I mentioned Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, right? Lot of fun. Except the minigame things. They get way too hard way too fast. But otherwise the only real problem I have is the lack of save points. Shouldn't a game made for a portable system have a lot of save points? But hey ho, forest for the trees.
Well I finally got past the stupid "summon 3 different bosses in a closed in space, and then make you do it all over again until you beat them all" retarded bit of KH:3D, so I can finally get to playing it without going "oh right, I can't do anything until I get past this thing", so that again.
Thanks to my friend getting a PlayStation 3 free with a new mobile phone contract (with the benefit of a far cheaper contract) I'm now able to expand my game playing options. So far I've played a fair bit of Gran Turismo 5, and will play a lot more of it in the future (I love the series, have played every major version and put hundreds of hours into each). Also giving Heavy Rain a try now.
Currently playing through the English translation of Pendulo's Hollywood Monsters.
It's pretty wacky, and awfully hard. Part of the difficulty is how open the game is. Yeesh.
I'm playing this one, as I never played The Next Big Thing (despite owning it), and I want to play the first before the second (even if The Next Big Thing is both a sequel and a remake)
The game truly won me over as soon as I kicked that damn spoiled brat into the creek. Good times.
There is a reason why i hardly ever post in this thread because i usually just decide what game i'm going to play while i look through my PS3 games but i am going to post the games i think i'm going to play for a while:
Team Fortress 2 PS3 version (The PC version is too laggy)
Uncharted 3
Jak & Daxter trilogy
Ratchet & Clank Trilogy (Replaying for trophies)
Call Of Duty Black Ops (I like playing zombie mode )
Just completed Mass Effect with the "Bring down the Sky" DLC. I started a bit of part 2 just to see what the beginning stats were. Been granted three levels, 330000 credits and 55000 units of each resource.
Still, I could not bring myself to do things much different this second ME run through. It's still a female Shep, she still likes Liara and goes for the ultimate Paragon route. So much for seeing all the new stuff!
There only is FemShep. BroShep is a sick joke.
Also: Liara is the only true love interest. There are no choices in those points. Well maybe there are but they are wrong.:D
Well I really enjoyed playing Heavy Rain, fantastic story. Will be playing through it again soon.
For now I've finally got started playing Gemini Rue and have been loving it. Could hardly stop last night, eventually did after 2am when tiredness got the better of me. I'm not a huge fan of combat sections in adventure games but I've seen it done worse than what it's like here.
Just played The Walking Dead Episode 3: Long Road Ahead. It's the best game in the series so far. I'm really enjoying this season, and I hope that Telltale keeps the two month schedule between releases for future games. It's a whole lot more polished and bug-free, and best of all fun, than the other post-2010 Telltale releases.
Wall-E (it was buried on my rental list but they sent it anyway, alright?). ATM, it's looking at a 6/10.
It's playable, sure, but the camera's a bitch, the level design's not great, there's visual effect problems (one part of the first level got obscured by a nice big light effect until I died, and the sandstorm effect was basically a wall of grey), controls are unrefined and it bears all the hallmarks of a game that needed another week just to polish it off.
I like that you can replay levels though, that's a nice touch.
Well Gemini Rue was great. Now to find something else to play. Have been thinking about replaying the Assassin's Creed series (from the 2nd game onward anyway) to build up for the release of ACIII, but I've also got Rage & Dragon Age: Origins on my to play soon list. Decisions, decisions...
Wall-E (it was buried on my rental list but they sent it anyway, alright?). ATM, it's looking at a 6/10.
It's playable, sure, but the camera's a bitch, the level design's not great, there's visual effect problems (one part of the first level got obscured by a nice big light effect until I died, and the sandstorm effect was basically a wall of grey), controls are unrefined and it bears all the hallmarks of a game that needed another week just to polish it off.
I like that you can replay levels though, that's a nice touch.
Which console? Apparently the Wii/PS2/PC version is the better game.
And, on-topic, I'm playing "Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack!". Really great game that apparently no one's playing.
I'm playing Indiana Jones Adventure World. It's an annoying Zynga casual game with begging friends and waiting for energy, but I keep coming back to it. It's co-written by Hal Barwood (co-creator of Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis and Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine) so what's there is quite intriguing. It's also interesting how they bring in characters from the films not used much (the guy who was a skeleton on a trap at the start of Raiders (alive and well, and in competition with Indy), the friend of Indy and his son who goes crazy from looking at a skull in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull), as well as Marion. I don't know what deal they have with the characters (since it was apparently licensed from Lucasfilm directly instead of LucasArts), but it would be cool if Sophia Hapgood showed up since Hal's involved in the writing.
Finally got around to putting some time into Civilization V a year after I bought the game as I couldn't get it working well at the time but now it's fine (I guess because of various patches combined with a new graphics card for myself).
Finished Rango, which was a fun little game with a batshit insane plot. It got old after a while though, since you're forced to grind for cash in order to get an achievement (hate when games do that, especially if you have to keep grinding once you've bought everything there is to spend the money on - I'm looking at you, Ratchet & Clank), and I'll be starting the latest Men in Black game tomorrow if I can be bothered. Maybe.
Played through Lego Batman 2, good story, but "DC Superheros" is a bit misleading when its really Batman + Superman, which random DC Superheros becoming playable for the finale.
Haven't played much of the sandbox though, IDK if I really want to go for 100% or not, depends on how much of a pain it takes to grind studs.
Played through Lego Batman 2, good story, but "DC Superheros" is a bit misleading when its really Batman + Superman, which random DC Superheros becoming playable for the finale.
I still say they should have called it World's Finest instead of DC Superheroes. Fits the wacky tone better.
Haven't played much of the sandbox though, IDK if I really want to go for 100% or not, depends on how much of a pain it takes to grind studs.
Get the multipliers, it makes it massively easier. There's a little car driving/smashing game near the power plant, IIRC, that has a 2x, and I think there's another one inside the funfair. It's been a while since I played it.
I still say they should have called it World's Finest instead of DC Superheroes. Fits the wacky tone better.
Get the multipliers, it makes it massively easier. There's a little car driving/smashing game near the power plant, IIRC, that has a 2x, and I think there's another one inside the funfair. It's been a while since I played it.
I found that specific multiplyer already actually, and its 4x so even better There is one place that is full of green lantern usable stuff and it always gives me at least 4 blue studs + 1 purple stud so that helps.
What I will most likely do is read up on ALL the multiplyers, get those, and play the rest of it(until I get bored at least) without any help, seems fair enough.
Oh, well, there you go. You shouldn't need to use a guide or anything - just use the in-game map. It reveals where all the collectable doodahs are, even if it is a bit of a pain to have to keep pausing the game to use it.
I'm going to admit, I think the only flaw Xenoblade has is that its side missions are pretty generic. Lots of find X amount of Y, or go kill this. (At least at this point in the game)
Its still pretty addictive though. I've just spent about 2 hours just doing sidequests (because I felt like it).
And I really love killing those special monsters. Especially going back and getting revenge on the hard ones you had to avoid earlier on in the game! XD
(I've seen lvl 70 monsters! One was in a lake and I was like "huh why is my spidey sense going off" and then I see this lvl 70 fish and I was like "OMFG! RUUUUUUNNNNN!!!!!" (Game doesn't really penalise for death but it was inconvenient at the time))
The main story is great though, I'll give it that. And I have to say again how I love how rewarding the battle and collecting and creation systems are. Unlike say FFXIII, it really lets you get tucked in on the game. I've already played it for 10 hours and while in FFXIII I had to quit at this point, in this game I'm like "MORE! MORE! MORE! ".
Probably at least going to spend about 20-25 hours on this game minimum, probably even go beyond the 40, which is really rare for me, (I get distracted from RPGs very easily).
Haven't even wanted to play Pandora's Tower yet or even go back to Metroid Prime or some other Gamecube games, (except Melee. Having a little go on that since my Brawl has vanished sadly.. ), or even the Xbox 360!
Well I've gotten all the stud multiplyers, and I think it's impossible for me to ever run out of money now...
Well that gives me time to actually find the gold bricks/buy everything I find along the way instead of thinking "crap, I need this money to get poison ivy so she can activate these things before I get a clown minion!"
Currently playing Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock. My thoughts are in the Doctor Who thread, In short - ugh.
Yeah, considering I have seen the same 4 "puzzles" over and over again stapled together with really easy platforming, I'd say I won't be 100%ing this game, but I'll try because why not.
Left 4 Dead 2: I've basically overkilled this game, I've had it for a long time and it's always fun to pick up and play with your friends. Going on the public servers is iffy at night time though (griefers, general jerks and such) so I mostly stick to friends. Definitely suggest playing it though. (PC)
Team Fortress 2: I've been playing Mann vs Machine with my buddies, the game can be somewhat difficult if you're new to TF2 (most of my friends are) and can get quite frustrating. However when you win it's an awesome feeling. I like how it has 6 slots for players, which is just enough for my friends so no one is left out. There are different game modes but I've been mostly playing this one. (PC)
The Darkness: I flipping love this game, I'm only playing on normal and have a really crummy shot but I've never ran out of ammo and your powers you get can be quite helpful. I love the story so far (it had at least one twist I wasn't expecting) and I've never read any books/comics on The Darkness so it's an easy to follow storyline for newcomers. (PS3)
I just replayed HL2: Episode 1. Maybe it's just me, but I found this more difficult than the main game. Much more. Except the very end which was my own damn fault for falling so much.
Left 4 Dead 2: I've basically overkilled this game, I've had it for a long time and it's always fun to pick up and play with your friends. Going on the public servers is iffy at night time though (griefers, general jerks and such) so I mostly stick to friends. Definitely suggest playing it though. (PC)
Team Fortress 2: I've been playing Mann vs Machine with my buddies, the game can be somewhat difficult if you're new to TF2 (most of my friends are) and can get quite frustrating. However when you win it's an awesome feeling. I like how it has 6 slots for players, which is just enough for my friends so no one is left out. There are different game modes but I've been mostly playing this one. (PC)
The Darkness: I flipping love this game, I'm only playing on normal and have a really crummy shot but I've never ran out of ammo and your powers you get can be quite helpful. I love the story so far (it had at least one twist I wasn't expecting) and I've never read any books/comics on The Darkness so it's an easy to follow storyline for newcomers. (PS3)
I played a few matches of Mann vs Machine and i liked it...I didn't get past a round but that may be because i was playing on my laptop and the game kept lagging.
It's pretty wacky, and awfully hard. Part of the difficulty is how open the game is. Yeesh.
I'm playing this one, as I never played The Next Big Thing (despite owning it), and I want to play the first before the second (even if The Next Big Thing is both a sequel and a remake)
The game truly won me over as soon as I kicked that damn spoiled brat into the creek. Good times.
I'm pretty good at giving inspirational speeches.
Great work at your speeches Dashing. You might say your speeches can be quite dashing
This game rocks.
Team Fortress 2 PS3 version (The PC version is too laggy)
Uncharted 3
Jak & Daxter trilogy
Ratchet & Clank Trilogy (Replaying for trophies)
Call Of Duty Black Ops (I like playing zombie mode
Still, I could not bring myself to do things much different this second ME run through. It's still a female Shep, she still likes Liara and goes for the ultimate Paragon route. So much for seeing all the new stuff!
There only is FemShep. BroShep is a sick joke.
Also: Liara is the only true love interest. There are no choices in those points. Well maybe there are but they are wrong.:D
For now I've finally got started playing Gemini Rue and have been loving it. Could hardly stop last night, eventually did after 2am when tiredness got the better of me. I'm not a huge fan of combat sections in adventure games but I've seen it done worse than what it's like here.
It's playable, sure, but the camera's a bitch, the level design's not great, there's visual effect problems (one part of the first level got obscured by a nice big light effect until I died, and the sandstorm effect was basically a wall of grey), controls are unrefined and it bears all the hallmarks of a game that needed another week just to polish it off.
I like that you can replay levels though, that's a nice touch.
Which console? Apparently the Wii/PS2/PC version is the better game.
And, on-topic, I'm playing "Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack!". Really great game that apparently no one's playing.
Now playing Rango, also on the PS3. 8/10. For a movie tie-in, this is actually pretty good!
Pretty funny game.
A story thats pretty interesting from the get go, and a battle system that is incredibly smooth but still pretty strategic.
I just want to keep playing it. Its got my attention for sure.
Haven't played much of the sandbox though, IDK if I really want to go for 100% or not, depends on how much of a pain it takes to grind studs.
I found that specific multiplyer already actually, and its 4x so even better
What I will most likely do is read up on ALL the multiplyers, get those, and play the rest of it(until I get bored at least) without any help, seems fair enough.
Its still pretty addictive though. I've just spent about 2 hours just doing sidequests (because I felt like it).
And I really love killing those special monsters. Especially going back and getting revenge on the hard ones you had to avoid earlier on in the game! XD
(I've seen lvl 70 monsters! One was in a lake and I was like "huh why is my spidey sense going off" and then I see this lvl 70 fish and I was like "OMFG! RUUUUUUNNNNN!!!!!" (Game doesn't really penalise for death but it was inconvenient at the time))
The main story is great though, I'll give it that. And I have to say again how I love how rewarding the battle and collecting and creation systems are. Unlike say FFXIII, it really lets you get tucked in on the game. I've already played it for 10 hours and while in FFXIII I had to quit at this point, in this game I'm like "MORE! MORE! MORE!
Probably at least going to spend about 20-25 hours on this game minimum, probably even go beyond the 40, which is really rare for me, (I get distracted from RPGs very easily).
Haven't even wanted to play Pandora's Tower yet or even go back to Metroid Prime or some other Gamecube games, (except Melee. Having a little go on that since my Brawl has vanished sadly..
Well that gives me time to actually find the gold bricks/buy everything I find along the way instead of thinking "crap, I need this money to get poison ivy so she can activate these things before I get a clown minion!"
Currently playing Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock. My thoughts are in the Doctor Who thread, In short - ugh.
Was Doctor Who hyped up a lot in the playstation blog and then it was disappointing?
Yeah, considering I have seen the same 4 "puzzles" over and over again stapled together with really easy platforming, I'd say I won't be 100%ing this game, but I'll try because why not.
Left 4 Dead 2: I've basically overkilled this game, I've had it for a long time and it's always fun to pick up and play with your friends. Going on the public servers is iffy at night time though (griefers, general jerks and such) so I mostly stick to friends. Definitely suggest playing it though. (PC)
Team Fortress 2: I've been playing Mann vs Machine with my buddies, the game can be somewhat difficult if you're new to TF2 (most of my friends are) and can get quite frustrating. However when you win it's an awesome feeling. I like how it has 6 slots for players, which is just enough for my friends so no one is left out. There are different game modes but I've been mostly playing this one. (PC)
The Darkness: I flipping love this game, I'm only playing on normal and have a really crummy shot but I've never ran out of ammo and your powers you get can be quite helpful. I love the story so far (it had at least one twist I wasn't expecting) and I've never read any books/comics on The Darkness so it's an easy to follow storyline for newcomers. (PS3)
I played a few matches of Mann vs Machine and i liked it...I didn't get past a round but that may be because i was playing on my laptop and the game kept lagging.