Just asking. I've heard this has all been shelved. As an investor, I'm a bit confused. I've contributed to the kickstarter and have received notice that this project has been shelved. Where do I go from here? You keep saying you're progressing, but I'm told I'm getting a refund on my Kickstarter contribution because it ain't happening due to the animators deciding that since they ain't getting paid (although it was for the love of the project that they were doing this in the first place) they're out. Don't get me wrong. I'll keep sending money if it's gonna happen, but you can understand if I'm a little concerned here. I need clarification. Is this project happening or not? Am I being scammed, or do none of you talk to each other?
well um im not really in charge now i put legendary in charge and as far as i know info wise the money was going towards the character models and our animator works for free
and yes its still happening as far as im knowledged with so dont worry im most sure that the money is going towards the projects resources such as character models and such
i would contact arthur if you are really concerned because as far as i know the donations go towards character models since there the primary thing we needed
and 1 of the voice actors for this on twitter said he just did a voicing session for walking dead untold a few days ago so im pretty sure this project is still active and alive
oh and where did you hear the project was canceled if you could tell me i might be able to help you out more and get info
im not really in contact with the rest of the team since they talk via skype
and as i said im not in charge i put someone else so im not fully aware of the situation so its best to contact arthur or the project in general im still a part of this project but have not had contact with the guy i put in charge james hes the 1 who made the kickstarter so contact them if you are concerned
Just asking. I've heard this has all been shelved. As an investor, I'm a bit confused. I've contributed to the kickstarter and have recei… moreved notice that this project has been shelved. Where do I go from here? You keep saying you're progressing, but I'm told I'm getting a refund on my Kickstarter contribution because it ain't happening due to the animators deciding that since they ain't getting paid (although it was for the love of the project that they were doing this in the first place) they're out. Don't get me wrong. I'll keep sending money if it's gonna happen, but you can understand if I'm a little concerned here. I need clarification. Is this project happening or not? Am I being scammed, or do none of you talk to each other?
Appearance: Hispanic Male, Black fade hair-cut, Black Goatee with side stubble, Dark burgandy longsleeve sweater with a black sleeveles rain hoodie over it, Grey cargos and black boots.
Flaws: Slight trust issues, Hard to get to know, he doesn't open up to anyone but once you've gained his trust he'll have your back no matter what.
Story: When the apocalypse started Daemon quickly built walls around a warehouse and formed a community. Daemon was the leader of 20 other survivors and they looked up to him, he was a natural born leader and the community respected him for his work ethic. They've been surviving for quite a bit behind walls and built a strong bond with each other. Then one day he let a stray group in, they offered supplies and food and Daemon's community were falling short on food so he brought em in. But later on that stray group turned on the community and slaughtered almost everyone. Turns out they have been planning to take over the community since the start. Daemon got away with his German Shepard named Jay. He witnessed his friends be slaughtered by the stray group he let in so he feels deep guilt and became traumatized from that event which led him to have trust issues and become a lone wolf. He couldn't. trust anyone for awhile. He camped in the woods with his dog Jay for a while now. He trained him to be quiet and extremely obedient. Time has passed and he is looking for a group to give it another try, possibly as a leader or anything else. He just really wants a fresh start and be apart of something.
well it seems this character is quite intresting might be a season 2 character but lets see how season 1 does overall because 1 of our main animators left his name was john nao and our character model is having issues so were having problems so season 1 pilot might not be out for abit yet
Here's my character,
Name: Daemon Vargas
Age: 23
From: New York
Appearance: Hispanic Male, Black fade hair-cut, Black Goatee… more with side stubble, Dark burgandy longsleeve sweater with a black sleeveles rain hoodie over it, Grey cargos and black boots.
Personality: Lone Wolf, Independent, Honest, Loyal, No nonsense, kind hearted, Leader
Skills: Hunter, Powerhouse, craftsmanship
Flaws: Slight trust issues, Hard to get to know, he doesn't open up to anyone but once you've gained his trust he'll have your back no matter what.
Story: When the apocalypse started Daemon quickly built walls around a warehouse and formed a community. Daemon was the leader of 20 other survivors and they looked up to him, he was a natural born leader and the community respected him for his work ethic. They've been surviving for quite a bit behind walls and built a strong bond with each other. Then one day he let a stray group in, they offered s… [view original content]
well it seems this character is quite intresting might be a season 2 character but lets see how season 1 does overall because 1 of our main… more animators left his name was john nao and our character model is having issues so were having problems so season 1 pilot might not be out for abit yet
These last few weeks haven't been easy for us. It's been 20 days and we couldn't convert our character model to SFM. I'm really sorry for leaving you guys waiting like that.
Legendary 12, our director, gave up on the project yesterday. It's the second member we lost since last month. Unfortunately, it's a pretty slim chance that we'll keep going.
Things are still being talked through and we'll give the money back to the people that helped us on the Kickstarter once we're 100% sure that this project is closed.
If we do stop making this series, we'll post the script as well as the recordings for you guys to enjoy.
We have had some problems and i'll be honest, there's a big change that this doesn't happen,if this gets cancelled we'll return all your money, you don't have nothing to be worried about, but for now we haven't gave up, there's still a slim change of this happening.
Just asking. I've heard this has all been shelved. As an investor, I'm a bit confused. I've contributed to the kickstarter and have recei… moreved notice that this project has been shelved. Where do I go from here? You keep saying you're progressing, but I'm told I'm getting a refund on my Kickstarter contribution because it ain't happening due to the animators deciding that since they ain't getting paid (although it was for the love of the project that they were doing this in the first place) they're out. Don't get me wrong. I'll keep sending money if it's gonna happen, but you can understand if I'm a little concerned here. I need clarification. Is this project happening or not? Am I being scammed, or do none of you talk to each other?
These last few weeks haven't been easy for us. It's been 20 days and we couldn't convert our character model to SFM. I'm really sorry for le… moreaving you guys waiting like that.
Legendary 12, our director, gave up on the project yesterday. It's the second member we lost since last month. Unfortunately, it's a pretty slim chance that we'll keep going.
Things are still being talked through and we'll give the money back to the people that helped us on the Kickstarter once we're 100% sure that this project is closed.
If we do stop making this series, we'll post the script as well as the recordings for you guys to enjoy.
Name: Phillip Harlow
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black with coming grey
Build: Heavy
Weapon: lucky bull horn (hanging around his neck)
Priority: survive
Skin Tone: White, ageing
Country Of Origin: America, Alaska
Place of dependence (before the breakout): Texas
Height: 6'2
Weight: 267 LBS
Clothing: Truckers jacket and camo pants
Biography: Phillip before the outbreak, was a dirt seller, he found roadkill from the nearest roads and drag the carcasses to his backyard in which he would bury for a couple months and create some of the most premium natural dirt known to his county, he got this ideal from his neighbor Debbie who was a famed gardener, his main love interest, his most paying client, and later the first person he had to kill. After escaping his small community of around 13 people (who later turned into walkers), he made his way north, surviving off of cactus water and ironically...roadkill.
After a few days of malnutrition and dehydration he started hallucinating about his childhood, the moment he nearly died one time when he was a little kid in Alaska, he walked over the ice sheeted swimming pool in which he drowned, he was rescued by his neighbor and spent serveral days in the hospital. Phillip a few years after this incident moved to Texas in which he wanted a warm quiet life...
After collapsing on I29 he was picked up by a biker caravan and was soon appraised for his hardiness in a walker ambush. He was nicknamed "The Troll" for his massive size, build, and the fact that he carried his fathers lucky bull horn around his neck. After the biker gang found a young girl roaming the sidewalk, they attempted to rape her, but Phillip soon killed all of the bikers single handily with a brick. The girls name was Aubrey Kirkton, and she now tags along with Phillip. Together.
Personality: Suffers from a difficult childhood, quiet, honorable in an honorless world.
sorry throughout the whole time this project has existed i have not contributed as much as i have wanted to contribute to the project but since i see the project is going alittle downhill im going to rejoin the main crew and do whatever i can to help
im gonna make up for it with a big return by helping with more on the project other then original post editing and such
im gonna try to help to get it back on track
and also i asked the guy on youtube who makes a popular walking dead sfm animated story if he would like to assist he said possibly so we might be able to get a 2nd animator again im gonna find more animators and such to help us get this project moving and ill help on the skype if you guys still use that and by discussing topics and such im gonna to try my best to help our project get back on track since i made this project and i want to see it happen since walking dead untold is a good consept we have going for it
overall im sorry i have not contributed alot overall the entire project existance i will try to make up for the lost time of contribution possiblitys by coming back to the main project and helping it get back on track by doing the best i can
If you want to see more you can just ask, otherwise, i'll just leave this here. Thank you everyone for at least helping us have a fun time making all this.
damn guys. what made ya'll want to cancel this project? i was another waiting patiently for this. whoever made ya'll give up or discouraged please ignore them. Ya'll need to get back to working on the project and ignore the haters.
damn guys. what made ya'll want to cancel this project? i was another waiting patiently for this. whoever made ya'll give up or discouraged please ignore them. Ya'll need to get back to working on the project and ignore the haters.
This was going to be done with animation and such from what I remember right? And you've already recorded some dialogue from what one of you said...well, why not make an audio story? They're a lot easier to make and it's not difficult getting a hold of sound efects for free from somewhere like youtube. You could still have your story come to life in that way.
Animation is a lot of hard work. For something like Sintel a 10 minute short it took a decent sized team of people and a year of hard work if I'm correct. And the short the film 9 is based on, it took one guy three years to make it. For the amount of material you have, doing an audio story might be the better alternative [and cheapeeeeer] rather than giving up after all effort you've put into it, and you could always place stills on the screen [either from photos or artist drawings or a mixture of both if any of you guys have got any skills in that department, so it's not just staring at a blank screen.
Audio is just as a powerful thing at storytelling, remember that Overkill's Walking Dead trailer? Try listening to it with your eyes shut:
This was going to be done with animation and such from what I remember right? And you've already recorded some dialogue from what one of you… more said...well, why not make an audio story? They're a lot easier to make and it's not difficult getting a hold of sound efects for free from somewhere like youtube. You could still have your story come to life in that way.
Animation is a lot of hard work. For something like Sintel a 10 minute short it took a decent sized team of people and a year of hard work if I'm correct. And the short the film 9 is based on, it took one guy three years to make it. For the amount of material you have, doing an audio story might be the better alternative [and cheapeeeeer] rather than giving up after all effort you've put into it, and you could always place stills on the screen [either from photos or artist drawings or a mixture of both if any of you guys have got any skills in that department, so it's not just staring… [view original content]
Audio book? Um....I don't really how to explain that. But at least for creating audio type episodes, they'd need a movie making program that can create multiple audio bars to do what they need to do. Something like Window's Movie Maker wouldn't be enough as that only has one audio bar [not including the video's audio bar] and is very basic.
They'd have to have something like:
-One or two audio bars for dialogue [only including second or third bars for any characters that speak over each other in certain desperate situations or arguments for example. Any incidents with walkers should include a seperate dialogue audio bar for them too, as they would be considered voices as well and you wouldn't want to mix them up with the live actors if there's an attack from the herd; that would be a lot of noise and hence would make it a lot easier to deal with].
-A few audio bars for sound effects [e.g walking around, objects being moved, guns being fired, doors slamming, etc etc. This is the part that could sell it in letting you know what the characters are doing if they haven't said it already like 'there anything in the truck?' 'the station's a mess; think there's much worth taking in here?' that kinda thing.]
-One audio bar for music, if there's any present or needed for the moment.
The key would be keeping things organized, because it would be so easy to make this messy. So keeping audio files named correctly and foldered in the right place for use before doing the stuff above will save you a lot of trouble. But it's definitely possible to pull off. I saw another group of fans do something like this a few years before on another series.
The project is unfortunately cancelled. We tried our best, but it was kind of a pipe dream wasn't it? XD
We however recorded a lot of lin… morees and wrote the entire script. So i'll just leave the first ''episode'' here.
Some lines were supposed to be re-done afterwards, so excuse the lack of quality of some of them.
Edited lines:
If you want to see more you can just ask, otherwise, i'll just leave this here. Thank you everyone for at least helping us have a fun time making all this.
Episode 1 audio is impressive. Whose voices are that? Great job, guys. Same goes with background noises and sounds. You really put a lot of work into that project. Good luck in the future.
Could something like Audacity work? The dialog can be compiled and a layout can be written stating at what time each line will be played along with music cues. In the end, you upload everything into the program and just place it at the correct time spots. I don't know if it can work like that. I'm just throwing out a suggestion.
Audio book? Um....I don't really how to explain that. But at least for creating audio type episodes, they'd need a movie making program that… more can create multiple audio bars to do what they need to do. Something like Window's Movie Maker wouldn't be enough as that only has one audio bar [not including the video's audio bar] and is very basic.
They'd have to have something like:
-One or two audio bars for dialogue [only including second or third bars for any characters that speak over each other in certain desperate situations or arguments for example. Any incidents with walkers should include a seperate dialogue audio bar for them too, as they would be considered voices as well and you wouldn't want to mix them up with the live actors if there's an attack from the herd; that would be a lot of noise and hence would make it a lot easier to deal with].
-A few audio bars for sound effects [e.g walking around, objects being moved, guns bein… [view original content]
Episode 1 audio is impressive. Whose voices are that? Great job, guys. Same goes with background noises and sounds. You really put a lot of work into that project. Good luck in the future.
Wouldn't have a clip, I've used Audacity before but I don't have a clear memory of it. The Vegas Movie Studio program I have can pull this off because you can crete audio and video bars, so I think they should stick with movie designed programs.
But it is just a thought. It's probably better they discuss it with each other and see if it's still something they want to do o.o
Could something like Audacity work? The dialog can be compiled and a layout can be written stating at what time each line will be played al… moreong with music cues. In the end, you upload everything into the program and just place it at the correct time spots. I don't know if it can work like that. I'm just throwing out a suggestion.
Funny story. We actually spent a bunch of time discussing what to do next, and audio story was the option we were going for.
Most of the team just didn't want to downgrade the project so much, and we didn't know what to do, so i just decided to post the first ''episode'' to see some of your guys feedback.
We still have 4 more episodes worth of lines. So i suppose we can try to make something still.
This was going to be done with animation and such from what I remember right? And you've already recorded some dialogue from what one of you… more said...well, why not make an audio story? They're a lot easier to make and it's not difficult getting a hold of sound efects for free from somewhere like youtube. You could still have your story come to life in that way.
Animation is a lot of hard work. For something like Sintel a 10 minute short it took a decent sized team of people and a year of hard work if I'm correct. And the short the film 9 is based on, it took one guy three years to make it. For the amount of material you have, doing an audio story might be the better alternative [and cheapeeeeer] rather than giving up after all effort you've put into it, and you could always place stills on the screen [either from photos or artist drawings or a mixture of both if any of you guys have got any skills in that department, so it's not just staring… [view original content]
On Tumblr, I've posted four Audio Episodes that I created for TWDG using Audacity, and I'm working on my fifth. Seeing something totally new like this in the same form is really cool! I'm glad you didn't completely scrap all your work.
Wouldn't have a clip, I've used Audacity before but I don't have a clear memory of it. The Vegas Movie Studio program I have can pull this o… moreff because you can crete audio and video bars, so I think they should stick with movie designed programs.
But it is just a thought. It's probably better they discuss it with each other and see if it's still something they want to do o.o
Episode 1 audio is impressive. Whose voices are that? Great job, guys. Same goes with background noises and sounds. You really put a lot of work into that project. Good luck in the future.
ok fair enough
Just asking. I've heard this has all been shelved. As an investor, I'm a bit confused. I've contributed to the kickstarter and have received notice that this project has been shelved. Where do I go from here? You keep saying you're progressing, but I'm told I'm getting a refund on my Kickstarter contribution because it ain't happening due to the animators deciding that since they ain't getting paid (although it was for the love of the project that they were doing this in the first place) they're out. Don't get me wrong. I'll keep sending money if it's gonna happen, but you can understand if I'm a little concerned here. I need clarification. Is this project happening or not? Am I being scammed, or do none of you talk to each other?
well um im not really in charge now i put legendary in charge and as far as i know info wise the money was going towards the character models and our animator works for free
and yes its still happening as far as im knowledged with so dont worry im most sure that the money is going towards the projects resources such as character models and such
i would contact arthur if you are really concerned because as far as i know the donations go towards character models since there the primary thing we needed
and 1 of the voice actors for this on twitter said he just did a voicing session for walking dead untold a few days ago so im pretty sure this project is still active and alive
oh and where did you hear the project was canceled if you could tell me i might be able to help you out more and get info
im not really in contact with the rest of the team since they talk via skype
and as i said im not in charge i put someone else so im not fully aware of the situation so its best to contact arthur or the project in general im still a part of this project but have not had contact with the guy i put in charge james hes the 1 who made the kickstarter so contact them if you are concerned
so um arthur goofyoldguy told me walking dead untold is canceled or something like that so uh whats going on with the project
OOOH this sounds so fun!! I'll think of a good character in the morning
Here's my character,
Name: Daemon Vargas
Age: 23
From: New York
Appearance: Hispanic Male, Black fade hair-cut, Black Goatee with side stubble, Dark burgandy longsleeve sweater with a black sleeveles rain hoodie over it, Grey cargos and black boots.
Personality: Lone Wolf, Independent, Honest, Loyal, No nonsense, kind hearted, Leader
Skills: Hunter, Powerhouse, craftsmanship
Flaws: Slight trust issues, Hard to get to know, he doesn't open up to anyone but once you've gained his trust he'll have your back no matter what.
Story: When the apocalypse started Daemon quickly built walls around a warehouse and formed a community. Daemon was the leader of 20 other survivors and they looked up to him, he was a natural born leader and the community respected him for his work ethic. They've been surviving for quite a bit behind walls and built a strong bond with each other. Then one day he let a stray group in, they offered supplies and food and Daemon's community were falling short on food so he brought em in. But later on that stray group turned on the community and slaughtered almost everyone. Turns out they have been planning to take over the community since the start. Daemon got away with his German Shepard named Jay. He witnessed his friends be slaughtered by the stray group he let in so he feels deep guilt and became traumatized from that event which led him to have trust issues and become a lone wolf. He couldn't. trust anyone for awhile. He camped in the woods with his dog Jay for a while now. He trained him to be quiet and extremely obedient. Time has passed and he is looking for a group to give it another try, possibly as a leader or anything else. He just really wants a fresh start and be apart of something.
well it seems this character is quite intresting might be a season 2 character but lets see how season 1 does overall because 1 of our main animators left his name was john nao and our character model is having issues so were having problems so season 1 pilot might not be out for abit yet
Awesome man, goodluck to you guys.
well ill pm u a chat link if you wanna discuss topic on it right now
These last few weeks haven't been easy for us. It's been 20 days and we couldn't convert our character model to SFM. I'm really sorry for leaving you guys waiting like that.
Legendary 12, our director, gave up on the project yesterday. It's the second member we lost since last month. Unfortunately, it's a pretty slim chance that we'll keep going.
Things are still being talked through and we'll give the money back to the people that helped us on the Kickstarter once we're 100% sure that this project is closed.
If we do stop making this series, we'll post the script as well as the recordings for you guys to enjoy.
We have had some problems and i'll be honest, there's a big change that this doesn't happen,if this gets cancelled we'll return all your money, you don't have nothing to be worried about, but for now we haven't gave up, there's still a slim change of this happening.
so legendary quit? shall i remove him from the uh staff list?
Name: Phillip Harlow
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black with coming grey
Build: Heavy
Weapon: lucky bull horn (hanging around his neck)
Priority: survive
Skin Tone: White, ageing
Country Of Origin: America, Alaska
Place of dependence (before the breakout): Texas
Height: 6'2
Weight: 267 LBS
Clothing: Truckers jacket and camo pants
Biography: Phillip before the outbreak, was a dirt seller, he found roadkill from the nearest roads and drag the carcasses to his backyard in which he would bury for a couple months and create some of the most premium natural dirt known to his county, he got this ideal from his neighbor Debbie who was a famed gardener, his main love interest, his most paying client, and later the first person he had to kill. After escaping his small community of around 13 people (who later turned into walkers), he made his way north, surviving off of cactus water and ironically...roadkill.
After a few days of malnutrition and dehydration he started hallucinating about his childhood, the moment he nearly died one time when he was a little kid in Alaska, he walked over the ice sheeted swimming pool in which he drowned, he was rescued by his neighbor and spent serveral days in the hospital. Phillip a few years after this incident moved to Texas in which he wanted a warm quiet life...
After collapsing on I29 he was picked up by a biker caravan and was soon appraised for his hardiness in a walker ambush. He was nicknamed "The Troll" for his massive size, build, and the fact that he carried his fathers lucky bull horn around his neck. After the biker gang found a young girl roaming the sidewalk, they attempted to rape her, but Phillip soon killed all of the bikers single handily with a brick. The girls name was Aubrey Kirkton, and she now tags along with Phillip. Together.
Personality: Suffers from a difficult childhood, quiet, honorable in an honorless world.
You don't need to, at least not yet.
Next time we update the thread i'll tell you what to change.
so uh i told lord_eaa he could possibly rejoin i feel we should accept his assistance since we need all the help we can get for this project
Arthur were not gonna give up this project just yet because theres still abit of hope shining upon us
sorry throughout the whole time this project has existed i have not contributed as much as i have wanted to contribute to the project but since i see the project is going alittle downhill im going to rejoin the main crew and do whatever i can to help
im gonna make up for it with a big return by helping with more on the project other then original post editing and such
im gonna try to help to get it back on track
and also i asked the guy on youtube who makes a popular walking dead sfm animated story if he would like to assist he said possibly so we might be able to get a 2nd animator again im gonna find more animators and such to help us get this project moving and ill help on the skype if you guys still use that and by discussing topics and such im gonna to try my best to help our project get back on track since i made this project and i want to see it happen since walking dead untold is a good consept we have going for it
overall im sorry i have not contributed alot overall the entire project existance i will try to make up for the lost time of contribution possiblitys by coming back to the main project and helping it get back on track by doing the best i can
so um what did she think of the idea
The project is unfortunately cancelled. We tried our best, but it was kind of a pipe dream wasn't it? XD
We however recorded a lot of lines and wrote the entire script. So i'll just leave the first ''episode'' here.
Some lines were supposed to be re-done afterwards, so excuse the lack of quality of some of them.
Edited lines:
If you want to see more you can just ask, otherwise, i'll just leave this here. Thank you everyone for at least helping us have a fun time making all this.
damn guys. what made ya'll want to cancel this project? i was another waiting patiently for this. whoever made ya'll give up or discouraged please ignore them. Ya'll need to get back to working on the project and ignore the haters.
I think they realised they couldn't based on the resources they had
Well instead of giving up on the project why don't they do what Leetheprofessional did? Make it into a story. All is not lost and still hope for them.
This was going to be done with animation and such from what I remember right? And you've already recorded some dialogue from what one of you said...well, why not make an audio story? They're a lot easier to make and it's not difficult getting a hold of sound efects for free from somewhere like youtube. You could still have your story come to life in that way.
Animation is a lot of hard work. For something like Sintel a 10 minute short it took a decent sized team of people and a year of hard work if I'm correct. And the short the film 9 is based on, it took one guy three years to make it. For the amount of material you have, doing an audio story might be the better alternative [and cheapeeeeer] rather than giving up after all effort you've put into it, and you could always place stills on the screen [either from photos or artist drawings or a mixture of both if any of you guys have got any skills in that department, so it's not just staring at a blank screen.
Audio is just as a powerful thing at storytelling, remember that Overkill's Walking Dead trailer? Try listening to it with your eyes shut:
You could totally still do this
Yea that's what I'm advising them to do. How do you make an auto book?
Audio book? Um....I don't really how to explain that. But at least for creating audio type episodes, they'd need a movie making program that can create multiple audio bars to do what they need to do. Something like Window's Movie Maker wouldn't be enough as that only has one audio bar [not including the video's audio bar] and is very basic.
They'd have to have something like:
-One or two audio bars for dialogue [only including second or third bars for any characters that speak over each other in certain desperate situations or arguments for example. Any incidents with walkers should include a seperate dialogue audio bar for them too, as they would be considered voices as well and you wouldn't want to mix them up with the live actors if there's an attack from the herd; that would be a lot of noise and hence would make it a lot easier to deal with].
-A few audio bars for sound effects [e.g walking around, objects being moved, guns being fired, doors slamming, etc etc. This is the part that could sell it in letting you know what the characters are doing if they haven't said it already like 'there anything in the truck?' 'the station's a mess; think there's much worth taking in here?' that kinda thing.]
-One audio bar for music, if there's any present or needed for the moment.
The key would be keeping things organized, because it would be so easy to make this messy. So keeping audio files named correctly and foldered in the right place for use before doing the stuff above will save you a lot of trouble. But it's definitely possible to pull off. I saw another group of fans do something like this a few years before on another series.
Dammit, At least you guy tried though, Thanks for Effort
You guys didn't even reach 1000 comments.
I mean this in the nicest way possible, but what a disappointing turn out.
I knew it would be cancelled!
Rather offensive to laugh isn't it?
Oops I should change it, it does look offensive when I didnt mean it to be
meep :S
James and Sarah though o.o
More please
Episode 1 audio is impressive. Whose voices are that? Great job, guys. Same goes with background noises and sounds. You really put a lot of work into that project. Good luck in the future.
Could something like Audacity work? The dialog can be compiled and a layout can be written stating at what time each line will be played along with music cues. In the end, you upload everything into the program and just place it at the correct time spots. I don't know if it can work like that. I'm just throwing out a suggestion.
I was Mark and thank you. its suck that we couldn't make this happen, but what can you do?
Wouldn't have a clip, I've used Audacity before but I don't have a clear memory of it. The Vegas Movie Studio program I have can pull this off because you can crete audio and video bars, so I think they should stick with movie designed programs.
But it is just a thought. It's probably better they discuss it with each other and see if it's still something they want to do o.o
Funny story. We actually spent a bunch of time discussing what to do next, and audio story was the option we were going for.
Most of the team just didn't want to downgrade the project so much, and we didn't know what to do, so i just decided to post the first ''episode'' to see some of your guys feedback.
We still have 4 more episodes worth of lines. So i suppose we can try to make something still.
On Tumblr, I've posted four Audio Episodes that I created for TWDG using Audacity, and I'm working on my fifth. Seeing something totally new like this in the same form is really cool! I'm glad you didn't completely scrap all your work.
Joeldeak was the voice of Adam, ChaoticAura was the voice of Sarah, BretNewton was the voice of Aiden, ProfKranc was the voice of Bentley, Walkingdead 666 was the voice of Mark.
Those are the ones i recall right now. XP