I've never seen a definition of sanity that comments on whether or not it's subjective apart from your definition of it which is that it is subjective, meaning it does fit its own definition. Also, if something doesn't fit its own definition then it doesn't cease to exist, it just means that the definition is incorrect. The definition follows the thing it aims to define, not the other way around. 2/10
Does not contain any clue whom the signature belongs to
*EDIT* Who the hell am I to say, just realized I don't even have one
10/10 for realizing you don't have a signature.
The video decreases in hilarity with each time I watch it....
I camb't even unnerstad wun werd dis guy sane!
love the brushes
(its not really religious it was used to insult someone for having pride)
(Hehe, just wanted to see how many points mine gets.)
Bone3 wont happen and I dont trust Youtube links.
would have liked it to be longer
I like it
I've changed my signature again