PSA - All Pizza/Ice Cream threads being locked to direct discussion to "Civil Character Discussion"

Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
edited September 2014 in The Walking Dead

Hi everyone, Blind Sniper here!

I've been looking back on some of the vocal concerns regarding how Pizza/Ice Cream discussion is preventing the forums from having civil discussion. Because of this, I've decided to create a "Civil Character Discussion Megathread." All discussion will go there and there only. Because of this, old and new threads alike that are created about the Pizza/Ice Cream choice are going to be locked and they will not be merged with the new thread.

The new thread has rules in place for ensuring civil discussion, and character discussion about that choice in particular will only be allowed there.

If your thread is locked, you most likely did nothing wrong, but I am locking threads to ensure that all future discussion regarding the choice starts off on a better foot.

This discussion has been closed.