Is Carol on her way to becoming an antagonist?

First: She was an abused housewife.
Next: She became a grieving mother.
Next: She became a pretty good survivalist.
Next: She became a murderer, not only murdered but then burned the two bodies alive.

And after that, her attitude just became colder and colder.
I think there is a good chance she will become an antagonist.



  • edited September 2014

    Are we going to talk about AMC's TWD on a Telltale's TWD forum?

    But no i don't think so. She's on her way to become food for walkers.

  • Nah, I don't think so.

  • I hope not. I really like her.

  • Aside from Michonne, she's my fave character. So I really hope not.

  • edited September 2014

    No shes interesting and morally questionable, Rick banishing her was dumb after all hes done

    EDIT: Also its sad but shes had some of the best development on the show though a lot was unitentional

  • No, especially since she has been taking care of Judith. Rick has to realize (if he hasnt already) that what Carol did is nothing worse than he or anybody else has. Especially with the situation of Terminus, Rick is gonna need every ally he can get.

    Funny side note: Anyone notice that Tyreese (the guy Rick beat the crap out of) and Carol (the woman Rick banished) are the ones taking care of his baby :P

  • Hey let me ask you, out of curiosity, do think Carol is attractive?
    Now ones like Andrea, Maggie, and Beth, that's a no-brainer.
    But what about Carol?

    Personally, now that she's allowing her hair to grow out, I think she looks cute.
    The buzzcut she had early on looked horrible.
    In fact, I don't think the buzzcut looks good on anyone, period.

    But now, she looks cute.
    Pert-near adorable, actually.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I hope not. I really like her.

  • edited September 2014

    Compared to Maggie, no one looks attractive

    Jk, but personally I don't think so. Maggie is the best looking character in the show imo, and Andrea was as well (before she got killed).

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Hey let me ask you, out of curiosity, do think Carol is attractive? Now ones like Andrea, Maggie, and Beth, that's a no-brainer. But what

  • Why not?
    It's a topic about TWD.
    Plus, the videogame has been talked to death.
    Hardly any interesting threads about it show up anymore.
    No offense intended.

    So I thought it wouldn't hurt to broaden thing a bit.

    JohnyCl posted: »

    Are we going to talk about AMC's TWD on a Telltale's TWD forum? But no i don't think so. She's on her way to become food for walkers.

  • I think Carol is a good looking woman, to be honest. Granted, I like her more now than I did before (but the personality change had a big influence on that too) but I never thought she looked "bad".

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Hey let me ask you, out of curiosity, do think Carol is attractive? Now ones like Andrea, Maggie, and Beth, that's a no-brainer. But what

  • edited September 2014

    You're right!
    I have to admit, "cute," doesn't do her justice.
    She's actually quite beautiful!

    To bad that shitbird of a husband abused her.
    What an asshole!
    And even though I hate Shane, because of what he allowed himself to become, remembering how he pummeled that bastard; makes me smile.

    No man has the right to abuse his wife, or any other woman.
    In fact, that person is not even a man.
    REAL MEN do not do that!

    I was brought up to respect women.
    While being taught that even though a man is the head of the family, he damn-well better treat his wife in a kind and dignified manner.
    And I've strived to do my best to follow that teaching.
    Every girlfriend I've ever had, I've strived to treat her with kindness and respect.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I think Carol is a good looking woman, to be honest. Granted, I like her more now than I did before (but the personality change had a big influence on that too) but I never thought she looked "bad".

  • I don't think she is. She is not completely gone yet. Any antagonist is going to come from outside the group.

  • Became one a long time ago, most people in Rick's group are antagonists in my opinion.

  • I don't think so.

  • Melissa Mcbride is very pretty and I think Carol has gotten nicer looking as she has come out her shell.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Hey let me ask you, out of curiosity, do think Carol is attractive? Now ones like Andrea, Maggie, and Beth, that's a no-brainer. But what

  • I got why he did that. Carol was being very questionable and he was thinking about protecting his children. I think she understood it too in the end of she wouldn't have gone so quietly. Why do you say her development was unintentional?

    No shes interesting and morally questionable, Rick banishing her was dumb after all hes done EDIT: Also its sad but shes had some of the best development on the show though a lot was unitentional

  • I detested her husband so much. He made her miserable. I´m so glad she´s moved beyond past that and survived to be her own independent strong person. I´m very proud of her character.

    I hate domestic violence. If you get married and/or have a family it should be because you love them. If you don´t, leave them be and go away. Nobody should ever feel in control by beating up their close ones. People who probably love and depend on them. It´s disgusting.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    You're right! I have to admit, "cute," doesn't do her justice. She's actually quite beautiful! To bad that shitbird of a husband abused

  • edited September 2014

    Tyreese started that, but what I did notice was Tyreese and Carol being together like they were in the comic.

    No, especially since she has been taking care of Judith. Rick has to realize (if he hasnt already) that what Carol did is nothing worse than

  • Season 2 more or less ignored her after sophia and barely gave her a role, season 3 slaughtered half the cast and again more or less ignored her, however the actress did a great job with what she had. Season 4 too this with a better writer and she became much more integral

    KCohere posted: »

    I got why he did that. Carol was being very questionable and he was thinking about protecting his children. I think she understood it too in the end of she wouldn't have gone so quietly. Why do you say her development was unintentional?

  • I hope not. I really like her character. And she is the only female survivor that is still alive from the original Atlanta group, so I want her to make it.

  • I don't know if I agree with that. She wasn't prominent but I don't think she was being ignored. There's so many characters they have to find time to let them shine. I do agree season 4 was definitely her season.

    Season 2 more or less ignored her after sophia and barely gave her a role, season 3 slaughtered half the cast and again more or less ignored

  • I don't think she'll become a full on antagonist but I could see her making more questionable decisions like when she murdered and set fire to those two people. Carol's definitely one of my favourite characters, I like how much she's changed.

  • Hey let me ask you, out of curiosity, do think Carol is attractive?


    I rather Kiss my border Collie.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Hey let me ask you, out of curiosity, do think Carol is attractive? Now ones like Andrea, Maggie, and Beth, that's a no-brainer. But what

  • I hate string cheese

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I detested her husband so much. He made her miserable. I´m so glad she´s moved beyond past that and survived to be her own independent stron

  • I hate cheese in general.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I hate string cheese

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited September 2014

    Me too its for fat people. I don't eat anything from a animal.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I hate cheese in general.

  • The smell is atrocious.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Me too its for fat people. I don't eat anything from a animal.

  • Every time i ate cheese it would make me so sick i would be in pain for days. I just stopped eating it, and took a supplement.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    The smell is atrocious.

  • edited September 2014

    I haven´t eaten cheese ever since I was a kid. They forced me to at school and it made me literally nauseous. Who thought it was a good idea to force feed that shit?

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Every time i ate cheese it would make me so sick i would be in pain for days. I just stopped eating it, and took a supplement.

  • Carol is literally Jane.

  • Who thought it was a good idea to force feed that shit?

    Well when i was a kid , the thought was a fed kid was a happy kid.

    Now its a healthy kid is a happy kid.

    Times change people don't.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I haven´t eaten cheese ever since I was a kid. They forced me to at school and it made me literally nauseous. Who thought it was a good idea to force feed that shit?

  • Very true. I remember when people thought it was a good idea to make kids as fat as possible to prove to the world that they didn´t starve them.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Who thought it was a good idea to force feed that shit? Well when i was a kid , the thought was a fed kid was a happy kid. Now its a healthy kid is a happy kid. Times change people don't.

  • The fuck is Carol?

  • I guess she's attractive in a different way than Maggie is.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Hey let me ask you, out of curiosity, do think Carol is attractive? Now ones like Andrea, Maggie, and Beth, that's a no-brainer. But what

  • She's from the show.

    The fuck is Carol?

  • Yeah anyone that grew up in the 80/90s were abused by the times.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Very true. I remember when people thought it was a good idea to make kids as fat as possible to prove to the world that they didn´t starve them.

  • She is arguably already an antagonist, as is rick.

  • She is that really old lady who looks like a beat up paper bag.

    The fuck is Carol?

  • edited September 2014


    Main difference I can think of is Carol is fine with the act of murdering people, whereas Jane expresses shock and panic when she has to.

    Carol killed the ill person by burning her. Jane wanted to leave sarah behind, not actively kill her.

    Carol is literally Jane.

  • Didn't Carol kill a child?

    Flog61 posted: »

    Nearly. Main difference I can think of is Carol is fine with the act of murdering people, whereas Jane expresses shock and panic when she

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