The reason I hated epsiode 5 *spoilers*

edited September 2014 in The Walking Dead

ARVO! Not so much Arvo himself, but the group's reaction to him and the decisions the game forces you to make regarding his "ideas". It was so ridiculously unrealistic.

Here is this kid who ambushes you with his violent psycho friends and starts off this massive gunfight that could have potentially left every single person in the group dead, after you had the option to kill him earlier on, what with having him at gun point. The game auto-forces you to let him leave so you've shown him mercy by not killing him. And how does he pay you back? By holding you and your friends at gunpoint. Not only does he ambush you but he straight up lies in his "justification" for ambushing you (my Clementine NEVER stole from him, she told Jane to give him back his stuff and he thanked my Clementine, yet later he tells his crazy friends "these are the people that stole from me".. WTF?)

This kid is a straight up murderous, untrustworthy, thieving, lying bastard. So what does the game force you to do? FOLLOW THIS KID TO WHERE HE WANTS TO LEAD YOU. What the actual fuck? It was so painfully obvious he resented every single one of us and wanted us all dead, yet here we are willingly being sent to the slaughter. Even if there WASN'T an ambush waiting for us, this kid would find some other way to screw us over. Yet you have absolutely NO CONTROL in the decision of whether to follow him or not. I swear if there was an option to LEAVE the group if they decided they were going to follow this kid no matter what, I would have left them.

So not only does this episode become EXTREMELY unenjoyable on the sheer grounds of how unrealistic this whole scenario is, but on top of that there's the whole group's reaction to Kenny being "mean" to the kid. They all start being massive dicks to Kenny just because he pushes the kid around and is not nice to him. Um.... what? This kid would gladly have put a bullet in every one of your heads, and here's the group making Kenny out to be a complete monster just because he's being unfriendly toward Arvo. Seriously?

I didn't agree with the way Kenny was treating Arvo, but I wasn't going to treat Kenny like a dick and start throwing words over it. This kid deserves NONE of our sympathy. Sure, Kenny overreacted when he started punching Arvo, and my Clementine told him to stop it, and he did when she told him to. But you know what? Arvo almost got your whole group killed with the ambush. He got Luke killed with his "let's walk over the ice" plan (another STUPID IDEA I would have told the group NOT TO DO) you can't tell me that little weasel didn't hope at least ONE of them drowned in the ice. Not to mention his running off and causing even more chaos and mayhem! He deserved every single punch.

But of course, our group of goody-two shoes can't have that at all. Being mean to a prisoner is a definite no no in a zombie apocalypse. Stealing food from a child and a little baby though, basically killing them? Oh, that's absolutely fine and warranted. Um........... WHAT? Hugely unrealistic contradiction if I ever did see one in my life.

And the whole love-fest Mike had going on with Arvo was just... ugh. Dude had a massive hard-on for this kid I swear.

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