Does that mean, despite being digital, it's a limited edition?
Have you ever thought of just making only 100 copies of a new MI game, call a Monkey Island fan party, and then distribute them and see the fun squabbles which ensue?
Have you ever thought of just making only 100 copies of a new MI game, call a Monkey Island fan party, and then distribute them and see the fun squabbles which ensue?
Don't give him any more ideas, he's being mean enough to us as it is. *grumble* And no, PariahKing, you aren't the only single one. :mad:
I did find the idea interesting, though. LeChuck finally coming to terms with his transexuality? Whoever dares that in a 16th century pirate community must be either an almost indestructible fearsome demon zombie pirate, or suicidal. Or Jack Sparrow.
I've just watched the new video and I have to thank you guys. The trailer just nailed the typical feeling that MI had for me back in the days (especially MI 1 - 3).
Lechucks talks about a Mystery and the Monkeys if i understood that right....can it be that LeChuck is trying to find out the Secred of Monkey Island?(iam austrian, so its sometimes realy hard to follow all of the dialog in a game like MI, maybe i missunderstood him^^)
I did find the idea interesting, though. LeChuck finally coming to terms with his transexuality? Whoever dares that in a 16th century pirate community must be either an almost indestructible fearsome demon zombie pirate, or suicidal. Or Jack Sparrow.
Btw, AWESOME video. I was really impressed. I have to say that previous gameplay footage had'nt inspired me that much faith, but the sense of dynamism on this one blew me away.
Also, you seem to have gotten the lighting right in this video. I've always thought that something was missing before to make guybrush and some other stuff feel like they're actually in the scene.
I loved the new video! Everything felt so Monkey Island-ish... I wouldn't change a single thing. I didn't think it was possible, but now I'm looking forward to it even more than before! Next tuesday can't come soon enough!
Thank you for bringing Monkey Island back to life. I expect great things to come from the episodes!
Btw I feel like an online downloadable demo would be good, is this how its going to be done?
The way it's worked for every other TTG game so far is that the full game download is the playable demo. If you haven't bought it, it only lets you get so far, and it doesn't allow you to save. However, you can immediately purchase the game and activate it without having to download anything else.
Just a reminder that download is the initial way that the game is going to be delivered. Once the season's completed TTG will produce a DVD for their store containing the whole season (and you'll get one as you've preordered), and there may be deals with publishers to get DVDs into store (or, at least, into regular online retailer channels). Don't expect a package on the 7th - to get Launch of The Screaming Narwhal any time in the next six months, maybe up to a year, you'll be downloading it from TTG.
Lead time on DVDs can be quite long - Strong Bad episode 5 released for download on 15 December but the DVD has only just started shipping.
The way it's worked for every other TTG game so far is that the full game download is the playable demo.
Not true. There was a Fright of the Bumblebees demo for the Wallace and Gromit series separate from the normal in-episode demo, before the release of the series.
I knew Star Wars fans had too much time on their hands... but wow
Oh come on. That's nothing. We Star Wars fans have far, far more to our credit. That's really what you do if you just want to do enough work to get into the fan club.
Hi guys, I want to know if there is an option for point and click with the mouse as opposed to the W,A,S,D method.
Can't wait and thanks guys!
Also is there any plans for more seasons?
Myles Blasonato.
Under threat of making EVERY OTHER post in this thread and seeming incredibly ridiculous, I have to say that there is mouse control. It's not 'point and click" so much, more "click and drag to walk" or "right click to toggle walking off and on, then drag". Anyway, it's mouse-only control, which is great for everybody!(except the ones who preferred keyboard-only).
Not sure if this has been asked already, but... Any chance we'll be seeing a return of the classic "Ask me about [Insert game like Loom here]" button in the game?
Also (while not technically a question) for whoever decides what property you guys are going to try to turn into an episodic series I have but two words for you...
We tried to have an "Ask Me About Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People: Episode 4: Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective -- in 3D!" pin, but it wouldn't all fit on the texture.
Also we made these buttons for E3 -- do they count? They were handed out by people dressed as pirates, even!
We tried to have an "Ask Me About Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People: Episode 4: Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective -- in 3D!" pin, but it wouldn't all fit on the texture.
Also we made these buttons for E3 -- do they count? They were handed out by people dressed as pirates, even!
...How many times do I have to sell my souls for one of those?
Also, is that No More Heroes for the Wii on that desk? AND you guys have actual copies of the Friendly Demon Song from Ice Station Santa?
we do! (that is a link to buy one and a bunch of other awesome crap for $6)
This is what I get for not paying attention. If I had realized that, I would have bought that when I was buying "Surfin' the Highway" several months back.
Any chance you guys could put up some of the "Ask me about Tales of Monkey Island" pins on there too?
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. So, thanks to pre-ordering, I've now got that fun little coupon code I can use to purchase any episode of one of your games that I want. The problem is, I already have the complete first and second seasons of Sam and Max (Mmmm, Sam and Max) and now (Obviously) Tales of Monkey Island.
The problem is, now I don't know what I should actually get. While I'm certainly familiar with Homestar Runner (Especially Trogdor, because who doesen't love a little Burnination now and then?), it's not really something I go out of my way check out on any regular basis. Meanwhile, Wallace and Grommit also looks pretty interesting, but (Much like Homestar Runner), I'm not too terribly familiar with most of the W&G stuff. And of course theres also the two Bone games, which I've also been thinking about getting for awhile now.
So, with that said... What do you guys (And by "guys" I mean the developers of Tales of Monkey Island, not any specific gender of person or lack of gender person) suggest? What should I redeem my well earned (Bought? Pillaged?) coupon on?
Is that... Is that an MI 4 coaster in the background? Nice!
Haha yes. There are a few of those and some bottles of EMI grog floating around the office. I wish we had one of the CMI cardboard standees. The only one I've seen, my friend Spaff managed to blag from LucasArts. I guess it was at a time when nobody cared if someone took their only CMI cardboard stand-up back to the UK with them.
You know, in Romanian they are called "insigna" (plural - "insigne"), which probably has something to do with the verb "signifier" in french which means "to symbolise" or, simply, "sign". Weird, huh?
Question for the Team:
How are the pre-orders going? Do they look promising? (I am talking about the sales)
Those buttons look awesome. And also that mug kicks ass!
I would also be interested in hearing about the pre-order sales. For some reason I think it's a reason to keep having a bigger smile throughout the day each morning looking at the figures.. but I could be wrong of course ^.^
How many copies of Tales do I have to buy TTG have to sell for it to be considered a commercial success that warrants many more seasons?
Despite being initially sceptical about MI being episodic, it looks so good that the thought of a season every year blows my mind.
do we have to buy you mean
Btw I feel like an online downloadable demo would be good, is this how its going to be done?
All of them.
Does that mean, despite being digital, it's a limited edition?
Have you ever thought of just making only 100 copies of a new MI game, call a Monkey Island fan party, and then distribute them and see the fun squabbles which ensue?
Don't give him any more ideas, he's being mean enough to us as it is. *grumble* And no, PariahKing, you aren't the only single one. :mad:
I did find the idea interesting, though. LeChuck finally coming to terms with his transexuality? Whoever dares that in a 16th century pirate community must be either an almost indestructible fearsome demon zombie pirate, or suicidal. Or Jack Sparrow.
Lechucks talks about a Mystery and the Monkeys if i understood that right....can it be that LeChuck is trying to find out the Secred of Monkey Island?(iam austrian, so its sometimes realy hard to follow all of the dialog in a game like MI, maybe i missunderstood him^^)
Darth Vader in a corset would also be cool
... (i bet someone's already done that)
That's why we love you
Btw, AWESOME video. I was really impressed. I have to say that previous gameplay footage had'nt inspired me that much faith, but the sense of dynamism on this one blew me away.
Also, you seem to have gotten the lighting right in this video. I've always thought that something was missing before to make guybrush and some other stuff feel like they're actually in the scene.
Thank you for bringing Monkey Island back to life. I expect great things to come from the episodes!
(and yes, someone's already done that - and there are far worse vader-ly things out there...
np: Whitetree - Tangerine (Cloudland)
It does. Just keep checking out further copies in the store, in the end it will say it's run out
The way it's worked for every other TTG game so far is that the full game download is the playable demo. If you haven't bought it, it only lets you get so far, and it doesn't allow you to save. However, you can immediately purchase the game and activate it without having to download anything else.
Just a reminder that download is the initial way that the game is going to be delivered. Once the season's completed TTG will produce a DVD for their store containing the whole season (and you'll get one as you've preordered), and there may be deals with publishers to get DVDs into store (or, at least, into regular online retailer channels). Don't expect a package on the 7th - to get Launch of The Screaming Narwhal any time in the next six months, maybe up to a year, you'll be downloading it from TTG.
Lead time on DVDs can be quite long - Strong Bad episode 5 released for download on 15 December but the DVD has only just started shipping.
I knew Star Wars fans had too much time on their hands... but wow
Can't wait and thanks guys!
Also is there any plans for more seasons?
Myles Blasonato.
Also (while not technically a question) for whoever decides what property you guys are going to try to turn into an episodic series I have but two words for you...
Space Quest.
Think about it guys. It'd be AWESOME.
Also we made these buttons for E3 -- do they count? They were handed out by people dressed as pirates, even!
Hahaha, very cool. I wonder who the new character is there. Looking forward to finding out.
...How many times do I have to sell my souls for one of those?
Also, is that No More Heroes for the Wii on that desk? AND you guys have actual copies of the Friendly Demon Song from Ice Station Santa?
we do! (that is a link to buy one and a bunch of other awesome crap for $6)
This is what I get for not paying attention. If I had realized that, I would have bought that when I was buying "Surfin' the Highway" several months back.
Any chance you guys could put up some of the "Ask me about Tales of Monkey Island" pins on there too?
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. So, thanks to pre-ordering, I've now got that fun little coupon code I can use to purchase any episode of one of your games that I want. The problem is, I already have the complete first and second seasons of Sam and Max (Mmmm, Sam and Max) and now (Obviously) Tales of Monkey Island.
The problem is, now I don't know what I should actually get. While I'm certainly familiar with Homestar Runner (Especially Trogdor, because who doesen't love a little Burnination now and then?), it's not really something I go out of my way check out on any regular basis. Meanwhile, Wallace and Grommit also looks pretty interesting, but (Much like Homestar Runner), I'm not too terribly familiar with most of the W&G stuff. And of course theres also the two Bone games, which I've also been thinking about getting for awhile now.
So, with that said... What do you guys (And by "guys" I mean the developers of Tales of Monkey Island, not any specific gender of person or lack of gender person) suggest? What should I redeem my well earned (Bought? Pillaged?) coupon on?
Cool, it's Lechuck's Mom over there
Is that... Is that an MI 4 coaster in the background? Nice!
Haha yes. There are a few of those and some bottles of EMI grog floating around the office. I wish we had one of the CMI cardboard standees. The only one I've seen, my friend Spaff managed to blag from LucasArts. I guess it was at a time when nobody cared if someone took their only CMI cardboard stand-up back to the UK with them.
EDIT: And by pins I actually meant those E3 buttons.
THIS! 1000x THIS!
Unrelated, to start the rumour train...
THIS! 100x THIS!
THIS! 1000x THIS!
Murray The Mighty Demonic Skull spin off series
And for our UK brethren, you did of course mean "E3 badges".
Question for the Team:
How are the pre-orders going? Do they look promising? (I am talking about the sales)
I would also be interested in hearing about the pre-order sales. For some reason I think it's a reason to keep having a bigger smile throughout the day each morning looking at the figures.. but I could be wrong of course ^.^