My views on TWD season 2+ A brief introduction
Hello everyone, my name is Justin Cage, (not really but you know). I've been reading this forum for about oh... say a good month now, and I always wanted to add my two cents into these threads for a while now. I felt the best way to get started is to start a long ass essay of my impressions of season 2. So I hope you lads take the time to read this and give feedback(both positive and negative) and ask various questions down below. So...umm I hope you enjoy THANK YOU !!!!!!!
TWD season 2 takes place after the events of the main man Lee Everett came down with a bad case of death, (okay bad joke sorry) and now players assume the role of Lee's very own sweet pea Clementine. Now when I first heard this, I was on the fence about. You see, its very hard balancing both story involvement and realistic interactions with adult NPCs as a child PC, and you know what, I was right... for the most. When it Clem interacts with many of the adult NPCs it could go either two ways, nicely written, organic dialogue that matches the ages of both Clem and lad/lass she is talking to. I.E "Clem what do you think" or "Hey Clem, can you check for on X for me? thanks." etc. but when it messes up is dialogue like **"CLEMENTINE, SAVE THAT GUY OR ELSE I WILL CALL YOU BAD NAMES!!!! ** or " Hey Clem, can you go and do something dangerous and amazing for me? thanks." "Why is it always me?" Clem says. Will its because the developers wanted you to do incredible stuff111!!!! (sarcasm) I get TTG was trying to make sure that Clem stays involved in the story,but things like that can take you out of the experience a bit and its just pretty lazy to me. I'm sure there are other ways to have a more fluid child PC involvement in the story, they just could have tried harder. But this isn't a major thing, cause I rather have my PC have some form of involvement in the story rather than just will do nothing I guess.
Speaking of lazy, remember back in season 1 were there was a lot more open hubs so you could explore for a bit all the while talking to NPCs to help flush out their characters. Oh and a more complex puzzle system. You do? Yeah remember how that wasn't a negative aspect at all. Why would they take these things out? Maybe out of laziness or just wanting to dumb down for the masses ( I know TWD isn't a hardcore to begin with but still.) Take away these aspects that made season 1 great( which balance both storytelling and gameplay) and I fell like I was on a train ride to railway city. Don't get me wrong now, I have no problem with linearity in video games, but still, a company that has a history of balancing the two pretty will is rather remarkable odd.
Although, I did actually like the choice system in this game, it was geared to be more, "We all make choices, but in the end are choices make us." (quoting Andrew Ryan) route. There were some nail bitters, but most of them were just "what do you want your Clementine to become"? Which I kinda like, because I like making choices that help define my character. My Clem ending up being one Edgy mofo, with such lines as Point gun at family " What if I am?or "I wish Kenny had killed you." It is indeed sad seeing Clem like this, but its my decision to make her a sissy, jaded individual, cause i'm am too a sissy, jaded individual. SO I CAN RELATE!
Lets not forget the one thing that always happends in TWD, Deaths. Now some of the deaths were fine, Omid ( shock value isn't always bad) Pete, Alvin, Carlos, Rebecca. But then there were odd ones out of the bunch. Nick- Off screen death, really? Sarah- Trailer park death,fine. Observation deck death nononono. And of course Luke. Now I wasn't a huge fan of his character, but it felt like it was a middle finger for all of his fan who liked him and sided with him up to that point and just dropped all of the build up for cheap shock value. (overusing shock value isn't all that shocking anymore.)
At the end of the day TWD season 2 kinda left me disappointed. More along the lines of Silent Hill 3 or GTA 4 disappointed. It took a chunk of the aspect that made it's older siblings so great, but still have enough positives to hold up its negatives. So I still recommend it for the most part. But I really do hope next season will be the last, cause I can see this series going down a very dark path of no return( in terms of written not the actual story itself) and I hope it will warp up Clem's story, cause of all the building of her character will just be completely wasted if they drop her like that. Its somewhat alarming how so many people are already jumping on the Christa ( rather have her as a DLC ) and God forbid Arvo bandwagon already. Cause I fell like her story isn't told YET... So please TTG, don't mess up season 3 plz. I love you guys for reading.Thanks for reading.