If it were a prequel?
Now I've been thinking about this quite a lot, in fact ever since Season Two was released I have been thinking about this. Alright hear me out. What if The Walking Dead: Season Two was released, and it was about Clementine and featuring Kenny and all that good stuff. But The Walking Dead: Season One (with Lee and everything) never existed.
Walking Dead: Season Two would be released first (as Walking Dead: Season One) and the actual Walking Dead: Season One would be released after to further explore Clementines back story (name it something like - Walking Dead: The Prequel).
Now you're probably wondering. Why? Well here's why. During The Walking Dead: Season Two, Clementine is in the Cabin Group and explains what her life was like and what the group has gone through. However have dialogue choices affect your choices in Walking Dead: Season One (Or the Prequel in this case).
For example - In Walking Dead: Season Two if Kenny comes up to you and says. "What happened to Lee?" You can say. "I shot him," "I left him," "..." or "I don't want to talk about it."
Why? Well if you say I shot him - When you play the prequel afterwards, you won't get a choice to shoot or leave Lee. You have to shoot him, since that's what you said. And this can be used for all the major choices in Walking Dead: Season One/The Prequel.
The reason this could be used is because it's easy to say you would or you have done something without actually doing it. However when you are forced in the situation and you have to make a choice, well then things are clearly different.
Like I could say: I killed Larry. However I know I wouldn't if I was actually in the situation, and when you play The Walking Dead: Prequel you'll get no choice. You'll have to watch Lee and Clementine make all these decisions because you said you had done them and it could make you regret your choices even more.
I know it wouldn't happen, but would you guys like this idea?
This is actually a good idea, but I prefer the game as it is right now. However, it's still a good idea .
Neat idea but i like the game as is but your idea is still rad