Who would be your Husband/Wife if you were in the Walking Dead Game? *Apparently Polygamy is Allowed



  • When you find a gif you want to post on here, it's exactly the same as posting a picture. (Copy the GIF URL) Tumblr has the best gifs usually at the best quality too. :)

    Simply posted: »

    haven't got the hang of uploading photos yet but that was suppose to be a gif haha c; *oops can do it now yay;3

  • It's okay. Only wierdos like me has like 7 different Walking Dead Husbands. ;)

    I think the most popular husband has been: Luke

    Most popular Wife, it's a tie between: Carley, Molly, Jane and Christa

    Um, I don't know actually...

  • Well at least you seem to know you're type. ;)

    Wife: Christa or Bonnie Husband: Omid or Mike

  • they worked on me

    but my heart belongs to nick

    Luke's moves are workin' on all the ladies (& men)

  • haha yeah i just figured it thanks! c:

    When you find a gif you want to post on here, it's exactly the same as posting a picture. (Copy the GIF URL) Tumblr has the best gifs usually at the best quality too.

  • Excuse me kid??

    Ellias posted: »

    Nias I ship me and nick stfu dont tell me wat to do any1

  • edited August 2014

    Nick, Carlos and/or Kenny. :3

  • Just foget it

    Flog61 posted: »


  • I'm a man, but dat look! Grrr

  • Yay for Kenny and Nick lovers!

    And for Carlos... dat accent. ;)

    Lahkesis posted: »

    Nick, Carlos and/or Kenny.

  • Molly is the ninja zombie killer. You'd be in good hands. ;)

    I would take Molly and no husband for me im straight

  • Larry's the only man I know who claims he's got charm coming out of his ass, so that's a plus... But Kenny's promise of boats is what got me. ;)

    CatySky posted: »

    ...I can't resist men with charm coming out of their asses. But poligamy is allowed so I'll have Lee (dat voice, good with children, prot

  • Are you one of the cosplayers in this photo?

    Butt-head posted: »

    Laura Perusco. She's hawt.

  • If I were to be gay,I'd choose Nick.

  • Kenny as my husband, he is protective as hell, something you need in the ZA.

    As my wife, i just favor Carley, but objectively it would be better to have someone like Molly or Jane around. Still... i want Carley.

  • Kenny is the best option for a protective husband IMO.

    And I think I would choose Carley too for my wife if I was a dude. She's the only female character I really always liked.

    Jere85 posted: »

    Kenny as my husband, he is protective as hell, something you need in the ZA. As my wife, i just favor Carley, but objectively it would be better to have someone like Molly or Jane around. Still... i want Carley.

  • Good in bed

    Molly is the ninja zombie killer. You'd be in good hands.

  • Nick is Kenny only like 15 years younger and with not as much emotional ... trauma. So yeah, Nick is a great choice IMO

    SwagBeast posted: »

    If I were to be gay,I'd choose Nick.

  • I think I'd have to go with Luke. Friendly, caring, kind and fiercely loyal to those he cares about. He thinks things through, tries to do the best for everyone and is against killing humans regardless of what they've done. I think he's most like me in personality too.

    Lee and Omid would be up there aswell though but they have Carley and Christa anyway. ;)

  • Yeah, definitely Luke would be the best husband option. And Lee and Omid are great choices too :)

    I think I'd have to go with Luke. Friendly, caring, kind and fiercely loyal to those he cares about. He thinks things through, tries to do t

  • Well first off, I wouldn't be in a relationship at all. I'd rather remain alone.

  • edited September 2014

    Carley, Jane or Molly. My idea is simple, Apocalypse or not, You need to rely on yourself first. To be independent. But If you ever ran into people who think similarly to, Befriend them. I see a bit of myself in every and each one of those characters, That's why i like them, And that's why I act out of neutrality towards the rest.

  • You guys are so thirsty..

  • Not likely, say what you think.

    Just foget it

  • Lee. No contest.

    Good with kids, smart & good-looking. The being dead part might be an issue though....

  • yeah

    Would this make you all two husbands and two wives? Or something else? Just curious.

  • Alt text

    ClennyJr posted: »

    Shel is so cute though

  • OMG! I totally forgot about Nick!.

    Lee's still my number one, but Nick is hell hot!

    Yay for Kenny and Nick lovers! And for Carlos... dat accent.

  • Armless, zombie Lee with hole in forehead confirmed for Season 3!

    Brownsa posted: »

    Lee. No contest. Good with kids, smart & good-looking. The being dead part might be an issue though....

  • lol, man I wish that was true!

    Bokor posted: »

    Armless, zombie Lee with hole in forehead confirmed for Season 3!



  • I have a link to a website with a HUGE archive of different types of gore. Never visited it though. My curiosity doesn't go too far.

    Yeah i remember the story but never say it, i just seen faces get shot off, troaths being cut and who knows what

  • We ALL do!

    I WANT LUKE BACK BringLukeBackTellTale

  • I bet it smells like.....


    Yes, 10/10 would smell his beard hair.

  • Damn right it is! Liara is drop dead sexy. :3 I've seen some.....interesting pictures of her online too. XD

    Alt text

    I bet it smells like..... OMG LIARA AS YOUR AVATAR

  • You're not acting gay you know? You got these people that are obviously gay and you arent

    Flog61 posted: »

    Not likely, say what you think.

  • You mean LL right?

    I have a link to a website with a HUGE archive of different types of gore. Never visited it though. My curiosity doesn't go too far.

  • There's no such thing as 'acting gay'. If there was, then every gay person would do it.

    There's acting 'camp' or whatever. But some of the most masculine, muscled men in the world are gay.

    Your personality has nothing to do with your sexuality.

    You're not acting gay you know? You got these people that are obviously gay and you arent

  • I would pick Kenny because of the way he protects his family. I would only marry an extremely younger version of Kenny because our age difference would be extremely creepy and he is not attractive.

    As a wife, I would pick Molly (I originally thought Jane, but I changed my mind). Molly went to extremes to save her sister. She proves that she can be a loving person that would do anything to take care of her family.

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