Its a good thing that the cutscenes are cool, because absolutely nothing else about the game is.
The combat is pathetic, the story is the same, an the scoring system is broken when I get "perfect, perfect, perfect" for the 3 ways the level is graded, and the level itself I get a B.
Also, how does "excellent" on a QTE result in my death?
EDIT:Yeah I'm half tempted to just watch the videos on youtube instead, this game is really buggy to go along with everything when I can have a half-full health bar and die with the health bar still half full!
Me too, and I'm really enjoying it. I encountered a bug in the chapter 2 hub where the text in the upper left corner for the lower two elevator buttons gets mixed up and the text for the upper button says "locked" even after I've gold-ed everything in it.
I'm also playing the Linux version of The Journey Down after only having played the free version before. Haven't gotten very far yet, but I really enjoy the atmosphere of the game and the fact that I can play it without the hassle of having to use Windows.
*Fingers crossed for a Steam Linux beta invite later this month.*
Its gameplay is not too far off from Cubivore, (has more focus on stealth and is faster paced, and is 2.5D kinda (as opposed to the more open world of cubivore)).
Its very fun running around as a tiny little dog and eating rabbits and other small creatures.
I really want to play it some more later thats for sure!
EDIT: Come to think about it, do you guys reckon it would be interesting to have a series which compares two games, something modern and something classic thats similar?
(I mean I have a large gamepool, and alot of niche game knowledge. I think I may be able to pull it off if I'm motivated enough to try it)
EDIT 2: Heh. Tokyo Jungle vs. Cubivore vs. Pac-man! XD
Reminds me of how much I hate death scenes in adventure games when they're taking too long to complete and get you back in the game. This whole thing feels like they focused on the bad parts of adventure gaming just for the heck of it. Sokoban/bad labyrinth puzzles and non-deducible triggers rule this one. Ugh, and people thought this was good stuff once?! Thank God I never bought this on my PSX. This would have been a LOT of wasted money back then.
I thought it would be the next best thing to Broken Sword. I was mistaken. I started using help extensively because I just want to get this game behind me.
I hope I didn't invest in such nonsense with BS5.
edit: Finished it; the last Nico puzzle is pure nonsense. You know exactly what to do from the first moment on, but still you need 15 tedious minutes to get it done. Rubbish.
It floored me when I played it. Not the anything to do with how good/bad it was. It was the fact that I decided to try it after not playing a single game of the series since Super Metroid.... and it was the direct sequel. I thought that was kind of funny. "Huh, well I guess I didn't miss anyting...but why is she talking and why are they discussing relationships?"
Just a story tip. They don't say it all that well, but Samus is in shock because of the baby dying from Super Metroid.
This bothers me, so fixed.
Also, if she was so attached to the infant metroid, why did she give it up to a laboratory to run tests on it?
It gave its life to save hers, yes, but it's an animal. It's like if her loyal puppy got shot. Oh, wait--It's like if her [edit]normally rabid[/edit] loyal puppy got shot after it was stolen from an animal research lab she sent it to, and this all after she had obliterated the rest of the entire canine species from the universe.
Celebrated finally getting a working lappy with some Civilisation V Gods+Kings!
(Seriously its taken me about 9 days to get this laptop. First I get a broken one, then the one sent to me gets lost in the mail. FINALLY I pick up a third one today and she works a treat! (Hey, its an i7 laptop with a nvidia 630m, I will not give up at all till I get it!)
Completely crushing the opposition with China. Military, economical and scientific might. I have half the planet already in the mid 1700s (and in industrial era! XD), while the remaining three nations fight over their island.
Oh yes, once I go nuclear, they will all be turned to dust! >: D
XCOM: Enemy Unknown.
I just can't stop playing it, so fun!
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes.
Fun game, i'm almost at the end. My only gripe is that the whole story told via the children in the attic is highly annoying, thankfully there's not too much of that though.
Finished Other M. I didn't hate the gameplay nearly as much as I expected to, but god was the story awful. At least I knew it was awful going in. I'm starting Metroid Fusion now and hoping to be finished tonight.
The relationship seemed a bit abusive to me, honestly. And I had major problems with a few things, like her freak out when she saw Ridley, considering that at that point she'd defeated him five times before (Zero Mission, Prime, twice in Corruption, and Super Metroid) and didn't even flinch, but she totally fell to pieces this time.
It also annoyed me, story-wise, that Samus's suit had purely defensive capabilities that she deactivated with everything else until Adam authorized it. She ran through a superheated room and took damage the whole time, and she wouldn't activate the purely defensive Varia feature until Adam told her to. And Adam saw exactly what was happening the whole time and still didn't tell her to turn it on until after that room.
Currently playing Shadows of the Damned. Quite a fun game once you adjust to the controls (L2 downs a 'potion' while L1 is to aim. I've wasted so many 'potions' pressing the wrong button!) Gameplay itself is fine, and the sexual puns haven't gotten annoying... yet. So far it's a solid 7/10.
The relationship seemed a bit abusive to me, honestly. And I had major problems with a few things, like her freak out when she saw Ridley, considering that at that point she'd defeated him five times before (Zero Mission, Prime, twice in Corruption, and Super Metroid) and didn't even flinch, but she totally fell to pieces this time.
It also annoyed me, story-wise, that Samus's suit had purely defensive capabilities that she deactivated with everything else until Adam authorized it. She ran through a superheated room and took damage the whole time, and she wouldn't activate the purely defensive Varia feature until Adam told her to. And Adam saw exactly what was happening the whole time and still didn't tell her to turn it on until after that room.
But she's been illustrated in the manga suffering from PTSD whenever she sees Ridley.
The suit complaint I'm totally on board with though, was really arbitrary.
But she's been illustrated in the manga suffering from PTSD whenever she sees Ridley.
This is shown in the non-Other-M games how?
I don't personally know any women who are in the military or law enforcement but it would seem to me that when someone needs to get the job done, they do it. They compartmentalize. They don't have an emotional breakdown in the middle of combat or else they get killed. Military training is supposed to teach you how to keep your cool, so I would expect the Chozo would also teach her this.
Other M, it seems, tries to paint Samus as first and foremost a woman, and a delicate, sensitive one at that. I never thought of Samus that way. She always felt like one of those women who, while friendly, you really don't want to mess with or she might kick you in the nuts.
Other M Samus seems likely to cry if you call her names.
Right now I'm going through Borderlands with my brother & cousin. I've enjoyed the game thus far, especially the Zombie Island DLC. When I'm not exploring Pandora I'm playing Happy Wars, which isn't too bad of a game.
I've been playing Red Dead Redemption for a while, but now I'm concentrating on Silent Hill Homecoming. I should get back to Assassin's Creed 2 though.
Metroid: Zero Mission: April 21, 2012
Metroid Prime: April 21, 2012 - April 27, 2012
Metroid Prime Hunters: April 28, 2012 - May 5, 2012
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes: May 6, 2012 - May 23, 2012
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption: May 24, 2012, May 31, 2012 - June 12, 2012
Metroid II: Return of Samus: July 26, 2012 - July 30, 2012, September 13, 2012 - September 20, 2012
Super Metroid: September 21, 2012 - October 5, 2012
Metroid: Other M: October 6, 2012 - October 15, 2012
Metroid Fusion: October 16, 2012 - October 17, 2012
I'm still making my way through Dragon Age: Origins, and having finished the main game I've moved on to the expansion (which I'm currently doing) and the extra campaigns.
Yeah, the interface is everything it should be. Everything can be controlled with the mouse and there is no clunkiness going on.
So I just finished it. I got the impression that
in the next game Goal will be the player character, or barring that you will split time between the two. Personally, I would welcome a change from Rufus. I know he did the right thing in the end (well, I made him do the right thing, though I assume he would have done it on his own anyway, unless there is more then one ending), but I still don't think that excuses his behaviour. All we learned is that he is not capable of malicious evil, only egotism and contempt.
So Deponia 2 is out in Germany ("Chaos auf Deponia"). It's better in many respects than the first part and that is way impressive because the first part was excellent to begin with.
Concerning this particular problem with the main character, however,
it's worse than we could have expected. It's all Rufus again and he is as ruthless as ever. The developers are extremely aware of who Rufus is and they're actually taunting the player with his hope of a reformed personality. There is more Goal this time nonetheless, as Rufus will spend two thirds of the game desperately trying to persuade three versions of Goal ('split personality') to aid him.
Deponia 2 is decidedly longer, boasts more animation, has a gigantic adventure 'playground' at the beginning on which you can take on any puzzle chain you favor (a bit like MI2). The puzzles are more inventive in my opinion, and at least one of them - dealing with dialects and being a bitch to translate probably - had me laughing hard.
Just played through Wallace and Gromit's Grand Adventures (loved it!) and I'm waiting on Sam and Max 2 and 3 to arrive
I tried the monkey island games not long ago and despite all it's praise, I just can't get on with them. I dunno why but I find some of the puzzles really annoying and some defying logical sense - which really annoys me in point and click games. I know i'm in the few when I say this, but I just don't like these games.
I am at the moment playing Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light.
I bought the game to get the Raziel and Kain character pack DLC, as I am a Soul Reaver fan it was great to see Raziel and Kain again.
But I did complete the game once with Lara just to get the story as it was first made. Now I am working on a 100% completion.
I don't personally know any women who are in the military or law enforcement but it would seem to me that when someone needs to get the job done, they do it. They compartmentalize. They don't have an emotional breakdown in the middle of combat or else they get killed. Military training is supposed to teach you how to keep your cool.
What do you know about Military training exactly? You are trained to keep your cool in hostile environments...but eventually you do freak out. Also if you do have a break down in the middle of a fire figure out how quickly a slap to the face can solve a majority of problems during stress.
Who plays these games anyway?
Its a good thing that the cutscenes are cool, because absolutely nothing else about the game is.
The combat is pathetic, the story is the same, an the scoring system is broken when I get "perfect, perfect, perfect" for the 3 ways the level is graded, and the level itself I get a B.
Also, how does "excellent" on a QTE result in my death?
EDIT:Yeah I'm half tempted to just watch the videos on youtube instead, this game is really buggy to go along with everything when I can have a half-full health bar and die with the health bar still half full!
Me too, and I'm really enjoying it. I encountered a bug in the chapter 2 hub where the text in the upper left corner for the lower two elevator buttons gets mixed up and the text for the upper button says "locked" even after I've gold-ed everything in it.
I'm also playing the Linux version of The Journey Down after only having played the free version before. Haven't gotten very far yet, but I really enjoy the atmosphere of the game and the fact that I can play it without the hassle of having to use Windows.
*Fingers crossed for a Steam Linux beta invite later this month.*
Its gameplay is not too far off from Cubivore, (has more focus on stealth and is faster paced, and is 2.5D kinda (as opposed to the more open world of cubivore)).
Its very fun running around as a tiny little dog and eating rabbits and other small creatures.
I really want to play it some more later thats for sure!
Tokyo Jungle
EDIT: Come to think about it, do you guys reckon it would be interesting to have a series which compares two games, something modern and something classic thats similar?
(I mean I have a large gamepool, and alot of niche game knowledge. I think I may be able to pull it off if I'm motivated enough to try it)
EDIT 2: Heh. Tokyo Jungle vs. Cubivore vs. Pac-man! XD
It's as good as it sounds. But it is frustrating me so much.
Reminds me of how much I hate death scenes in adventure games when they're taking too long to complete and get you back in the game. This whole thing feels like they focused on the bad parts of adventure gaming just for the heck of it. Sokoban/bad labyrinth puzzles and non-deducible triggers rule this one. Ugh, and people thought this was good stuff once?! Thank God I never bought this on my PSX. This would have been a LOT of wasted money back then.
I thought it would be the next best thing to Broken Sword. I was mistaken. I started using help extensively because I just want to get this game behind me.
I hope I didn't invest in such nonsense with BS5.
edit: Finished it; the last Nico puzzle is pure nonsense. You know exactly what to do from the first moment on, but still you need 15 tedious minutes to get it done. Rubbish.
Just a story tip. They don't say it all that well, but Samus is in shock because of the baby dieing from Super Metroid.
Also, if she was so attached to the infant metroid, why did she give it up to a laboratory to run tests on it?
It gave its life to save hers, yes, but it's an animal. It's like if her loyal puppy got shot. Oh, wait--It's like if her [edit]normally rabid[/edit] loyal puppy got shot after it was stolen from an animal research lab she sent it to, and this all after she had obliterated the rest of the entire canine species from the universe.
(Seriously its taken me about 9 days to get this laptop. First I get a broken one, then the one sent to me gets lost in the mail. FINALLY I pick up a third one today and she works a treat!
Completely crushing the opposition with China. Military, economical and scientific might. I have half the planet already in the mid 1700s (and in industrial era! XD), while the remaining three nations fight over their island.
Oh yes, once I go nuclear, they will all be turned to dust! >: D
Though I must ask. What's with the broken image to an amazon page with Kindle Fire?
Okay final boss aside, (which is a cheap broken mess!) I actually have forgotten how fun this game is.
On my new laptop it runs really really nice and pretty and fast and it plays and feels great.
I really do hope Sega follow up on this with another great Sonic game (yes I am ignoring Sonic 4! XD).
I just can't stop playing it, so fun!
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes.
Fun game, i'm almost at the end. My only gripe is that the whole story told via the children in the attic is highly annoying, thankfully there's not too much of that though.
The Walking Dead.
It also annoyed me, story-wise, that Samus's suit had purely defensive capabilities that she deactivated with everything else until Adam authorized it. She ran through a superheated room and took damage the whole time, and she wouldn't activate the purely defensive Varia feature until Adam told her to. And Adam saw exactly what was happening the whole time and still didn't tell her to turn it on until after that room.
But she's been illustrated in the manga suffering from PTSD whenever she sees Ridley.
The suit complaint I'm totally on board with though, was really arbitrary.
I don't personally know any women who are in the military or law enforcement but it would seem to me that when someone needs to get the job done, they do it. They compartmentalize. They don't have an emotional breakdown in the middle of combat or else they get killed. Military training is supposed to teach you how to keep your cool, so I would expect the Chozo would also teach her this.
Other M, it seems, tries to paint Samus as first and foremost a woman, and a delicate, sensitive one at that. I never thought of Samus that way. She always felt like one of those women who, while friendly, you really don't want to mess with or she might kick you in the nuts.
Other M Samus seems likely to cry if you call her names.
bought from PSN. Bought it because it was on near everyone's list as the best Castlevania game.
Turns out there's a reason why.
Metroid Prime: April 21, 2012 - April 27, 2012
Metroid Prime Hunters: April 28, 2012 - May 5, 2012
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes: May 6, 2012 - May 23, 2012
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption: May 24, 2012, May 31, 2012 - June 12, 2012
Metroid II: Return of Samus: July 26, 2012 - July 30, 2012, September 13, 2012 - September 20, 2012
Super Metroid: September 21, 2012 - October 5, 2012
Metroid: Other M: October 6, 2012 - October 15, 2012
Metroid Fusion: October 16, 2012 - October 17, 2012
Think I'm going to play Epic Mickey next. Maybe.
So Deponia 2 is out in Germany ("Chaos auf Deponia"). It's better in many respects than the first part and that is way impressive because the first part was excellent to begin with.
Concerning this particular problem with the main character, however,
Deponia 2 is decidedly longer, boasts more animation, has a gigantic adventure 'playground' at the beginning on which you can take on any puzzle chain you favor (a bit like MI2). The puzzles are more inventive in my opinion, and at least one of them - dealing with dialects and being a bitch to translate probably - had me laughing hard.
I really like this game!
Its hard to find a game that can combine good visual style, story and gameplay, but somehow these guys have found a good balance in this game.
You know a game is good when it can keep my attention for longer than 90 minutes.
This game, and Tokyo Jungle, and Pokemon Black 2, means I am having a really good time as a gamer!
You can't even spell it.
I really, REALLY want Dishonored.
Oooh dear! My English is showing! :eek:
I tried the monkey island games not long ago and despite all it's praise, I just can't get on with them. I dunno why but I find some of the puzzles really annoying and some defying logical sense - which really annoys me in point and click games. I know i'm in the few when I say this, but I just don't like these games.
I bought the game to get the Raziel and Kain character pack DLC, as I am a Soul Reaver fan it was great to see Raziel and Kain again.
But I did complete the game once with Lara just to get the story as it was first made. Now I am working on a 100% completion.
How about favour, colour, flavour, humour, neighbour, parlour and behaviour? Real words or not?
He said in the Manga. Which I beleive Nintendo sanctioned as canon retellings. Don't quote me on that.
What do you know about Military training exactly? You are trained to keep your cool in hostile environments...but eventually you do freak out. Also if you do have a break down in the middle of a fire figure out how quickly a slap to the face can solve a majority of problems during stress.