Kenny's Character Comparisons and Future

Typically people compare Kenny to Carver when bringing up his future but Carver's not the only alike character in the 'verse. For example, The Governor and Kenny share a similar look (while they were both broken wanderers funny enough).

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(Oh, and regarding comparisons, Jane kind of reminds me of a Carol)

And Kenny could be compared to Shane with the best friend/enemy flip. Basically, I want you guys to tell me what you think will happen to Kenny (in the Kenny endings). Will he get over his grieving state and become a man that Clem can look up to? Will he get over his loved ones' death just to face another and be broken again? Or will he establish a base and become an antagonist? I'm curious who you guys think he will end up like or not end up like and why (as his character is not so easy to see as the others in season 2).


  • I think if we leave Kenny after he kills Jane he might kill himself or simply give up. Just my opinion. And if we go to Wellington with him and get in to Wellington, he goes off to die. Like, not really suicide but when Clem and AJ leave him he has no reason to live. Either that or he goes to find somewhere to ride out for a while and hopes he can get back into Wellington someday to be with Clem and AJ, but with him giving his hat to Clem for AJ, it kinda makes me think he gave up on living. Like, giving the only piece of himself that was left to give to Clem and to give AJ something meaningful.

    If we go with him after rejecting entry into Wellington, I think Kenny will stop at nothing to protect Clem and AJ. I think initially if anyone came around them he'd get them to stay away, as the kids are his main priority. I think after a few months Kenny would try and start building up a group again, as I don't think he wants to really be alone with just Clem and AJ. He has consistently shown he can work in a group setting, as long as he's pretty much the top dog. The only person he would work under (if he liked him) was Lee, and I don't think we'll ever see anyone like him come back into a group with him and Clem.

    I don't think Kenny would become an antagonist as bad like the Governer or Carver. He's not insane, just broken, and has gone through a lot in Season 2, so yeah, he's unstable right now. But I don't see him becoming an antagonist, unless Clem or AJ were killed or taken away from him. Even then, I have a feeling her might just kill himself or do what he did to Jane, go on a rampage until someone stops him.

    Saying all this, I went with him in the end and didn't go into Wellington, I stayed with him.

  • The problem with The Governor is that he lost his grip on reality (noticeable by how he views and treats his undead daughter, where-as Kenny is more of a volatile reaction to events in Season 2, however he's still sensible. Losing so much and having nothing to inspire hope in him, he projects what little hope he has left in Clem, AJ especially, and the idea of a safe haven in Wellington, and much like another popular zombie game (The Last of Us), he's willing to damn everyone else to protect his "family".

    Besides yelling at Clem and possibly hitting her (I heard you get hurt if you try to stop Kenny from beating Arvo), he doesn't really become an enemy to Clem so the Shane comparison doesn't seem to fit (although The Governor and Carver comparisons carry a lot more weight, and I love the Jane/Carol comparison). I think as long as Kenny is under the impression that Wellington is safe (I'm skeptical it'll be a happy ending forever), Kenny won't likely go completely insane as he helped out his friend Lee in protecting Clem, and he saved the baby (which he projected Duck onto said child). Honestly I was always surprised he wasn't mad about that one kid being killed in Episode 2 (the one who was shot off the bridge, I think his name was Mathew), but it's possible he never found out as Walter was killed before they could talk and there was no reason to bring it up again.

    I don't see him building up a fort or community, he seems more like he'd be a drifter type, maybe staying within the proximity of Wellington to protect it perhaps. I don't see him as becoming the old Kenny that we love ever again, but he's likely to be a hell of a lot less suicidal.

    But it's all a matter of opinion of course.

    And my bad if it double-posts, it didn't seem to load the first time I tried to upload the comment.

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