''The Walking Dead Untold:



  • crips come on chat

    Crips posted: »

    Ooooh, trailers would be gud.

  • I would love to voice act but my voice is deep in that Lee type of way. My character HAS to be black :)

  • edited October 2014

    deleted as release date is near and dont want people to be spoiled

  • Uh send in a example and ill consider it

    OverDrive posted: »

    I would love to voice act but my voice is deep in that Lee type of way. My character HAS to be black

  • edited October 2014

    Episode 9 deleted to avoid people spoiling themselves.

  • Episode 9 was intense man

  • edited September 2014

    Adam stood there, like if the time had stopped around him. Thinking about his friends.

    Adam hears everyone in his head, everything they said to him before, at the same time.

    Mark: You can’t be a hero man!

    Adam: She did that because she wanted you to live Sonya. She sacrificed her life for you.

    Vlad: We can’t do anything for Domenick. Just cover Sonya’s eyes.

    Adam: I’M NOT GIVING UP!!

    Domenick: I can’t stop thinking about what I would do for my mom.

    Bianca: My name’s Bianca.


    Adam: I’m…I’m so sorry Dom….I’m so sorry about Bianca.

    Adam wakes up from his thoughts when he hears Domenick’s screams.

    Adam: Daisy…

    Adam says in a tone he had never talked with before.

    Adam: Do whatever you have to to keep him from pulling the trigger. Get Sonya out of here.

    Bandit: Jesus! They’re getting closer! Jack! We’ve gotta move!!

    Jack: We've got time...

    Bandit Leader: 3..........2........

    Adam: You!! Stop!!

    Jack: Finally. I’ve been waiting to have some fun with you.


    Vlad: Adam get the fuck outta here!

    Adam: I’VE HAD ENOUGH!!!!!!

    Adam screams with all the strength in his lungs.

    Jack: Terry! Boss. Take Dante outta here. I’ll meet you back at the camp.

    Bandit Chief: Your not making the calls here.

    Jack: I'll end him quickly.

    Jack gets his knife and pistol.

    Jack: I’m going to cut your fucking face off!!!

    Daisy shoots Jack’s hand.

    Jack: AAAAAaagh!! You b-

    Adam, even though scared, jumps on top of Jack.

    Adam puts up a fight, but is quickly overpowered.

    Jack: Die!

    Daisy: I’m out!


    Anne shoots Jack in the shoulder.

    Anne: Are you okay?

    Adam: Sorry. Fuck.

    Domenick gets up: Grunts Get out.

    Adam: Dom…

    Domenick: They’re taking Dante away. Get out.

    Adam: Daisy! It’s clear.

    Daisy: Oh my god! Domenick are you-!?

    Adam looks at her with a worried expression.

    Vlad: Give me a hand here.

    *Adam carries Vlad

    Daisy: Oh god Trent…

    Adam: Let’s go Daisy.

    Adam, Daisy, Vlad and Sonya leave.

    Jack: AAAAGH!

    Domenick: Do you know……Grunt…..What that necklace meant to me…?

    Dom grabs Jack’s hammer.

    Domenick: I’ll give you a hint…..In hell.


    Daisy: What kind of….Monsters would…..Jesus.

    Vlad: I can walk, don’t worry.

    Sonya: Adam….Domenick….His ear….

    Adam: Sonya are you…?

    Domenick walks closer to them, with blood all over his face.

    Domenick: I’m…..I’m bleeding out. – Domenick says as an excuse not to talk about what just happened.

    Adam: Come here old man.

    They all share a hug.

    Domenick: We need to find Dante.

    Adam: Oh shit…

    The horde gets closer and closer. Thousands of zombies are coming.
    Daisy: We need to hurry!

    Adam: Daisy, I need you to stay here.

    Daisy: Why!? You think I’m not capable?

    Adam: You stay here and take care of Dom.

    Domenick: You think I’M not capab- AH FUCK!!

    Daisy: Jesus! Don’t move like that Dom, you’re bleeding out.

    Adam: Vlad, your leg’s not good. That leaves me and Anne to go after Dante.

    Vlad: Have fun pal.

    Adam noticed he wasn’t called a kid, but an equal to the group.

    *A couple of minutes later

    Terry: If Jack doesn’t come back, we’re trowing you to the zombies!

    Dante: Oooh, I’m shaking!

    Terry: I’m gonna beat your ass!

    Dante: Knock yourself out.

    Bandit Chief: Jack’s not coming. C’mon were leaving.

    Anne: No your not…
    Adam: Don’t move.

    Terry: What the fuck!?


    Anne shoots Terry.

    Adam: Why the hell did you just do that!?

    Anne points a gun at the Bandit chief.

    Anne: If you ever….EVER come back here…I promise I will shove your head up your ass. YOU HEAR ME!?

    The Bandit Chief runs away.

    Adam: …….

    Anne: Sorry did I scare you?

    Adam: Just a bit.

    Dante: Guys…Horde….I’M FUCKING TIED!!!

    *The group heads back to the pharmacy.

    Dominick: C’mon!

    Anne: The horde is still coming.

    Adam: What are we going to do now?

    Daisy: Oh god, oh god.

    Adam: Where’s Sonya!?

    Daisy: I….I told her to stay put.

    Adam: No…Fuck!

    *Adam runs looking for her

    Adam: Sonya!!

    Domenick: We’ve gotta find her.

    The zombie moaning gets louder and louder. The horde is finally here.

    Adam: I can’t find her!

    Daisy: I’m so sorry Adam! I tought…I didn’t know she would run away!

    Anne: She didn’t seem like the type of girl who would run away.

    ???: Help!!! Where is everyone!?

    Vlad: That’s…That’s her!!!

    Domenick: She’s in the middle of the Horde! What the fuck is she doing there!?

    Adam: Sonya!!! I’m coming!!

    Adam sprints trough the walkers.

    Domenick: Nooooooooo! Get back here kid!!

    Adam ran as fast as he could, until he found Sonya on top of a car.

    Sonya: cries

    Adam climbs on top of the car.

    Adam: Sonya! Sonya it’s me! It’s Adam.

    Sonya: You dropped your toy car when you were leaving with the girl, I tried to give it back to you. cries

    Adam: It’s okay, It’s….

    The horde starts to push the car.

    Adam: Sonya, I’m carrying you back.

    Adam carries Sonya back, he stops for one moment, when he feels something.

    Zombie: AAAERGH [BITES]

    He feels a bite in his right shoulder but he keeps pushing.

    Adam: We’re here! It’s the Pharmacy!

    *The door slams open

    Dom: Adam!

    Adam: Help me close the door!!

    Everyone helps, Vlad barricades the door with a piece of wood.

    Adam: Oh shit…

    Adam takes off his coat to find out that the bite didn’t get trough the coat.

    Adam: Oh….Oh god…That was close…

    Adam: Thanks…For the toy car.

    Sonya: I’m so sorry Adam *She hugs him.

    Daisy: What now? We just wait?

    Dante: Pretty much. How's those two? The ones that were tied up.

    Anne: They're scared, i think we should let them rest for a bit.

    Domenick: Hey Adam, come here for a sec.

    Adam: What is it?

    Domenick: What you did today…You’re a true man.

    Adam: Guys! What time is it!?

    Anne: It’s 04:04 Pm.

    Adam: T-Today’s my birthday.

    Sonya: Really?

    Adam: Mark had already prepared everything…. *Adam feels a little sad.

    Dante: Well, happy birthday cocksucker.

    Adam: Thanks asshole.

    Daisy: Hey, not in front of the girl.

    Anne: How old are you?

    Adam: 17.

    Domenick: Hah, still a kid.

    Adam: -____- Thanks Dom.

    Domenick: By the way, i’m not sure if you’d like to see this.

    Adam: What is it?

    Dom hands over a camera to Adam:

    Adam: Dom, it’s just a camera.

    Domenick: ……

    Adam: I can’t- How’d you…?


    Adam’s dad: Son, we know the first thing you tried to do as soon as this started was come here. If you found this recoring, that means were……

    Adam’s mom: Howard….

    Adam’s dad: We’re okay, your sister is fine.

    Adam’s sister: Happy birthday! Well…Late.

    Adam: Dom…I can’t.

    Domenick: Just finish it.

    Adam’s dog: WOOOF WOOF

    Adam’s sister: Hahahaha.

    Adam’s dad: Stay quiet sweetie.

    Adam’s mom: We miss you so much.

    Adam’s dad: We love you son.

    *Battery ends

    Adam stares at the camera holding his tears. He looks at everyone in the group.

    Adam: …………..My dog’s going to be pissed………

    The end.

  • Hmm... how about thinking about some DLC for season 2 to keep people waiting for potential like this. Completely irrelevant to Season 1 and 2. I love it.

  • "Happy Birthday Cocksucker" line of the century.

  • Yep best line of the century

  • Come on chat animators.

  • Just watch this

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Uh send in a example and ill consider it

  • well first we habe to deal with season 1 ( yes a season two is mostlikely happenig) but yeah dlc has been prototiped

    Hmm... how about thinking about some DLC for season 2 to keep people waiting for potential like this. Completely irrelevant to Season 1 and 2. I love it.

  • You're still up for the project?

    Awesome. I'll be sure to get that to you as soon as possible.

  • Hey! I could write an episode and voice act for teenagers - young adults charecters

  • So Leh whats the focus now The moddles or the voice actors

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Yep best line of the century

  • ^ Writers are full right now, you could talk to Lehfeels though, but we need voice actors so consider yourself in.

    FauDeef posted: »

    Hey! I could write an episode and voice act for teenagers - young adults charecters

  • Okay, thanks. I've also sent a PM to Leh. And, in the VA... YAY! Well, I don't think my accent will ruin my MOMENT OF HOPE FOR FAME

    Legendary12 posted: »

    ^ Writers are full right now, you could talk to Lehfeels though, but we need voice actors so consider yourself in.

  • come on the chat

    FauDeef posted: »

    Okay, thanks. I've also sent a PM to Leh. And, in the VA... YAY! Well, I don't think my accent will ruin my MOMENT OF HOPE FOR FAME

  • edited September 2014

    On already

    Legendary12 posted: »

    come on the chat

  • Can I be a part of this somehow whether it's making a trailer or scriptwriting can I please be a part of this

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Come on chat

  • I don't know if I could watch this without Clementine in it I know she wasn't in the show or the comics for that matter and she was a character in tell tales game but I come to like her a lot now she is at the top of my favorite list like rick and carl is and without seeing any of them in it I cant say I would be interested in it

  • Here is the website:

    Changes to be made.. please sign up! For anyone associated with this, I will give you special privileges, just lemme know :)

  • edited September 2014

    The models for the voice actors to voice sync duh

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    So Leh whats the focus now The moddles or the voice actors

  • Everyone come on chat

  • edited September 2014

    Well thats because of copyright issues since this is going on youtube and we dont wanna get a copyright strike for using his work even though its in the same universe as comics/games in this project

    jon200547 posted: »

    I don't know if I could watch this without Clementine in it I know she wasn't in the show or the comics for that matter and she was a charac

  • I loved the episodes but everytime I saw "Adam" I couldn't help think about the fact that my character was named Adam (Addie) and I just think it's a huge coincidence. Maybe that's why Addie wasn't in there or maybe I just missed him.

  • There where a lot of characters like Addie that weren't introduced on season 1, don't worry they will be on future episodes.

    I loved the episodes but everytime I saw "Adam" I couldn't help think about the fact that my character was named Adam (Addie) and I just think it's a huge coincidence. Maybe that's why Addie wasn't in there or maybe I just missed him.

  • I was wondering - but the thing is, Daisy and Addie were supposed to be together (Maybe I just hadn't specified that? Probably my fault, sorry!). But I understand, since it's you guy's story, so you make decisions, but it was still really good. :)

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    There where a lot of characters like Addie that weren't introduced on season 1, don't worry they will be on future episodes.

  • Everyone come on chat

  • Join offical chat now

  • Yeah even if they aint together in season 1 dosent mean we cant put addie in season 2

    I was wondering - but the thing is, Daisy and Addie were supposed to be together (Maybe I just hadn't specified that? Probably my fault, sorry!). But I understand, since it's you guy's story, so you make decisions, but it was still really good.

  • im trying to come on but its full

  • edited September 2014

    Name: Elijah D'Cruz

    Age: 25

    Eye color: right eye blue left green

    Hair Color: Dark with a dark colored beard

    Build: average

    Weapon: throwing knives , revolver, and a lucky coin

    Priority: Survival and profit

    Skin Tone: White tan skin

    Country Of Origin: U.S.A , Alaska

    Height:69 inches

    Weight: 100 Pounds

    Clothing: brown survivalist jacket, wears a blue shirt under the jacket, brown pants that match the jacket, he also wears a brown fedora

    Biography: Elijah D'Cruz also know as snake eyes or Mr. House is a man with all the luck in the world. Born in anchorage to a hot headed mother and spineless father Elijah knew from birth that he was better then everyone else. He hated the cold and hated his parents even more for moving there before he was born. His mother was a hooker at one of the sex clubs on the strip, and his father was a high school drop out, he worked at one of the amateur casinos as a bartender. Elijah's father was able to work up enough money for one hooker in his words 'Fuck the pain away' the two met and had sex and forgot protection, Elijah's mom was pregnant. After awhile they got married and moved to Alaska for a new life in the north. Elijah moved out of anchorage and got himself some odd jobs on the side mostly in the illegal department, he was also a gambler by trade. one night he was up against a cow boy looking fellow with a white hat and brown boots, Everything was going as planned for Elijah, until the cowboy started acting funny he became slower and slower with each move until he stooped. He was dead. They had their game in a small dark closed dinner in the middle of nowhere.Elijah had a feeling in his gut like something wasn't right it was telling him to shoot the man in the head like some sick monster, but Elijah couldn't decide on what he should do, so he flipped one of his betting coin's on the table. Heads he kills the man tails he calls help.it was heads, Elijah hesitated for a few minutes, then the body started to move, 'He was dead how is this possible?!' out of shock he shot the cowboy in the head. He went over and looked at the man then looked away and then at his cards he had a full line of Aces 'That fucker was Fucking with me this entire time he could have won whenever' Elijah shot the man in the head again without hesitating. Just pure rage at being a fool the game was rigged from the start. 'The coin never lies my friend' from that day forward Elijah did not want to be just some fool he wanted to be the king.He didn't want anyone to ever fuck with him again he wanted to be top dog in the apocalypse. Elijah soon found out that zombies were appearing all over like in some horror movie, it didn't really effect him that much he hated his family, and didn't really have that many friends to begin with. After some time passed Elijah became a smuggler, smuggling ammo, guns, food, and even people into certain places. sometimes he would deliver the items, and other times he would keep them depending on his mood. He's a master with knives, and guns. He's always three steps ahead of his opponents and always ready to do business with you.

    Personality: intelligent, crafty, violent, hates religion, smooth talker with the ladies, 50 well betray you 50 he won't, knows a lot of people, has connections, believes he holds the world in his hands, likes boats, hates liars and thieves even though he is one.(he's like the han solo of the walking dead with some two face in there) Moody, drinks a lot, survivalist by nature, will keep fighting to the bitter end.

  • edited September 2014

    Some promotional Art for Season one Animated series in the works.

  • ^ Skype or vocaroo, its pretty easy.

    All voice some younger characters, but what well I need recording wise?

  • All voice some younger characters, but what well I need recording wise?

  • Promotional Art done.

    Alt text

  • Everyone season 1 promo art done

    Legendary12 posted: »

    Promotional Art done.

  • Put it in OP^

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Everyone season 1 promo art done

This discussion has been closed.