In 3rd season - Will We play as Christa? Spoilers

edited September 2014 in The Walking Dead
Here I wrote a lot what I think 3rd season should be like.

But what is most important for this thread - I wrote that we should play as Clem and I still think we should, but we probably won’t. This story is tooooo branched - too much work to do, problems with consistent and so on.

I also wrote that we need purpose, goal, aim and complete, finite story like it was in 1st season.

Those two assumptions lead me to a conclusion that we will play as Christa and we will be looking for Clem. This story is about Clem and (like it or not) it won’t be changed. I might be wrong, but it is highly probable option. What do you think about it?


  • Too branched? No. They could make S3E1 different at start, but at the end you all end up the same place, regardless of the ending. It makes no sense to change protagonists every season. TWD is mostly about Clem, and it would be stupid to drop her out.

  • edited September 2014

    I would love to play as Christa. You do bring up a good point about how playing as Christa would give us a clear, solid goal for the season. I mean our goals as players would already be align with Christa's. After over a year of waiting (assuming that's how long it'll take the next season to come out) we would miss Clementine almost as much as Christa and would do whatever we can to make it back to her and see her again. We want to know what she's doing, if she's safe, and who she's with.

    Playing as Christa starting from the moment she was separated with Clem would also provide great opportunities to reference events from Season 2. Maybe Christa comes across Howe's or Moonstar Ski Lodge and finds Alvin's body. Hell, they could even work some of the 400 days people into it if Christa ends up near Howe's.

    I can already imagine the hashtag: #FindClementine

    Damn it. I'm getting too excited about this for it not to happen...

  • edited September 2014

    I don't wanna play as Christa.
    She was ok, but I don't like enough to want to play her.
    I'd rather play as whole new character.

    I'd rather play as a whole new male character.
    Around 45 yrs old.
    And who has a wife and a couple of kids to look after.

  • Playing as Christa is best idea. From the moment when girls were attacked. Chance to fill plot holes - why her baby died and what happened at the river. However, with Brecon as main writer, I doubt we'll see it.

  • edited September 2014

    That was my point

    If it went this way we could meet people from DLC - who were at Carvers and who were not , met Mike, maybe even Molly or Lilly (maybe Christa is with them). And finally, thanks to our journey to find Clem, we would face our decisions from 2nd season and DLC - where and with who is Clem. Maybe few months/a year from where we decided about Kenny vs Jane.

    By the way - as Clem we could ask/mention about Christa almost each time we met someone new (e.g. 1st ep. Luke, 2nd Kenny, 5th at the entrance to the Wellington.) and she is still a part of this story.

    DomeWing333 posted: »

    I would love to play as Christa. You do bring up a good point about how playing as Christa would give us a clear, solid goal for the season.

  • edited September 2014

    Hope not. This has been set out from the word go as Clementine's story. Even when had we control over Lee it was about keeping Clementine safe.

  • edited September 2014

    I don't like Christa. Like at all and not just because she wasn't able to show Clem how to tend a fire in 2 fucking years.

    But I do agree that would be the best option, I'd rather see it in a DLC though. Like in episode 1 and 2 we can talk about Christa a lot, we see the man who were in the woods with her, we can see the spear one of the guys had - so we know that's where their group died, we don't know who did it (Carver saw them, we don't know if he killed them though). And then suddenly in episode 3 and 4 nothing about it, nothing about Christa, anything, she's completely dropped. We can mention her twice in finale, but what I liked in season 1 most was how everything fitted together, while in this season -

    • Christa's plot was completely dropped.
    • Carver's plot was done in 1 episode (from the end of the episode 2 to the end of episode 3).
    • We were left with crazy Kenny and Wellington plot.

    Also there's the pointless choice to burn Kenny's drawing while you CAN'T burn Lee's photo. That was definitily for something as well, but it was dropped.

    Wouldn't it be nicer if all these 3 things were resolved in finale with clues spread out in previous episodes leading to it?

    This finale got me emotionally more, since I was Kenny's boy from the start, but I did shoot him (with Lee I was kinda preparing for that - and I'm guessing most people did - since the end of episode 4). So I actually like it more, but overall season 1 was much ahead of season 2 and it's definitily not just because Sean left the crew.

    With DLC about Christa Telltale would be able to tie a lot of fucking lose ends and fill the holes this season left.

  • I don't think there are many loose ends with Christa. After what happened to Omid she lost the baby then she was either killed or was separated from Clementine. Not every single aspect of a character should or needs to be explained.

  • Well, if the focus is on finding Clementine, it still is kind of about her.

    Revec posted: »

    Hope not. This has been set out from the word go as Clementine's story. Even when had we control over Lee it was about keeping Clementine safe.

  • Not every single aspect of a character should or needs to be explained.

    There's a difference between being purposefully vague. and introducing plot points that are never addressed again--the difference being that the former is fine and the latter is bad writing.

    Revec posted: »

    I don't think there are many loose ends with Christa. After what happened to Omid she lost the baby then she was either killed or was separated from Clementine. Not every single aspect of a character should or needs to be explained.

  • The fact Telltale didn't take the easy route and have Patricia say "Oh, maybe" or "You'll have to come in and see" when Clem asked about Christa, instead just giving her a flat "no", made me think that there might be something in store for her in the future.

    I hope so. I'd love to play as Christa.

  • Christa is not an interesting character I may as we play as Arvo and I fucking hate Arvo.

  • I wanted to play as christa this season honestly. Shes pretty much perfect, shes got a pretty undefinded personality. She respected Kenny, she loved clem and omid. It was pretty much what most of the fanbase felt.

    I still dont like playing as a child or the fact clementine has more or less lost all character development and personality as she is no longer NPC

    DomeWing333 posted: »

    I would love to play as Christa. You do bring up a good point about how playing as Christa would give us a clear, solid goal for the season.

  • I think Christa was killed off screen for two reasons. 1) if you choose to sneak away Christa will tell you to run and you'll hear an gunshot. 2) Christa was hit in the leg with something and Clementine ran away, and judging by those thugs intentions they probably killed her.

  • There is a problem with going back in time, especially with a character and goal so closely tied to the previous seasons. If Christa is the protagonist and the goal is to find Clementine, we already know a great deal about the story. We know that we won't find Clem until the events of season 2 play out. We know where Clem went after season 2. This takes out much of the suspense and excitement that makes this game so good. Compare this to replaying previous seasons - for example, you're not really scared that Larry knows about your past if you are certain that he will have a close encounter with a saltlick in the next episode. It just takes the edge off.

  • This inconsistency is probably due to new writers and lack of Sean Vanaman (writer of 1st, 3rd and 5th episodes from 1st season). But they can still make it right way (maybe it was planed?) and Christa is a very good option.

    By the way there were more inconsistencies. e.g.: - when you didn’t steal from Arvo and he acted like you did; -when Clem was trying to help Arvo (if u chose to do that) and Kenny unintentionally hit her, then the same scene was lunched for all choices but it fits only to choice where you just ask Kenny to stop (still sitting next to fireplace).

    MonkeyMan23 posted: »

    I don't like Christa. Like at all and not just because she wasn't able to show Clem how to tend a fire in 2 fucking years. But I do agree

  • Telltale could make episode 1 of season 3 different. 5 starts or more. Or maybe just 20-30 minutes and then Clem ends up the same place.

  • Not necessarily.

    What if 3rd season would be place one year after events in 2nd.

    e.g. in 1st ep we started in that wood, where Christa and Clem were separated - we would find out how Christa survived (better - we could survive playing as Christa) and then we saw a black screen - “8 months later” and there is a new group with someone who we knew from 1st season or DLC.

    Then what if we finally get to carvers and find out that there was someone but now is not (and if you chose to stay with Jane there could be some leads that Clem was there).

    There are so many options and that above is only one form hundreds that came to my head when I considered about Christa as playable character.

    Akibaba posted: »

    There is a problem with going back in time, especially with a character and goal so closely tied to the previous seasons. If Christa is the

  • Nah. Clementine's story isn't over so I think we will play as her agian.

  • That is indeed a possibility. They would have to make the transition pretty smooth though, otherwise it will feel lazy and will break the immersion. I personally don't think a black screen and a time-lapse is going to cut it.

    How about this: We start out in the woods after Christa and Clem get separated and find out how Christa survives that encounter. Now, even though the goal would be to find Clem, we couldn't get on that straight away. Even though she survived, maybe she wasn't out of the woods (get it?) just yet. Maybe the other group kept chasing her and the first two episodes of the season is about her escape, possible encounter with Carver, meet up with other characters. That way, we won't actually have the possibility to look for Clem until after the events of S2, we'll be too busy saving ourselves. The transition now feels more natural than just a skip of all events.

    Also, a general argument for Christa as the protagonist is that she's rather calm and level-headed when she makes decisions and it feels like that's how Telltale want their Walking Dead protagonists.

    Raidenorius posted: »

    Not necessarily. What if 3rd season would be place one year after events in 2nd. e.g. in 1st ep we started in that wood, where Christa

  • The fact that Christa's fate was as ambiguous as Kenny's was in Season 1, and the fact that Clementine has never given up hope on her despite the complete lack of resolution on her fate, means that there's definitely something planned for her.

    She'd likely have an injured leg to deal with, though. Imagine a woman as tough as Molly or Jane with that kind of injury to keep her vulnerable.

  • edited September 2014

    I hope not. I don't really like Christa.

  • Maybe she got lucky. Real lucky.

    JB killer45 posted: »

    I think Christa was killed off screen for two reasons. 1) if you choose to sneak away Christa will tell you to run and you'll hear an guns

  • I don`t want to play Christa i want to see rest story of Clementine.

  • Seriously? Why revive this?

    Mayhem1987 posted: »

    I don`t want to play Christa i want to see rest story of Clementine.

  • Before I lock this thread, might as well answer the thread.

    We will be playing as Clementine and Javier and not Christa.

This discussion has been closed.