where the fk is the downvote button
lol whos the retarded fuck who removed them
This discussion has been closed.
lol whos the retarded fuck who removed them
We don't need a downvote button. Some people were too afraid
to post because of them and seeing a post full of downvotes would
sometimes influence a person into thinking the OP is a troll.
Why was he banned O.o
One can literally see the banhammer already swinging your way.
One can literally see the banhammer already swinging your way.
One can literally see the banhammer already swinging your way.
who gives a shit if there acting like pussies
Wow, one can literally see the banhammer already swinging your way.
The downvote button was removed by the web team as it was being abused by trolls using multiple accounts to downvote comments just to get a reaction.
Please don't insult them or any other members as that breaks rile 1.1 in the Forum Guidelines
i need this button to downvote all the kenny haters