Why Do People Hate Troy So Much?



  • I miss troy brb let's swap troy with luke

  • He takes glee in reminding people that they're gonna be miserable, mocks Carlos for hurting his daughter, calls Clem a 'little shit' for trying to help, and only looks uncomfortable during Carver's beatdown because of BONNIE - she embarrasses him by telling Carver to stop.

    And he didn't care about the prisoners, only about the possibility of getting screwed by Jane. And she did screw him over.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    But he's so badass. He has a cool hairstyle. He told the group that they should get rest, because they're going to work hard tomorrow.

  • Depends on your definition of 'hate'. Carver and Troy were vile people, but I liked them because of that. Carlos, Jane and Kenny got on my nerves because they were meant to be sympathetic but failed, for varying reasons, to evoke that sympathy.

    I don't hate Troy because he hit Clem. Carver did that and I loved Carver. I hated Troy because he was a fucking idiot, acted like he was so tough because he had a gun, and was just angry all the time. Like annoyingly angry.

  • Because, in the the eternal words of Ice Cube: he's a "hillbilly, chickenshit motherfucker."

  • Because Troy is a bully.

  • Because he's a pedo

  • Yes. You're totally right.

    Because a grown man can't stop a running 11 year old girl with just his hands. He needs to bash her face with the butt of a gun to stop her. Makes so much sense...

    Bokor posted: »

    Clem asked for it by disobeying orders and trying to stop Carver from teaching Kenny a lesson! Troy did the right thing by hitting her - what if she got to Carver and got beaten up even worse?!

  • He is a pedo fekin file

  • edited October 2014

    well he is a piece of shit when he is with Carver, but when not, he is less agressive. he talked nice with Clem and Sarah at the start of episode 3 and then saved clem. Maybe the things someone has to do to not finish like reggie.

    Im not sure, but does he say to carver is enough when he is beating Kenny?

    ok i watched again, is other person but the expression on his face tell more than words

  • "Everything come out all right, girls?"

  • Yeah so we can watch Troy drown. I like that idea

    I miss troy brb let's swap troy with luke

  • I thought you liked Troy. You are asking why we hate him, and now you're giving me reasons why I should hate him?

    Bokor posted: »

    He takes glee in reminding people that they're gonna be miserable, mocks Carlos for hurting his daughter, calls Clem a 'little shit' for try

  • dlb, pls

    Yeah so we can watch Troy drown. I like that idea

  • That did sound creepy, but he just wanted to know if everything alright. You never know.

    Baldex posted: »

    "Everything come out all right, girls?"

  • Shadow pls

    No but srsly someone make a model swap video like that and I will love you forever.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    dlb, pls

  • Troy can look regretful all he wants - but he stood there and watched as people got severely beaten or outright killed. And the only time he chose to intervene was to prevent someone else who intended to put an end to the senseless violence.

    Troy is a bully - and an outright coward. He got what he deserved.

    child123 posted: »

    he hit clem but does that really make him a bad guy?,i mean he seem sad when carver kill walter and beating kenny

  • What about eagerly willing to bitchslap Sarah if Carlos refused? What was that going to do outside of impressing his deranged boss?

    Bokor posted: »

    But he feels bad about his boss murdering people and beating up prisoners! Troy was forced to strike a child in order to stop her from helping her friend! And we all feel bad about him getting castrated!!!

  • He's an asshole. No need to add more.

  • I made a thread for this back when A House Divided released, and the trailer he hit Clementine, and everyone hated his guts cough DLB Fuck Troy cough. The thread was about not hating Troy, and stuff, but most people still hated him. He did hit a little girl, but that is determinant and it didn't happen to me. I still think he's pretty cool, but obviously he's a bad guy.


  • Sure!! :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    All of them? I really have a lot. XD

  • Kenny had plenty of my sympathy, though it didn't help he went through the same character development twice. And I liked Carver because he was a bad dude. But Troy just wasn't a dude I could like.

    Bokor posted: »

    Depends on your definition of 'hate'. Carver and Troy were vile people, but I liked them because of that. Carlos, Jane and Kenny got on my nerves because they were meant to be sympathetic but failed, for varying reasons, to evoke that sympathy.

  • Troy was such a sweetie.

  • Oh yeah i remember that thread....

    I made a thread for this back when A House Divided released, and the trailer he hit Clementine, and everyone hated his guts cough DLB Fuck T

  • and everyone hated his guts cough DLB Fuck Troy cough.

    Alt text

    Alt text

    Damn right

    I made a thread for this back when A House Divided released, and the trailer he hit Clementine, and everyone hated his guts cough DLB Fuck T

  • edited October 2014

    Alt text

    STILL Not sure if serious...

    Alt text

  • Alt text I'm gonna upload it today if I can

    Shadow pls No but srsly someone make a model swap video like that and I will love you forever.

  • The bigger question is; "How do you NOT hate Troy?" His presence was a displeasure, his only redeeming factor was saving Clem. And that should mean something, but it doesn't. Troy is just that despicable. He's without a doubt my most hated character of the entire TWD franchise.

  • Easily did you not read my post. I explained why i like troy.

    CathalOHara posted: »

    The bigger question is; "How do you NOT hate Troy?" His presence was a displeasure, his only redeeming factor was saving Clem. And that shou

  • Why because we don't agree with you?

    Bokor posted: »

    I'm not being 100% sincere. Count how many exclamation points I've abused here. I suspect most of the folks in this thread are, however, and it makes me want to use a Clem facepalm gif.

  • What evidence do you have that Troy would rape anyone?

    Bokor posted: »

    I think it's more likely that he would have raped Sarah if given the opportunity. He already took glee in "slapping the shit out of her", a

  • -doesn't have the same opinion-

    me want to use a Clem facepalm gif.

    Bokor posted: »

    I'm not being 100% sincere. Count how many exclamation points I've abused here. I suspect most of the folks in this thread are, however, and it makes me want to use a Clem facepalm gif.

  • It's not the same.

    I get what you mean, but it's not the same in context wise.

    Lol. He says "Shut up, Indian lady"? I don't remember that. That's pretty funny. What a jerk. Haha. In a weird way that makes me like him more. It's like Kenny calling Lee "urban". :-)

  • are you high

    Bokor posted: »

    Did you giggle when he hit that little shit Clem? What a cute little jerk he was there!

  • Because he touched Clem. That may never go away.

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  • wait


    I figured out that was sarcasm

    Bokor posted: »

    Did you giggle when he hit that little shit Clem? What a cute little jerk he was there!

  • Who isn't

    are you high

  • -raises hand-

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Who isn't

  • Lee touched Clem. Do you hate him too?

    UCAAV29784 posted: »

    Because he touched Clem. That may never go away.

  • edited October 2014

    Okay, I´ll post them once I´m off this tablet. Be warned, though, there´s 50+! I´m gonna have to spoiler tag it.


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