I am on the verge of completing Deathspank finally, it has only been on hold for about 2 years.
I just finished playing the second one and I loved both games. The dialogue is spot on and the gameplay feels as much as an adventure game as an action rpg. The combat isn't too advanced, but it's never too hard either, which I felt was good, since the strong points of these games are the story anyway.
Not sure if I'll play The Baconing anytime soon, since Ron Gilbert didn't have anything to do with it, and since I've heard it's a lot more combat oriented.
I'm currently in the middle of many games. Not sure which I'll try to complete first yet.
It is. They do let you block and move at the same time though - finally.
I know it's got a pretty low meta score compared to the others, but maybe it's not so bad if you play through it on easy? What's your impression of it?
That's nice. Spamming the space button while moving sort of works, but it's not optimal and there's still a slight chance of getting hit. The protection charms are useless for just passing through difficult areas though, like the unicorns in the first game or the snowy mountain pips in the second.
When I mentioned the combat had been tweaked, I meant it. It's far too simplistic now. You just hold down the block button (so as to avoid taking much damage) and then press attack when the enemy isn't actually hitting you to kill them. That's combat in a nutshell.
It's not a bad game, but it does feel like a step back. The humour doesn't seem as funny, the combat is pushed to the forefront (to the point where there's an actual combat arena) and it all feels... like the spark has gone.
Well I just finished Deathspank and I do agree with many of the points. The story was fun and game play simple yet challenging. But no real re-play value, I have done all the quests and gotten all the achievements.
Giana Sisters DS, which is a lot better than I thought it'd be. Starts off as a basic Mario clone (which is somewhat fitting), but gets more interesting as the game goes on. Very pleasantly surprised with it.
Also, Doom 3 with SikkMod. So it looks... uh, prettier. I guess. I dunno, it always looked pretty to me.
So I've been playing Dungeons of Dredmor and is it just me or did the expansions make the game a ton easier? I'm currently sitting on over 400k gold and every single type of wand, potion, and crafting material. My dodge chance is so high that even the boss creatures only have less than a fifty percent chance of hitting me and I have a constant regeneration effect so large that even when they do it heals after a few rounds. And then I have about thirty of every type of cheese, not to mention steak, deep omlettes, etc.
I'm literally turning rare artifacts into lutefisk simply to save the time it would take to sell them at a shop.
I guess this means I should play as a Vegan or some other class that punishes you for doing anything.
So, as of last night at one-thirty, I started playing Amnesia. Haven't met any monsters yet, but have already started to go insane and went on this mad dash through the house when a room started shaking. So far, so good.
I'm still plugging away at Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, I finished Assassin's Creed III yesterday, and I'm now doing a live Let's Play-ish run of the Sonic the Hedgehog series with my friends (at least what games I already own and can play on a console). I finished Sonic 1 last night.
I don't know what I'm dreading more, Sonic CD, Sonic 4, Secret Rings, or Unleashed.
Edit: I would include Sonic 2006, Sonic Colors, and Sonic Generations, but I don't own them.
Forget about Vegan. It makes the game too easy too.
Well, I skipped the last few levels and now I'm content with repeatedly getting murdered by Dredmor. Turns out that my ridiculous dodge bonus does nothing against him. So I'll probably have to go back through the other floors and get my stuff enchanted up the wazoo.
Going through a few DS games. Got stuck in the library in Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time: Quest for a Longer Title and just plain got bored with Lego Lord of the Rings, which suffers some surprising slowdown in spots. S'yeah. Then I went back to Giana Sisters DS and all was right again.
I have really enjoyed it (the console/PC version, that is). It's got really nice level design, and although normal battles are kind of boring, boss battles are fun (my favourite's gotta be the Troll from Balin's Tomb). Although, after getting free play it can get somewhat monotonous, but from time to time it's nice to get back in for an hour.
I got all the way to sector 7 this time, before being crushed by a pirate vessel with better gear. (I was low on everything at that point as well... )
Damn. Its been a looooongg time since I've played a game for this long, and so feverishly.
Definitely worth the £3 I paid for it, that's for sure! X'D
Almost every playthrough feels different because of the randomisation of events, and locations.
Sometimes, like this playthrough, you get lucky and get lots of free stuff at the start, and at others, you really struggle to get a break.
(Plus I love how many different ways you can approach a battle. You can use missiles, drones, disruptor gear, cloaking, and just sending your guys onto their ships to cause havok! (and all of that can happen to you. Trust me. I know... Xp))
I've been playing Double Fine's Kinect Party all day. Can't pass up a free game (it's free until the end of the year), and there's something oddly entertaining about all these mini-games. Plus all the original Happy Action Theater mini-games are imported in if you own the original (which I do) with all the enhancements of the sequel.
I am slowly picking up on my Backlog list, but now I just jinxed it. Now I am going back to playing Guild Wars 2 all day long...
He's in it. He's really, really, really, really difficult to find, though.
I just finished playing the second one and I loved both games. The dialogue is spot on and the gameplay feels as much as an adventure game as an action rpg. The combat isn't too advanced, but it's never too hard either, which I felt was good, since the strong points of these games are the story anyway.
Not sure if I'll play The Baconing anytime soon, since Ron Gilbert didn't have anything to do with it, and since I've heard it's a lot more combat oriented.
I'm currently in the middle of many games. Not sure which I'll try to complete first yet.
I know it's got a pretty low meta score compared to the others, but maybe it's not so bad if you play through it on easy? What's your impression of it?
That's nice. Spamming the space button while moving sort of works, but it's not optimal and there's still a slight chance of getting hit. The protection charms are useless for just passing through difficult areas though, like the unicorns in the first game or the snowy mountain pips in the second.
It's not a bad game, but it does feel like a step back. The humour doesn't seem as funny, the combat is pushed to the forefront (to the point where there's an actual combat arena) and it all feels... like the spark has gone.
So coming up next, Thongs of Virtue.
Also, Doom 3 with SikkMod. So it looks... uh, prettier. I guess. I dunno, it always looked pretty to me.
I'm literally turning rare artifacts into lutefisk simply to save the time it would take to sell them at a shop.
I guess this means I should play as a Vegan or some other class that punishes you for doing anything.
I don't know what I'm dreading more, Sonic CD, Sonic 4, Secret Rings, or Unleashed.
Edit: I would include Sonic 2006, Sonic Colors, and Sonic Generations, but I don't own them.
Forget about Vegan. It makes the game too easy too.
Well, I skipped the last few levels and now I'm content with repeatedly getting murdered by Dredmor. Turns out that my ridiculous dodge bonus does nothing against him. So I'll probably have to go back through the other floors and get my stuff enchanted up the wazoo.
I got all the way to sector 7 this time, before being crushed by a pirate vessel with better gear. (I was low on everything at that point as well...
Damn. Its been a looooongg time since I've played a game for this long, and so feverishly.
Definitely worth the £3 I paid for it, that's for sure! X'D
Almost every playthrough feels different because of the randomisation of events, and locations.
Sometimes, like this playthrough, you get lucky and get lots of free stuff at the start, and at others, you really struggle to get a break.
(Plus I love how many different ways you can approach a battle. You can use missiles, drones, disruptor gear, cloaking, and just sending your guys onto their ships to cause havok! (and all of that can happen to you. Trust me. I know... Xp))
Does this mean you now have Captain Viridian?
No. He hasn't. That's 90 Bandages.
Aww... I'm certain that there was a sixty bandage character, though.