Which episode did you dislike the most and why in Season 1 or 2

edited August 2014 in The Walking Dead

I disliked the carver episode. I thought it was slow while I was playing it and i felt a bit unnecessary at the time. At the end of the game I realized its relevance, but as I was playing it, I really didn't like it.


  • In Season 1, my least favorite was the first episode(I got it for free.) I liked it, but not enough to get the rest. Then my friend Cody was telling me about how awesome the rest of the episodes were, so I went with it.

    In Season 2, I my least-favorite was "Amid the Ruins. I felt like none of my choices changed a damn thing.

  • Season 1: A New Day

    Season 2: Amid The Ruins

  • edited August 2014

    Season 1- No Time Left. The writing was the weakest of the first season, but still stronger than most of season 2's episodes.

    Season 2- In Harm's Way. Amid the Ruins probably pissed me off more at the time, but in the end, In Harm's Way squandered every bit of potential Carver and the cabin group might have had. Amid the Ruins was just the aftermath of that debacle.

  • edited August 2014

    Season 1: Around Every Corner. I didn't care for Molly, and the episode felt extremely slow.

    Season 2: Amid the Ruins. Bad writing and lots of wasted potential.

  • edited August 2014

    Season 1: A New Day

    Season 2: All That Remains

  • Season 1: Around Every Corner/A New Day on replays. Long Road Ahead initially.
    Season 2: In Harms Way followed by Amid the Ruins.

    Overall: Amid the Ruins.

    I can forgive a bad villain. I can't forgive wasted character potential.

  • Season 1: No Time Left.

    Season 2: No Going Back.

  • Season 1: 400 days cause you only pay for it so they can get their cameo appearance in in harms way
    Season 2: amid the ruins cause no one gives a damn bout your choice

    1. Season 1 Favorite: Starved For Help Least Favorite:Long Road Ahead
    2. Season 2 Favorite:A House Divided Least Favorite: idk maybe Amid the Ruins
  • Both of the first episodes. They just felt like they dragged on for so long and that nothing interesting was happening...

  • edited August 2014

    Season 1: A New Day

    Season 2: All That Remains

    Beginnings are always a little boring for me.

  • And the Second Episodes are my favorites :)

    Saber- posted: »

    Season 1: A New Day Season 2: All That Remains Beginnings are always a little boring for me.

  • Season 1: A New Day
    Season 2: All that Remains

  • In Season 1 I disliked starved for help the most. I didn't like the writing of that episode, because you could tell from the start that the St. Johns are up to no good and you get multiple hints that they are cannibals. The ending with the car felt like a deus ex machina. There wasn't much going on despite the obvious, that's why this is my least favourite episode of season 1.

    I liked season 2 a lot more than season 1 but the one episode that dissapointed me was in harms way. I still think that Carver as an antagonis was underdeveloped and poorly written. And since he is in a certain way the driving factor in this episode the episode as a whole suffers.

  • Long Road Ahead for being way too long and having way too much backtracking, and Amid The Ruins for just generally being a mess.

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