Playing Bayonetta. My god the soundtrack for this video game has some of the most awesome jazz I've ever heard. Most of it sounds like something I'd hear in Darkwing Duck.
Finished Majora's Mask last night. Only played the Song of Time seven times. Next I'll be playing Oracle of Ages/Seasons on the 3DS, while on the Wii I'll be playing Skyward Sword, because damn if I can't remember half that game.
What connection is there between the oracle games, I know there is a "real" final boss, but is there any other reason for getting both? Are the dungeons different or anything?
They're entirely separate games, with different overworlds, different dungeons, different items, different characters (though some carry between games), and different stories.
When you beat one game, you get a password for the other. This starts a linked game, which picks up Twinrova's plan from the first, has some characters that react differently because you're already a hero in the other game, includes a side plot with Princess Zelda arriving in whichever region you're in, and starts you off already having your sword and an extra Heart Container.
Also, certain decisions carry from the first game. There's three animal companions that you get to try out, and one becomes permanent depending on where you acquire a certain flute. In the linked game, you keep the same companion. You also can copy over any power rings you've collected, and there's a couple other things that carry over.
Also in a linked game, certain characters will appear who will give you a five character password called a "secret", with the request that you deliver the secret to a certain character in the completed first game. Often (but not always), the recipient will require you to play some sort of minigame, and then you'll either get a new item, an item upgrade, a ring, or a Heart Container. The secret recipient will also give you a new secret to bring back to the linked game, which allows you to redeem the item from Farore in the hub village.
And yeah, after you beat the normal final boss of the linked game, you get to go fight the final bosses of the pair.
Basically, they're two separate, almost equally good Zelda games (I personally prefer Ages, but they're both excellent and I only ever play the pair), and I would highly advise against getting either one by itself.
Also, play Ages first. The story flows better, though I would advise playing Seasons first at least once. Just not on a first run.
Various GameCube games. Got my GameCube set up an hour or so ago, and now I'm in the process of testing each game that came with it to see how well they work and test the video/audio.
Started so many games recently, but not much time put into any of them. So recent starters are Thomas Was Alone, Dear Esther, Hotline Miami and XCOM: Enemy Unkown. Long term will have a lot more Civilization V being played while catching up with the Idle Thumbs podcast (only 17 left at this moment) and have just bough FTL.
And on the 360 there's Far Cry 3 and ilomilo. Oh and Fez.
Im currently playing naruto shipuden ultimate ninja storm 3 and i would like to get mass effect 1 since i do not own any of the mass effect game and i would like to play the trilogy
But im really enjoying storm 3 i didnt watch any of the shipuden episoders so its a more interesting way of learning the story and also didnt watch the classic naruto to its full extension , but im sill enjoying the game mainly because of the combat system its just so much fun and im playing it fully on legend dificulty altough its my first naruto game and its really easy to get used to.
I started with ones I wasn't really interested in so that I could figure out the controls and test to make sure it wasn't going to shred my games or anything
So I played Ty the Tasmanian Tiger (Australian Sonic. Hilarious in how direct it is: race through a time course, grab the Thunder Eggs, try to stop the bad bird. The usual) and The Incredibles (I can't believe they intended this game for kids... I can't even figure out how to jump across this gap).
And then I decided that was enough testing and started playing Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, which is just a ton of fun. I never thought I'd work so hard to learn special combos and controls for a game... but here I am doing it. I want to be able to jump from building to building and destroy a city block and chuck trains at people... and so I anticipate spending quite a bit of time on this game just smashing things.
I started with ones I wasn't really interested in so that I could figure out the controls and test to make sure it wasn't going to shred my games or anything
So I played Ty the Tasmanian Tiger (Australian Sonic. Hilarious in how direct it is: race through a time course, grab the Thunder Eggs, try to stop the bad bird. The usual) and The Incredibles (I can't believe they intended this game for kids... I can't even figure out how to jump across this gap).
And then I decided that was enough testing and started playing Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, which is just a ton of fun. I never thought I'd work so hard to learn special combos and controls for a game... but here I am doing it. I want to be able to jump from building to building and destroy a city block and chuck trains at people... and so I anticipate spending quite a bit of time on this game just smashing things.
So the thing about scientists all secretly wanting to be Hulk is true then?
I don't think I'd want to be him necessarily. Seriously, that guy has the suckiest life of any comic book hero that I've read. With Banner, even when he wins, he loses.
I don't think I'd want to be him necessarily. Seriously, that guy has the suckiest life of any comic book hero that I've read. With Banner, even when he wins, he loses.
But you DO want the power. The smashy smashy!!! ;D
I want to be able to jump from building to building and destroy a city block and chuck trains at people...
This made me lol irl.
It makes me want to get the game, but then I already have Prototype and inFamous 2, and I've heard these games are all extremely similar gameplay-wise.
Still... a girl playing a game where she wanders about chucking trains at people makes me laugh.
Btw, you are required to obtain Zelda: Wind Waker and Twilight Princess for your GameCube in order to keep any amount of gamer cred. I suggest Wind Waker first.
EDIT: Oh... I just have to ask: are you playing your games in their original aspect ratio, or are you stretching them to fill the screen even if they have no widescreen support? My nephews always have their 4:3 games stretched to 16:9 and it drives me nuts.
It's not because I have some male chauvinist thing going on. It's more the decidedly feminine voice I had in my imagination that is talking specifically about chucking trains.
Then again, if you said chucking tractors or cows, it would probably be equally funny.
Been trying a few DS games, mostly Glory of Heracles, which has a good sense of humour about things that make it much more enjoyable to play than I'd have thought.
Anyone been playing Mojang's new game, Scrolls? It looks like a fun magic:the gathering/plants vs zombies type game, but I wanted to know if anyone has played it to see if it is worth it right now.
Well, finally started Ocarina of Time. I got most of the way through the first dungeon thingee in the mustache tree, but then a giant-ass spider-horror murdered me to death and I decided that it was time to go to sleep.
But I'll be going back someday. Possibly someday soon.
Well, finally started Ocarina of Time. I got most of the way through the first dungeon thingee in the mustache tree, but then a giant-ass spider-horror murdered me to death and I decided that it was time to go to sleep.
But I'll be going back someday. Possibly someday soon.
I didn't play it during a hangout. My friend came over and lent it to me, so I was playing it with her because, well, she lent it to me. I'm still at the beginning, haven't even gotten past the first boss yet, so you haven't missed much.
Well, finally started Ocarina of Time. I got most of the way through the first dungeon thingee in the mustache tree, but then a giant-ass spider-horror murdered me to death and I decided that it was time to go to sleep.
But I'll be going back someday. Possibly someday soon.
Use the slingshot on its eye, and then slash it when it's stunned.
Fawful, you're going to get a package soon. You should totally lock yourself in a closet and then open it. Don't worry if it moves. It's supposed to do that.
I suspect I won't be using it primarily for games, but the ones I've been playing most are The Simpsons: Tapped Out and Neon Flow, which is shockingly addictive.
I tried the Catchphrase game, because that show was awesome, but it just... it just didn't work. Either I'm not used to the touch-screen controls yet or the game's just not responsive enough. Probably both.
Well, finally started Ocarina of Time. I got most of the way through the first dungeon thingee in the mustache tree, but then a giant-ass spider-horror murdered me to death and I decided that it was time to go to sleep.
But I'll be going back someday. Possibly someday soon.
Gohma or the skulltulas? I love that phrase though. Giant-ass spider-horror.
Finally got round to scooping up Injustice.
Its pretty good. A nice storymode thats very more-ish.
Very MK-styled but its certainly more fluid than classic MK. (And quite nice to play on a PS3 controller. Oh yeah. I defected to PS3 from 360 now. I'm not even going to bother waiting till the next gen to do it! XD)
Tales of monkey island , Sam and Max The devils play house and im going to start playing mass effect 1 soon but so far im liking both Sam and max and Tales of monkey island
When you beat one game, you get a password for the other. This starts a linked game, which picks up Twinrova's plan from the first, has some characters that react differently because you're already a hero in the other game, includes a side plot with Princess Zelda arriving in whichever region you're in, and starts you off already having your sword and an extra Heart Container.
Also, certain decisions carry from the first game. There's three animal companions that you get to try out, and one becomes permanent depending on where you acquire a certain flute. In the linked game, you keep the same companion. You also can copy over any power rings you've collected, and there's a couple other things that carry over.
Also in a linked game, certain characters will appear who will give you a five character password called a "secret", with the request that you deliver the secret to a certain character in the completed first game. Often (but not always), the recipient will require you to play some sort of minigame, and then you'll either get a new item, an item upgrade, a ring, or a Heart Container. The secret recipient will also give you a new secret to bring back to the linked game, which allows you to redeem the item from Farore in the hub village.
And yeah, after you beat the normal final boss of the linked game, you get to go fight the final bosses of the pair.
Basically, they're two separate, almost equally good Zelda games (I personally prefer Ages, but they're both excellent and I only ever play the pair), and I would highly advise against getting either one by itself.
Also, play Ages first. The story flows better, though I would advise playing Seasons first at least once. Just not on a first run.
This is a sneaky way of saying "procrastination"
And on the 360 there's Far Cry 3 and ilomilo. Oh and Fez.
That'll do for now.
But im really enjoying storm 3 i didnt watch any of the shipuden episoders so its a more interesting way of learning the story and also didnt watch the classic naruto to its full extension , but im sill enjoying the game mainly because of the combat system its just so much fun and im playing it fully on legend dificulty altough its my first naruto game and its really easy to get used to.
I started with ones I wasn't really interested in so that I could figure out the controls and test to make sure it wasn't going to shred my games or anything
So I played Ty the Tasmanian Tiger (Australian Sonic. Hilarious in how direct it is: race through a time course, grab the Thunder Eggs, try to stop the bad bird. The usual) and The Incredibles (I can't believe they intended this game for kids... I can't even figure out how to jump across this gap).
And then I decided that was enough testing and started playing Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, which is just a ton of fun. I never thought I'd work so hard to learn special combos and controls for a game... but here I am doing it. I want to be able to jump from building to building and destroy a city block and chuck trains at people... and so I anticipate spending quite a bit of time on this game just smashing things.
So the thing about scientists all secretly wanting to be Hulk is true then?
But you DO want the power. The smashy smashy!!! ;D
It makes me want to get the game, but then I already have Prototype and inFamous 2, and I've heard these games are all extremely similar gameplay-wise.
Still... a girl playing a game where she wanders about chucking trains at people makes me laugh.
Btw, you are required to obtain Zelda: Wind Waker and Twilight Princess for your GameCube in order to keep any amount of gamer cred. I suggest Wind Waker first.
EDIT: Oh... I just have to ask: are you playing your games in their original aspect ratio, or are you stretching them to fill the screen even if they have no widescreen support? My nephews always have their 4:3 games stretched to 16:9 and it drives me nuts.
...Why? Do men have a monopoly on destruction or something?
Then again, if you said chucking tractors or cows, it would probably be equally funny.
EDIT: It is.
I must be in a silly mood today.
I've been playing this, except it takes place a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
Yes. Get out of my gaming clubhouse, GIRL.
Ultimate Spider-Man
Spider-Man: Lethal Foes
Thor: God of Thunder DS
Spider-Man Web of Shadows DS
The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Serrated Scalpel
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
And I'm almost done with Mother 3.
But I'll be going back someday. Possibly someday soon.
Found it pretty enjoyable though I lost my main character because I opened a fridge too quickly...
And I missed it!?
I didn't play it during a hangout. My friend came over and lent it to me, so I was playing it with her because, well, she lent it to me. I'm still at the beginning, haven't even gotten past the first boss yet, so you haven't missed much.
Never really looked into the game, but now that's a never-buy.
Use the slingshot on its eye, and then slash it when it's stunned.
Its a kids game, thats for sure... -_-
I suspect I won't be using it primarily for games, but the ones I've been playing most are The Simpsons: Tapped Out and Neon Flow, which is shockingly addictive.
I tried the Catchphrase game, because that show was awesome, but it just... it just didn't work. Either I'm not used to the touch-screen controls yet or the game's just not responsive enough. Probably both.
Gohma or the skulltulas?
Its pretty good. A nice storymode thats very more-ish.
Very MK-styled but its certainly more fluid than classic MK. (And quite nice to play on a PS3 controller. Oh yeah. I defected to PS3 from 360 now. I'm not even going to bother waiting till the next gen to do it! XD)
Well, you made it further than me.
Lol when did you stop playing