First Clem robbed him then he thought Clem killed his sister so I understand his reason but you shoot to kill so if I run into him again hopefully we will have the shoot in face option.
First Clem robbed him then he thought Clem killed his sister so I understand his reason but you shoot to kill so if I run into him again hopefully we will have the shoot in face option.
I don't care...
First Clem robbed him then he thought Clem killed his sister so I understand his reason but you shoot to kill so if I run into him again hopefully we will have the shoot in face option.
Remember Clem robbing him is Determinant...
If I see Arvo, mike or Bonnie in season 3 they'll be dead quicker then they can say stop!!
I think your right. That would explain some things
That makes sense but still I hate him.
This is the impression I got. I'm still going to shoot Arvo, Bonnie, and Mike on sight because they were going to take all the supplies and the truck.
Yes I'm sorry if I gave wrong impression that is what happened in my game.
Yeah, I know I just wanted to point that out,
Sorry, if Arvo is too dumb to figure out Clem shot her cause she reanimated then all the more reason I want to kill this kid.
Yeah, Arvo didn't realize she turned...