Was there really any change in Kenny?

I see this a lot, people saying Kenny changed from S1 to S2, but I honestly dont see that at all.

The only times he acted differently from S1 was when he was cracking jokes in S2Ep2, when you first see him and when hes with the baby. The second Nick doesnt believe in Wellington, he was the same old Kenny, berating people for not believing exactly what he said. Defending the cabin, escaping the truck, working on the expansion, talking to Carver, escaping the store, same old brash, high risk Kenny. Ep3, again, same old Kenny, grieving then goes a bit nuts on zombies because he realizes what an asshole hes been (just like when he tried to save Ben/Christa in S1Ep5). Kenny with Arvo, does anyone believe Kenny from S1 would have treated him differently? Maybe if Katjaa was right there he would have stopped immediately, but I still see that as a normal reaction from Kenny. Finally, with the baby, he would not have cared as deeply for it if Duck wasnt dead, no, but he really sees him now as a surrogate son.

So I would say he became obsessed about the baby because Duck died, but really, that was it. Katjaa isnt there to stop him when he goes too far, but hes still acting like he always would have


  • Exactly, he changed nothing from S1 to S2 and even repeated the same arc of losing his family and snapping even more. Kenny took too much screentime only to overshadow the development of many other interesting characters there and waste their potential, his appearance and "lucky" survival after running through a horde without being covered in guts or anything was pure fan service.

  • I saw a change in him, right after his family died.
    But then again, he was in profound state of grief, so his attitude and reaction to things, people, and situations shouldn't be all that surprising.
    People, who are hurting often lash out at others.
    I know cause I've been there.

    Anyway, that state of grief can last for literally years.
    There's no time limit as to when people fully recover from such feelings.
    And for some people, the wounds can be so deep, that they never fully do.
    You'll find people like that in every bar around the world.

    I honestly do feel, that Clementine had a great healing affect on him.
    And when AJ came around, that affect increased threefold.
    Cause when Kenny and Clementine reached Wellington, Kenny seemed to have regained some of his old spirit.
    His giggling as he raced Clementine to the top of that hill, was something I hadn't seen in him since Season 1.
    He seemed to be living and loving life again, and not just surviving.

    After I saw that, I couldn't split those two up.
    Even I hadn't seen that, I wouldn't have done it anyway.
    Clementine and Kenny staying together no matter what, was the kind of ending I had wanted since Kenny's return.
    That those stay together, like a family, ready to face whatever comes their way.

    I hope we will see them again.
    And I hope Kenny will be the one determinate character that actually survives, and is not killed off.

  • I think he's gotten worse but yeah, the episode where he came back and starting with his "You sure look like a match" and all that, I was like "Yep, same old Kenny."

  • Seems to have gotten more violent and dangerous but, hell, so has Clem. So yeah. I didn't really notice that much of a change.

  • "He seems like the same old Kenny to me."


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