Order Episodes from greatest to least



    1. Long Road Ahead
    2. No Going Back
    3. No Time Left
    4. A House Divided
    5. Starved for Help
    6. Around Every Corner
    7. A New Day
    8. All That Remains
    9. 400 Days
    10. In Harm's Way
    11. Amid the Ruins
  • edited September 2014

    I can sort of understand, the episode introduces two new characters then those new characters just up and leave in the ending, Omid and Christa don't get much to do, and (weirdly) some folks had a problem with the sequence of burying the boy going on for too long, and some questionable moments here and there, I thought it was a great episode at the time and still do, though episode 3 still remains as my favorite.

    Belan posted: »

    I don't know why "Around Every Corner" wasn't as well received. It actually might be my favorite.

    1. No Going Back- Made me cry like a baby

    2. Amid the Ruins- Although it was rather poorly received, I loved the atmosphere and the feeling of hope mixed with utter hoplesness all blended into one.

    3. A House Divided- Moments like Kenny coming back and bonding with Pete/Nick were what made this episode so good.

    4. In Harms Way- When Telltale can make you shit your pants when a guy is walking by a Greenhouse door in broad daylight, they made a damn good villain.

    5. All That Remains- The most underrated episode of the entire series! I recently played it again and realized how much I loved it. It was a great introduction to Clementine as the PC and had a great setup for the entire season, even better than the first.

    6. No Time Left- Do I really need to explain why this episode was so good?

    7. Starved For Help- One word: Saltlick

    8. 400 Days- A great anthology story that was sadly not used in Season 2

    9. Long Road Ahead- Besides Carley's unnesecary death, this was an emotional Rollercoaster.

    10. Around Every Corner- Molllllllyyyy!!!!

    11. A New Day- It introduced us to the amazing characters of the series. It's only last because it is the least entertaining and epic as the others but still by all means a masterpiece.

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