The walking dead TV SHOW, and is it good? *should i watch it?*
i've never watched or heard about the walking dead TV Show and the comics, so if you are a fan and you do love those..... would you recommend the tv show for me? and is it worth my time?:)
also i'm not a comic person, but i'm intrigued by the series. so if you did love/hate the tv series tell me please i have to watch 5 seasons so its a commitment! i need to make sure i'd like it, and what a better way to do this than to ask people who love it or did watch it
thanks for advance for your answers. xx
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I like it. It isn't as enthralling as the game (but then, how could it be?), but it's fun and interesting. The characters are well acted for the most part. Seasons 3 and 4 got pretty slow, but season 1 and 2 were fast paced and exciting, and season 5 looks like it could give us the same. In the end it's not as good as the game, but for me at least, it's still worth the time.
Honestly, the comics are far better that the TV show, but if you really don´t want to read the comics then try the TV series. Its worth your time.
i dont read comics urgh the struggle
You realy should its great.
The show is how I got into twd. Its really good if you like the whole zombie apocalypse theme. After you watch the show I reccomend playing the telltale game seasons 1 and 2 then if your still hungry for more read the comics, but be advised that a lot of details in the show are way different from the comic.
Also if you start watching it, bear with the second season. It gets much better after that but season 2 is pretty awful imo
I got into the show first too. Then I hated the show after season 1, it really does nothing for a long time, but season 4's showrunner does a good job at dialing it back to be all about characters. So my recommendation (other than "read the comics") is to watch the show, but feel free to skip parts of season 2.
It´s underwhelming compared to the game (in my opinion) but it´s still pretty good. I´d say go for it.
Of course it's not as good as the game.
But's its definitely enjoyable and a good watch. I would recommend it absolutely.
Well I have first founded the game at the store and I loved it, after I founded the first season on dvd and I loved it, and after I founded out that there was comic book of it and guess what, I loved I. So whatever you like, walking dead is good on everything.
Depends on if you enjoy a long dragged out story with the odd zombie in the background.
Game > Comic > Show
Season 2 was fast and exciting?
I can agree on the rest of the seasons but 2 was VERY slow.
"Shane, you're a monster!" "Rick, you're a monster!" "Shane, you're a monster!" "Oh no, zombies."
"Governor, you're a monster!" "Rick, you're a monster!" "Governor you're a monster!" "Oh no, zombies."
"Negan, you're a monster!" "Rick, you're a monster!" "Negan, you're a monster!" "Oh no, zombies."
"Terminus youre all monsters!" "Yeah, youre right Rick, hey im actually pretty hungry." "Shit."
Maybe it was. It has been awhile since I've watched it
Yeah,I wasnt that interested until I watched the 4th of July marathon, must say that season 2 was the worst. That is just my opinion though.
you don't read comics? i mean that's fine(its sad) but fine. there are people out there that have never read a comic in there whole lives but they read the walking dead. seriously give it a try its worth it. oh and the show is ok just be careful because season 2 is kinda shitty.
The first Seasons is great, I just recently got done watching it because it's been playing a marathon on TV and I forgot just how good Season 1 is. If you can handle getting past Season 2 (Which is the most boring out of the four) then you're in for some good action in Season's 3 and 4. I actually change my opinion from what I said in the other thread, Season 1 is actually my favorite now. That doesn't mean the rest is bad however.
In no way does the TV show get as good as the game though, the game is a masterpiece on it's own, but don't get your expectations too high when going into the TV series or you'll be disappointed. You don't want that. It really is a fun and entertaining show and you should go in with an open mind. The first episode of Season 1 is probably my favorite episode, that should surely hook you. It's gonna be a bit of a challenge though if you want to catch up and watch the Season 5 premier in a few days, you would have to watch all 4 Seasons in like 5-6 days. Well, I did see the first two seasons in 2 days before I caught up to season 3 so I guess it's possible.
It's really up to you to find out for yourself. It's no where near as emotionally investing as the game but there are some decent moments. Season 1 was great. Season 2 dragged horribly. Season 3 was kinda bumpy. Season 4 is okay.
I just read that it's been renewed for season 6, so if you're going to watch it, you better get a jump on lol. I can't believe it's almost here! I'm so stoked.
I also got introduced to The Walking Dead through the show, then I read the comics, and played the games.
I disagree. I think it's worth watching. There were some amazing moments in the second season. It gets a bad rap because people couldn't stand the characters being in one place for too long.
The odd zombie? You must not have watched much.
I'm more invested in the show's characters. Ive been with them much longer.
Well, as good as the game is a matter of opinion. It is for me, but I wasn't that keen on the last season of the game for various reasons, although I still adore Clementine.
It wasnt that slow. I recently rewatched it and it just reaffirmed my thought that people underrate it, especially the second half which had some great moments.
I don't know if I agree with that. I got bored with the comics after awhile.
It was still slower than all of the other seasons, but we are all entitled to our own opinions.
I had problems too. I'm working on my nearly spiritual review of season two, and it doesn't paint it in a very flattering light. I still rate the game better than the TV show for that very reason. I care enough about Clementine's story that I am spending a long time writing a detailed and in depth review of Season two and why it didn't do the series justice. The fact that season one (and slightly-less-but-still season two) has me down right disappointed of what I view as subpart story telling for her story just solidifies the fact the game is better (for me) because I do care that much.
No, they're right. The zombies disappear for whole arcs. They usually return in record numbers.
I really recommend trying to read the comics, i wasn't a comic guy either, but its one series i could get through. Its much better than the show imo, i like the characters much more and characters develop amazingly and some characters last too long in the show that just make it bad.
No, I've seen every episode and there are zombies in every episode.
Okay, I haven't but I've read all the comics and they disappear from that for a long time. I don't know the show that well and assumed they followed suit.
yeah i'm one of those people who never read a comic in their life lol.
i never grew up knowing about them so its difficult as an adult to like them! i get bored so easy so idk.... maybe i'll try it
thanks for your answer xx
i played the games telltale did but never watched the tv series and never read the comicsm that why i asked if its worth my timeto invest in them, since i'm so late! tv series 5 seasons and the comics its been years
thank you
thank you so much!!! yeah its a struggle! and also i am a collage student so i have alot in my mind! thats why i said its an investment for my time LOL!! anyways i'll watch the series and i hope its as good as the game! cause the game is amaaazing
yeah! lol i'm so so late to this
trust me they're not boring...well a couple of issues are but they're mostly good. yeah no problem.
I found myself wanting to like the show more than I actually liked it. I stuck with it until halfway through season 4 and then had to declare myself out. The idea is great obviously and visually it's pretty well made. I find the writing to be frustratingly inconsistent with the odd excellent moment and even excellent episodes and yet a whole ton of filler, some godawful lines delivered by not so great actors, and a lot of really obvious WTF? moments where you think "why didn't they just...?". I find the writing to be sloppy in places.
I found one half of season 2 to be a complete chore (can't remember which half!). Season 3 had some better episodes but I found the way they did Woodbury to be pretty awful and the Governor was a whole different character in just about every episode. The funniest part of season 3 was watching the Woodbury extras in the background not giving the slightest hint that this was a real place or anybody had anything to do.
And so I went in to season 4 close to leaving it and... eventually did. I heard there was a fantastic episode right in the middle of that season but one episode isn't enough for me.
So no, I couldn't honestly recommend the show although you can see people are clearly enjoying it so it's all just my personal opinion. Like some others, I would recommend the comic, getting it in the big compendiums. I found the comic to be perfectly paced as a book rather than a monthly series, if you know what I mean. There is barely anything in a single issue with a four week wait but put together in a big lump, it works great.