The Kenny Krusaders went kaput,
The Jane Gang met their bane,
Sam’s Survivors were stopped,
The IceBreakers broke up,
The Clem Cuties were crucified,
The #BigbyMasterRace took a silver slug to the face,
Ben’s Shitbirds flew south for the winter,
Mike’s Knights quit in spite,
Lee’s Urbans were deemed too politically incorrect,
The Urban Duo did no more,
Alvin’s Juiceboxes ran out,
Pete’s Wise men would never rise again,
and the AYY LMAOs could no longer LMAO.
the urbans will ovar power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Kenny Krusaders went kaput,
The Jane Gang met their bane,
Sam’s Survivors were stopped,
The IceBreakers broke up,
The Clem Cuties were crucified,
The #BigbyMasterRace took a silver slug to the face,
Ben’s Shitbirds flew south for the winter,
Mike’s Knights quit in spite,
Lee’s Urbans were deemed too politically incorrect,
The Urban Duo did no more,
Alvin’s Juiceboxes ran out,
Pete’s Wise men would never rise again,
and the AYY LMAOs could no longer LMAO.