An Open Letter to Telltale from Android Users

Dear Telltale Games,
This may not be the right place to post this, but since this is an open letter about TWDG, what better place than here.
Us Android users have had to endure many hard trials, we got S1 a year late, the wait for ATR was horrendous, most of us already knew the story in full. You may think we are overreacting, but TTG has done something special about TWDG. You have an emotional relationship with the characters. You care about Clem. You care about Kenny. You care about Luke. When you get spoiled, it truly takes away from the awe of what TTG has done with The Walking Dead. Heartbreaking, I dare say. It really is a shame that TTG doesn't seem to care about Android users, as we have paid for the season pass, and with that comes the expectation that we will get the episode at a reasonable time. Everyone else has the finale, heck, even VITA has it! This is bad business, Telltale, and we will not stand for this.

Sign the petition here!

(Tagging all Android users I know of)
@walkie-talkie @swashygirl @robert-lee @newsensei @jackman @loki2014 @myepicyear @djmarc420 @clemjudgesyou @Danny12345 @icetiger100 @MDixon @marktebbutt @marie1983 @buggybird @deviantartjr @bigdawg478 @apeacefulway @doctoridle @ComfortableLiar
@DigitalAnna @calvo @Schnitz @Z3PHYR @WaitingToPlay @drdninja @fabaa @msted6 @nerfhearder

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