TWDG Season 3 Ideas?
I've been thinking. We know so little about Season 3 and I've been wondering on how people would respond to each.
1. Continue Clementine's story- It has been brought up that because of the various endings of Season 2 that her story is complete. I disagree her story is still unfinished especially with AJ in her care. She most likely won't be the protagonist again but making her a main character would only benefit the story.
2. Nate as the antagonist- I was dissapointed when Carver was put in his place. He has a lot of potential and can amount to a Negan if they don't make him flop too soon. An exchange between him and Clementine is something I would die to see. Besides he's the only main villain who hasn't died yet. Introducing him then never picking up his story seems wasteful.
3. Making Longer Episodes- The 90 minute time limit is atrocious. In Season 1 we were given over 2 hours of content. 90 minutes also cuts away from interaction which is what made Season 1 so powerful.
4. More Choices- I didn't enjoy Episode 4 or 5 of Season 2 for this very reason. I still can't get over one of the main choices in Episode 5 was a quick dialogue option that changes nothing (The "Can I go with you" choice".
5. A good/ evil path- TWAU is a perfect example of this because the dialogue options and choices are so diverse. You can pick your personality basically. I hope they duplicate this feature in Season 3.
6. More Locations- The Enviorment in Season 1 had so many locations and added to the overall adventure concept. Season 2 had a limit on that. We need a change of scenery staying in one place the whole time can get boring.
7. Better Written Characters- Season 1 had a great cast of characters that had their own personality. Season 2 characters (with the exception of Clem, Luke and Kenny) were practically flat. Some characters don't even have a purpouse (Nick).