Bonnie was "nice" in your play-through and you had no problem with them running?? They were going to leave you with NOTHING...and probably f… moreor dead more or less. How naive can you be. Then you go on to say how your not mad at them because it happened so fast and there was nothing anyone could do? Wow. The guy who shot you was WITH Bonnie and Mike and had no real reason to do it in the first place except for shear revenge. What type of guy shoots a little girl to exact their personal revenge, a little girl who probably defended him most of the time by the way. Dude, what is wrong with you, for real lol. I don't see how anyone can remotely be ok with that lol. Wow.
Well they ran off before they could take the supplies and the truck
So was I left with nothing? No lol
Arvo is an asshole end of the story.