Clementine And Jane
I remember when we met Jane. She was so gloomy and dark, lonely and did not care for anyone.
Then in episode 4 we have known her better: she saved Rebecca Clementine and bringing them out from the horde, warned consulate and Clementine on the mental state of Kenny, she taught her some tricks to exploit resources more easily and kill the zombies, she stolen from a Russian guy to help the group and helped the group to reach the observatory. Then she left the group because she could not bear to lose the people she cared about, and above all she was lonely.
But not for long, because she cared so much to Clementine who risked her life to go back and save her. Jane knew that with those people Clementine would have been in grave danger, so she decided to stay with her.
In episode 5 she has even more loyal to Clem: she saved from the Russians, told her of his past, she's saved Clem again from water ice, she remained with her and Kenny while the other stole their supplies and made a bullshit (but very clever) to show Clem with what whom person they were traveling.
And then? when they come from Howe's? They see the desperate family who were dying of hunger, and Jane knew it would be too risky with the little food they had left, but she let them in! And then, embrace with Patricia, I knew that she cared to people.
Jane is not evil or crazy, or selfish! has been alone so long and lost the person who was dearer now that he had stopped trusting people, but she sees Clem as her younger sister, and Clem sees her as a big sister.
I do not know if you have saved Jane in the finale, but I am sure of one thing: I'm more fond of Jane that we have only seen 3 episodes ago that Kenny we've seen from the first moment.
Jane is love, Jane is life.
Kenny is.. well, not love. Not life.