goddam throne

  • Dragon riding. Hell yeah.

  • Greatjon Umber is essentially the Kenny of Westeros. And we might bump into him.

    Kolkaa posted: »

    I need to see Kenny from The Walking Dead. When someone ask him about.. what's going on, he just say some kind of word: I got lucky. Real lucky.

  • huh Greatjon might be a good idea actually cause hes just mentioned a few times after the red wedding in the books and never seen on the show. So they could show what happens to him after that. I mean I know hes just a hostage but anyway

    Greatjon Umber is essentially the Kenny of Westeros. And we might bump into him.

  • I'd finally like to see a Telltale game with a mature, optional romance.
    One that matters in terms of choice and consequence.

    Establishing bonds with certain characters has always made parting with them tougher and more emotional.

    ...and I'd like choices that really matter.

    When I save a character I don't want that character to be mute until he/she gets killed off inevitably.
    I want characters I save to survive, to have an impact on where the story goes.

  • TTG needs to have the player walk into a brothel then the player has to pick which whore he'll spend a dragon on to bed with. If he picks wrong the player gets an STD.

  • MOAR COMBAT!!! In their usual style of course... But Still...

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