Do you think Kenny and Jane will break the cycle of determinant characters?



  • I think either we'll move away form Clem's story, meaning we'll have all new characters, neither of them will show up at all, or yes, they will break out of the cycle, and become major characters.

    Really, the only way for them to continue with Clem's story in Season 3 would be to make the game follow 3-5 completely different paths. If they do that, then really.... Every character aside form Clem of AJ will be determinant. So it won't really matter. Continuing from Wellington/Kenny ending, I doubt we'll meet any characters in that path in the path continuing form the Jane endings.

  • That's the point to of debating, to try to convince someone over to your point of view.

    aldimon posted: »

    Nick is just arrogant, thinks he has got everything under his control, except he hasn't. He's not unlikeable, he's just not my type, ya know ?

  • They will get the Molly/Lilly treatment and be left unknown because we will get a new protagonist and new set of characters. crosses fingers in hope

  • I would argue that the point of a debate is to bring as many sides of a topic to light. The hope being that a consensus can be reached.

    Entering a debate in order to convince others of your point of view is the wrong place to start (though everyone - myself included - is guilty of this). Instead one should enter it wishing to present the view one has of the matter, but with an open mind as to other views being presented. Willing to be disproved, if you will.

    bloop posted: »

    That's the point to of debating, to try to convince someone over to your point of view.

  • Damn, I'm always wrong about something.

    Eguro posted: »

    I would argue that the point of a debate is to bring as many sides of a topic to light. The hope being that a consensus can be reached. E

  • If we play as Clem in S3, I think it'll start from Wellington.

    Here's how it'll go down:

    1. If you went with Kenny and entered Wellington - no problem!

    2. If you went with Kenny and didn't enter Wellington, we'll start with Kenny and Clem wandering about losing hope. They'll decide to go back to Wellington - it'll either be uneventful and Kenny still wont be allowed inside - or Kenny will die on the way there in some heroic manner saving Clem (personal note: shudder).

    3. If you went alone you'll simply wind up at Wellington.

    4. If you went with Jane, then you'll be forced to leave Howe's (perhaps on account of the 3 people who show up). Making your way towards Wellington. Same deal as with Kenny - it'll either be uneventful, but there's no room for Jane, or she'll die heroically saving Clem.

    Hey presto - we're all set for season 3, where we'll see what a horrible place Wellington is, and how Daniel and Alice will try to ruin the place, whilst Marcus becomes a zombie almost destroying Wellington from within. (or whatever - we might just have to pull our weight as Clem, and avoid people stealing AJ from us).

  • Well if that's true, then at least there will always be stuff to learn :P

    bloop posted: »

    Damn, I'm always wrong about something.

  • Agreed, I feel Clem's story is done

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I don't think they're going to be in another TWD Game, i don't think Telltale will kill Kenny off like that, i just don't see it happening. I think the five endings were to given to us to let you decide what happens to clementine.

  • I guess, but at least you guys don't rub in my face that you're right, unlike other people in my life.

    Eguro posted: »

    Well if that's true, then at least there will always be stuff to learn :P

  • they have 3 possible statuses alive, unknown, and dead. if they are unknown, they stay unknown

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