The best and the worst S2 episode - polls



  • but i still loved all the episodes even though sarahs death and nicks death and sloppy writing it was still good all the episodes are good but some less good like you said buddy

    kennyfanboi posted: »

    That's not the reason, the main reason is because the absolutely sloppy and terrible writing and all characters are out of character. (Examp

  • It needs less Jane VS Kenny, that´s for sure. :/

    fallandir posted: »

    Really nice to hear people not complaining about stuff. This dying forum needs more folks like you two.

  • We just have to wait this out. :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It needs less Jane VS Kenny, that´s for sure.

  • Hopefully it passes fast, I don´t think I can take this till S3, haha.

    fallandir posted: »

    We just have to wait this out.

  • edited September 2014


    My first thread on these forums was a critique of Season 2. While I hold it as one of the best narratives across all media, nothing's immune to feedback.

    Basically it boils down to the determinant characters being a weak point of the series. Carley/Doug was done perfectly, but then TTG dropped the ball on a lot of the determinant characters from then on:

    Overall though I cant' wait to see how Clem's character develops in the aftermath of Season 2, and would hope dearly she's the main protagonist of Season 3. Likewise I'd hope for a Season break DLC again exploring Christa's fate.

    Frankly, Jane vs Kenny arguments are totally irrelevant and anyone who participates in one is only fooling themselves. Neither character is better than the other, and at the end of the day, you're all fucking bastards for killing Kenny or Jane, you cryptic and irrational sadists. What kind of a monster has a child make a decision like that? How can you sleep at night knowing you fucked over the guy who's lost everything and ONLY lives for your safety, or failed to save the girl who came back to save YOU?

    Hyperbole aside, the ending was flawless. Jane was being stupid and deceitful, breaching your trust to PROTECT YOU; whereas Kenny was a broken madman about to commit cold-blooded murder, who had nothing left to live for BUT YOURSELF. You/Clem made a decision that the pair of you are MEANT to regret in the hours and days and weeks afterwards, no matter what that decision was.

    I had a great analysis on this topic with another redittor here:

    Bottom line:

    Kenny vs Jane stances are irrelevant and naive. Your choice was yours, you're meant to feel the way you do about these 2 characters based on the way you played and developed Clem and interacted with said characters throughout the Season, and while you might have hated or liked character X for Y choices, my universe's chatacter X was portrayed in a different perspective because I chose Z choices.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I actually am in a minority that absolutely adores Season 2. A lot of people here nitpick at literally everything. If I´m being honest, I´ve

  • Best: Episode 5

    Worst: Episode 4

  • Best:A House Divided (Episode 2) Worst:I'll say... Amid the Ruins (Episode 4)

  • edited September 2014

    Of course, I completely agree. I was sort of disappointed in Nick, especially. But it honestly wasn´t much of a surprise, I just didn´t feel much when he showed up in episode 4. Poor guy, I really liked him. Now Luke, I could write a whole essay on why I cried for that guy, haha.

    1000000% with you. I want to play as Clem again. There´s so much, SO MUCH they can still do with her and I´d find it super underwhelming if this was her story conclusion. She´s 11, she has years of development ahead of her if TT wants. Also, making her an NPC might go terribly wrong, She might do things that we, as her wouldn´t do and ruin the personality we gave her. I´d rather just keep her as the PC.
    I´d love a Christa DLC. I love her character.

    Again, I agree so much it hurts. I really, really really love BOTH Jane AND Kenny (an impossible concept for some people) and that´s why that decision was so hard for me to do. Now, from a narrative point of view, why did Lee say what he said in the dream? "Sometimes there just isn´t a right answer". This to me was pretty clear foreshadowing that both Kenny and Jane cared and that´s why there isn´t a right answer. You have to hurt one, that´s it, who it is it´s up to you but neither is wrong or right.

    It was supposed to make us feel bad. Did my decision make me feel bad? Oh, boy yes. It was excellent.

    Thank you for the link, I´ll definitely be taking a look!

    Bvenged posted: »

    Yep, My first thread on these forums was a critique of Season 2. While I hold it as one of the best narratives across all media, nothing'

  • Wow for most people is the other way around

    voted. My Best : AMID TEH RUINS My Worst: A House dIVIDED

  • All that remains was my favourite, it opened the new season perfectly by setting the tone for all episodes to come. Storywise it brought you through a whole range of emotions and it had some wonderful action sequences and some good choices to make.

    Worst was Amid the ruins, there was so much going on in that episode that there was too much to take in at once to the point that it felt rushed and the moments that should have had a solid emotional impact kind of missed the mark for me.

  • My favorite: 'No Going Back,' 'Amid The Ruins' would've been my favorite if it wasn't for Sarah's death (BOTH of her deaths were too brutal for a kid). I'll give props to her actress for her actual believable death screams though (How Sarah screams while being eaten/about to be eaten REALLY convinced me).

    My least favorite: 'A House Divided,' because there was basically one interaction scene with Sarah, and Kenny returned...

  • I love Nick. But after seeing him die in episode 4 I was kind of glad with his on screen death in episode 2... He died in episode 2 in my save

    That1Guy posted: »

    It's kinda sad how Amid the Ruins is disliked pretty much just because of Sarah and Nick's deaths...

  • A house divided is the best because of it's choices too. I was in the minority of all of them, so yeah

  • For me, the first 3 episodes were my favorite, I hated episodes 4, and 5 was kinda meh.

    It just feels like they became so focused on setting up the end choice between Kenny and Jane that everything else got shafted. They needed to get rid of all the other characters as quickly as they could and they didnt bother putting any effort or thought into it. Nick and Sarahs deaths were stupid, and the "betrayal" by Mike and Bonnie made no sense, regardless if you consider it OOC or not. The whole situation with Arvo also seemed really rushed considering all the mistakes.

  • edited September 2014

    Best: A House Divided.

    Worst: In Harm's Way.

    Unpopular opinion here, Amid The Ruins was an improvement from In Harm's Way. Only downsides, Nick and Sarah's deaths, and no Eddie.

  • edited September 2014

    The turning point in the entire series happened in episode 3, when the perspective of Carver's character changed from being the ultimate manipulator to a plain thug.

    Up until that point the game had a sense of suspense & it had focus on character development.
    Both episodes 4 & 5 felt like a poor add-on to the first 3 episodes, both had a zero plot development & a sense of the developers needed to get rid of characters as fast as possible.

    Nick, Sarah & Luke's death all felt pointless & rushed, thou Carlos & Sarita's death both had a little more meaning to them.
    Episode 5 was a total anti-climax let-down, consisting of little more of a further need to get rid of the remaining characters. Bonnie & Mikes departure made no sense at all, Alvo's character felt little more than a much lesser developed Ben.

    The end fight was utterly pointless, there was virtually zero friction build up to Kenny vs Jane fight, it basically sprung upon us.
    All in all the last 2 episodes felt rushed.

    shibbymary posted: »

    For me, the first 3 episodes were my favorite, I hated episodes 4, and 5 was kinda meh. It just feels like they became so focused on sett

  • Best: No Going Back.

    Worst: In Harm's Way.

  • Agree. The worst part is that the first 3 episodes seemed like they were going in a much more interesting direction, but then for some reason it got dropped and they decided to do that stupid Kenny/Jane choice instead. Like, I really wonder what the original idea was and why it was dropped. The last 2 episodes seemed so rushed that I refused to believe that was their original plan.

    markybro posted: »

    The turning point in the entire series happened in episode 3, when the perspective of Carver's character changed from being the ultimate man

  • worst to best 5-1
    5. Amid The Ruins (worst)
    4. In Harms Way
    3. All That Remains
    2. No Going Back
    1. A House Divided (best)

  • edited September 2014

    Guys, we reached more than 200 votes! :O

    best one - A House Divided- 53%

    worst one - Amid the Ruins - 43%

    not really balls crushing victory, but they are leaders.

    • Best - A House Divided or All That Remains
    • Worst - Amid the Ruins or In Harms Way
  • Great to see everyones opinions

    markybro posted: »

    The turning point in the entire series happened in episode 3, when the perspective of Carver's character changed from being the ultimate man

  • Best: No Going Back (one of my favorites from all of TWD, I thought the writing wwas great, the Lee dream was wonderful, and the multiple endings are a wonderful addition, with each ending reflecting who your Clem has become)

    Worst: Amid the Ruins (sloppy, poorly written, other than Jane there was no development, you had the wasted potential of Sarah and Nick's death in the fence, choices were awful, and everything felt rushed. There were good parts, like more exploration and the birth of AJ, and I would definitely say the good outweighs the bad, but this is definitely the worst written episode of Season 2)

  • edited February 2015

    Yeah i agree with amid the ruins it was a ok episode i suppose but i think sarah and nick like you said had great potential and in season 2 there were better episodes then it

    And i loved no going back it would never surpass season 1 finale but regardless i feel it was a quality finale of the season 2 walking dead game

    Best: No Going Back (one of my favorites from all of TWD, I thought the writing wwas great, the Lee dream was wonderful, and the multiple en

  • But at least Nick was developed in the first two episodes, Sarah really had none other than being that helpless kid who needed her father to help her survive. If there was one character I wanted to live to the end of Season 2, it's her. She could have been as strong as Clementine if the writers put the effort into her character and could have been a great friend to have.

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Yeah i agree with amid the ruins it was a ok episode i suppose but i think sarah and nick like you said had great potential and in season

  • edited February 2015

    I Imagine sarah evolving as a character who would grow to understand to face the facts of the world and grow to evolve with the world like clementine well atleast we can write stories of how we think sarah would evolve as a character atleast sarah is alive in some fanfictions we can write how we would of evolved her as a character overall so we can always keep wondering and use our creative section of our brain to imagine how she would of been what she would of done how she would of felt in situations

    But at least Nick was developed in the first two episodes, Sarah really had none other than being that helpless kid who needed her father to

  • Best: tough decision but two first episodes weren't that bad.

    Worst: third one.

  • Best-A house Divided

    Worst-All that Remains

  • Thumb up for this man.

    J-Master posted: »

    Best - A House Divided Worst - In Harm's Way....I HATE this episode so damn much.

  • I hate it because it was boring, buggy (it took me forever to "push A to get away from the walker!" right after the small Kenny and Mike fight. I pushed A in different ways, but I kept dying. I died like 20 times.), linear, and we couldn't explore the camp which I was hoping we'd get to do and Carver's character was destroyed. He seemed cool, morally grey, and smart, but he turned into a boring, cliche, dictator-like, Governor-copycat, murder-happy, asshole. I've had enough of characters like this to last me a lifetime.

    _may i ask why everyone hated in harms way? Was it because it sidetracked the story and made it go worse? Also my fav was no going back.

  • *Best- All that Remains

    **Worst- In Harm's Way

    • I know I wouldn't rate E2-E4 as the best of S2 so I went with All that Remains

    **I chose E3 because after playing E2 and watching the preview for E3, I really thought Carver's was gonna be worse than it was. Carver...and maybe Troy...was the ONLY good thing about E3...the only scenes that were any good were the ones that involved Carver himself

  • I remeber playing a house divided(my fav) and thinking how bad all that reamins was(worst). However, in harms way had by far the worst choices and worst story(why would the group leave in a hurry when they could wait to think of a better plan?
    Because the writers had to instead of making the episode longer)

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