Season 3 - My Predictions For Season 3 (Kenny's Ending)
We all know that 2015 is drawing near, and quick. Which means The Walking Dead season 3 is coming up soon, since season 2 just left us a cliff hanger to the story, and since The Walking Dead comics are 5 years within the apocalypse, and the show is 2 years within the apocalypse. I have some predictions of the time span, and what we might see coming, but remember predictions which'll probably not even come true, but this is my prediction to Kenny's ending.
Yes. The choice that most people have argued over why this was such a stupid choice, but had stupid reasons to why this was a stupid choice. I'm expecting that this will spawn us only a few months later within the game. It has only been 2 years within the game also. I actually ended with Kenny, no doubt I would, I wish people like PewDiePie or JackSepticEye did not end his life. Clementine and Alvin Junior (AJ) are Kenny's only family left. Yes, I get he has a long string of fuck ups, but he is a good man also. He has been there for 2 years, and if you play the game right, the way I did, you'd think of Kenny as a good man, just looking out for others, and his family. He also if you've forgotten that Kenny has lost his wife and son, so give this man some slack. He also is like any parent who'd go mental if you say that you've killed AJ who he considered a son. He went mental when he lost his girlfriend, which I can relate. In a zombie apocalypse, if you lose someone you love, you'd go mental and not know who to trust for a little bit until you can regain some sanity. I'm not agreeing the way he yelled at Clementine was right, but if you remember, he does forgive her when he realizes finally that you can't always save the infected.
Now here's my prediction: I expect to see that Clementine and Kenny are going to be found walking along somewhere in the forest trying to survive after they were shunned out by "Wellington" because they didn't have enough people. Since they are (probably) still in Georgia, maybe they find the remaining of the "The Hunters," with their leader Chris, who tries to probably lead them to a trap which either you or Kenny catch on quickly, of course you'd come off vicious, and this is where it leads to the death of Kenny, yes. We'll be expecting his death to come up sooner or later. Which causes TellTale's famous time lapse to probably about a few months later or probably one year.
Remember: This is just MY prediction, don't take offence, but I'd like to sort some ideas out with all of you too.
The game is based on the comic , not in the series
Oh shit! I forgot that it was based on only the comics, but it was just a prediction.
Its not going to involve anyone from the comics, it never works out as they have to leave to fufill there comic role.
Also most of this prediction is just you moping about people shooting kenny and how kenny shouldn't be determinant
Anyway so no I disagree, personally I hope they continue kenny's degradation and have him eventually snap and beat up clementine in a rage or accidently hurts her in a rage. However as the writers have a bias towards kenny he'll probably save clem and and then die a pointless death to avoid having a determinant character