Nintendo Boy1 wrote: » 7/10 good simpsons qoute, but advirtising you youtube channel with your sig?
Fealiks wrote: » your "location" thing is an 11/10
I don't get it, but it's.. Fun.
How dare you copy S&M season 3?! (I'm not really mad at you
only cos its the tales of monkey island one XP not my main one
it's just eh...
so majestic
fun but a tad... tall
zomg a mega mcmonkey murray meal! Wheres?
Sam and Max Quote + McArby = Nice Sig
How dare you suggest that Winslow is evil?
Because you're 93% awesome. and I'm not saying Winslow is evil, but I got to 666 posts. I was bored. Nevertheless, it will soon be 700 and winslow will become godly again.
Although your "location" thing is an 11/10
it's your avatar explanation and username. mmeh
Uh, Remolay... 4/10. You say holy awesome a minimum of 3 times per post now, and its getting repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive.
Meh, bring back the old one...
Unfortunate Signature Choice...
The Sal one? I made it.
so true