she's hot
I see what you did there
InKennyWeTrust posted: »Haha! I certainly never liked Melisandre. I mean, she's hot, but still...
Haha! I certainly never liked Melisandre. I mean, she's hot, but still...
Switzerland is Jon Snow.
Belgium is Joffrey Baratheon.
Poland is Tyrion Lannister.
Davissons posted: »Wait, so... * Russia = Stannis Baratheon (Flaming sword.) * Ukraine = Melisandre * USA = Daenarys Targaryen * Switzerland = Eddard S… moretark/Jon Snow? (He's on a wall.) * Britain = Robb Stark * Canada = Not sure. Arya? Catelyn? Bran? * Ireland = Sansa Stark * Belgium = Robert Baratheon * France = Cersei Lannister (lolwut) * Poland = Joffrey Baratheon or Tyrion Lannister? * Sweden = Varys * Austria = Littlefinger
Wait, so... * Russia = Stannis Baratheon (Flaming sword.) * Ukraine = Melisandre * USA = Daenarys Targaryen * Switzerland = Eddard S… moretark/Jon Snow? (He's on a wall.) * Britain = Robb Stark * Canada = Not sure. Arya? Catelyn? Bran? * Ireland = Sansa Stark * Belgium = Robert Baratheon * France = Cersei Lannister (lolwut) * Poland = Joffrey Baratheon or Tyrion Lannister? * Sweden = Varys * Austria = Littlefinger
What? Why would that be?
Robert Morgan posted: »I'm a little surprised GoT actually has blooper reels. I always thought any slip-up on the set would be punished with a punch to the face to keep the atmosphere appropriately miserable and oppressive.
I'm a little surprised GoT actually has blooper reels. I always thought any slip-up on the set would be punished with a punch to the face to keep the atmosphere appropriately miserable and oppressive.
Seriously? You need it explained to you?
Firewallcano posted: »What? Why would that be?
Yes I dont get it the show has plenty of humour in it, and even if it didnt why on earth would the cast be like that?
Robert Morgan posted: »Seriously? You need it explained to you?
Game of Forresters Episode 1
I do not own this...
Original Creator: ThereCanOnlyBeHuan
Da Fuq xD
Do the weed dance!
JalenSky posted: »Game of Thrones (MLG Edition) when you thought the MLG vid phase was over.
Game of Thrones (MLG Edition) when you thought the MLG vid phase was over.
For some reason as soon as I saw the beginning of this meme I immediately recognized him as Brutus from HBO Rome
fallandir posted: » [view original content]
That Fucking Pig....
Click here
Gared should make bacon out of that pig.
Lompi-Clem4ever posted: » [view original content]
"Winter may be coming, but at least we'll have some bacon" -Britt &.Co
Pipas posted: »Gared should make bacon out of that pig.
Somebody needs to make some gifs out of this xD
Ha that was hilarious
Solar_Sistem posted: » [view original content]
Like I said in the other thread, I will forever love you if you make some gifs out of this video
I hate it when Queen Cercei takes matters in her own hands
Shubbalubbadingdong posted: » Like I said in the other thread, I will forever love you if you make some gifs out of this video Like I said in the other thread, I will forever love you if you make some gifs out of this video
I kind of want to see that determinant death where Damien snaps Mira's neck, but with this pig.
Ethan is alive...
That is fucking hilarious. I love the pig as Loader Bot xD
screen print from a video by 'our dearest huanna'
Poland as Tyrion? Hell yeah!
Norrens_Plowed_Field posted: » [view original content]
This picture makes 0 sense geopolitically.
Mira's perma scowl continues into episode 3 .....
"Getting real tired of your shit, Flowers."
Firewallcano posted: »Mira's perma scowl continues into episode 3 .....
I just realized how freaky the Weirwood tree in the screenshots looks like for some reason -
They all look damn freaky
Shubbalubbadingdong posted: »I just realized how freaky the Weirwood tree in the screenshots looks like for some reason -
Here's some dank pictures I thought looked pretty funny so I captioned them.
Green613 posted: »Here's some dank pictures I thought looked pretty funny so I captioned them.
Bye Britt
"I the master of Cocks" Cersei Lannister
Casterly Cock seems accurate.
IllusiveBroker posted: »"I the master of Cocks" Cersei Lannister
"I the master of Cocks" Cersei Lannister
i have way too much time on my hands
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Really? Is that what you're going with? 'Cause I remember it differently...
dinofire posted: »i have way too much time on my hands
pfft.. I still keep my eyes closed.
DisruptivePilot posted: » [view original content]
I see what you did there
Switzerland is Jon Snow.
Belgium is Joffrey Baratheon.
Poland is Tyrion Lannister.
What? Why would that be?
Seriously? You need it explained to you?
Yes I dont get it the show has plenty of humour in it, and even if it didnt why on earth would the cast be like that?
Game of Forresters Episode 1
I do not own this...
Original Creator: ThereCanOnlyBeHuan
Da Fuq xD
Do the weed dance!
For some reason as soon as I saw the beginning of this meme I immediately recognized him as Brutus from HBO Rome
That Fucking Pig....
Click here
Gared should make bacon out of that pig.
"Winter may be coming, but at least we'll have some bacon" -Britt &.Co
Somebody needs to make some gifs out of this xD
Ha that was hilarious
Like I said in the other thread, I will forever love you if you make some gifs out of this video
I hate it when Queen Cercei takes matters in her own hands
I kind of want to see that determinant death where Damien snaps Mira's neck, but with this pig.
Ethan is alive...
Click here
That is fucking hilarious. I love the pig as Loader Bot xD
screen print from a video by 'our dearest huanna'

Poland as Tyrion? Hell yeah!
This picture makes 0 sense geopolitically.
Mira's perma scowl continues into episode 3 .....
"Getting real tired of your shit, Flowers."
I just realized how freaky the Weirwood tree in the screenshots looks like for some reason -
They all look damn freaky
Here's some dank pictures I thought looked pretty funny so I captioned them.
Bye Britt
"I the master of Cocks" Cersei Lannister
Casterly Cock seems accurate.
i have way too much time on my hands
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Really? Is that what you're going with? 'Cause I remember it differently...
pfft.. I still keep my eyes closed.