Forum Users : Prey



  • Name: Ashley Sanders

    Age: 9

    Gender: Female

    Group: Out of School

    Apperance: curly black hair , brown eyes , 3.1 feet tall

    Personality: Kind , Happy , Cute , Smart

    Are you just submitting Elizabeth? Because I see you mentioned Jay and Ashley.

  • Well that's great, I'm pretty bored so if you need more characters for whatever faction and you don't feel like writing them and people aren't submitting them I could do a few more, if you need them to serve a specific purpose I could write them around that, wouldn't really be that much of a bother, alternatively I could just complete Ariel's family just so they are background characters or something but that's like 6 characters so it'd take a while.

    I'm not sure why but I kinda want to become good at making characters, in any case I'd try to make them fairly varied, but like I said I'm fairly new to this so some of them could be really bad, might be worth a shot if you need some characters though.

    Thanks for the characters, I like them. It's a great help! I think I'll be able to start writing soon.

  • edited November 2014

    Good you better not be lying.

    I'm fine lol

  • edited November 2014

    Go ahead if you feel like it. Your characters are good! You can do anything you want with it, I'll take it all.

    kaleion posted: »

    Well that's great, I'm pretty bored so if you need more characters for whatever faction and you don't feel like writing them and people aren

  • I'll see what I can do, I have to go to work in about an hour and I haven't eaten yet so it's going to be a while before I get to it, in any case if there is something you feel this story needs that nobody seems to be interested in providing feel free to tell me so I can give it a try, also don't feel obligated to make these characters important they can just be background fluff if you need them to be.

    Go ahead if you feel like it. Your characters are good! You can do anything you want with it, I'll take it all.

  • Alright! Much appreciated. You're a big help. :)

    kaleion posted: »

    I'll see what I can do, I have to go to work in about an hour and I haven't eaten yet so it's going to be a while before I get to it, in any

  • Hey nice to see you're back at it Raging! Here's my submission.

    Name: Jaylen

    Age: 17

    Gender: Male

    Personality: Best described as, careful, good with the ladies, suspicious, good at talking his way out of trouble, athletic, smart, mischievous, VERY LOYAL, Stubborn, trying to get rich to support his family, puts family and friends first before himself.

    Back Story: Growing up in the hood isn't always a bad thing. It taught Jaylen to use a gun, his mouth, and his fists to get out of trouble. It shaped his personality. Good with a gun, and good with his brain, he would do anything to help out a fellow homie. Because if he didn't he would get beat. Jaylen doesn't snitch and would rather die. He's stubborn to his morals and has a strict code, "Don't Snitch, Don't Bitch, Get Rich"

    Appearance: African-American, about Michonne's skin color, Kind of an intimidating rounded fo-hawk fade. Wears a black zip-up hoodie to conceal his gun with a red shirt underneath, sagged blue jeans (Black underwear showing), and a pair of running shoes (not too flashy but they allow him more running room)

    Group: Dusters

  • Also Jaylen is a leader not a follower and has respect for the leader and follows whatever he says. While he doesn't do what was asked of him exactly, he takes his own approach and still completes it, with more ease than if he had followed the orders exactly

    PoopBrown posted: »

    Hey nice to see you're back at it Raging! Here's my submission. Name: Jaylen Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality: Best described

  • for some reason when i saw Otto I immediatly thought the last name was going to be Porter lol. If you even get that reference.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Name: Otto Davids Age: 25 Gender: Male Personality: Suffers from multi-personality disorder. His "normal" personality gets along we

  • Thanks, glad to see you still submit for my stories. Great to have another one of your characters. :]

    PoopBrown posted: »

    Also Jaylen is a leader not a follower and has respect for the leader and follows whatever he says. While he doesn't do what was asked of h

  • edited November 2014

    Melvin Sanders

    His alarm clock beeps loudly. Shutting it up quickly, he slowly rises from his bed stretching his arms. “Ugh. School, heh, I bet I’ll do better then Joey on that test.” He said shrugging off his clothes, and putting on the clothes he would wear today. He stepped to the window, and pressed his hands on the glass as he looked outside. It was a sunny day, but he could hear the wind beating at his walls, which made it make some stupid creaking noise that annoyed him.

    Performing his usual routine, he left his small but quaint house, and proceeded to school. It took about ten minutes. He noticed most of the people he knew were on the other side of the street. “Just mad I’m better then them.” Melvin said to himself quietly.

    Gareth Kirstein

    “Hey. It’s pretty chilly huh?” Hope said beside him nudging Gareth’s elbow. Gareth was looking across the street at this girl, but then he shook his head with a smirk. “Nah, you just get cold easily.” Gareth said nudging him back harder. Hope was one of Gareth’s only friends. Gareth wasn’t surprised, he wondered why Hope hung around him, everybody seemed to think he was an asshole.

    Hope stumbled onto the street, and looked at him. He ran towards him, and Gareth quickly steps out of the way. Hope crashes into a garbage can, and it tips over, dumping it’s contents on his left shoulder area. They’re both laughing. The thrum of a motorcycle comes from behind them and some guys drives up beside them and stops. He was blonde with a crew cut, and he wore these boots that Gareth couldn’t describe. Oh great… A duster. “Get up ladies. Don’t want the girls to catch you stinking.” He said looking at Gareth.

    “Don’t think I didn’t see you eyeballing that broad across the street.” He said smirking.

    “Just leave us alone asshole. We don’t want no dusters hanging around the school. All you cause is trouble. But you’re not the only one who can cause trouble.” Gareth said with a glare. Hope had gotten up and brushed the garbage off.

    The guy opened his mouth, in a slight smile. “Is that a challenge? I could take any of you kids any day.” Hope put his hand on Gareth’s shoulder right before he started walking towards the duster. “Don’t let him get to you.” Hope said. Gareth sighed, and the duster laughed as he drove down the street and turned onto another street disappearing from view.

  • Name: warren Davis

    Age: 23

    Gender: male

    Group: investigation

    Appearance: 6'7'' brown hair green eyes

    Background: proud to be a cop. He loves what he does and will do anything to protect those who stand beside him.

  • Great! We need a cop :p

    mr.quality posted: »

    Name: warren Davis Age: 23 Gender: male Group: investigation Appearance: 6'7'' brown hair green eyes Background: proud to be a cop. He loves what he does and will do anything to protect those who stand beside him.

  • Yey, I did something right!

    Great! We need a cop

  • Name: Cory

    Age: 16

    Gender: Male

    Height 173 cm (5' 8")

    Weight 61 kg (134 lbs)

    Hair color: Black

    Eye color: Brown

    Occupation: Student

    Personality: Cory is often volatile, is bright, loyal, resourceful, quick-thinking and brave. He's not afraid to call out his seniors when he thinks they are doing something wrong or illogical. Cory thinks on his feet and shows great compassion and humanity.


    Alt text

  • Much appreciated. Thanks for the visual and you too @Gustav_Kenny

    Name: Cory Age: 16 Gender: Male Height 173 cm (5' 8") Weight 61 kg (134 lbs) Hair color: Black Eye color: Brown Occup

  • edited November 2014

    Ariel Monteros

    She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Pulling it out, and checking her texts, was one from the unofficial leader Otto Davids. It read:

    Meeting. The second hideout at lunch.

    That was weird. The second “hideout” as they liked to call it was almost never used. Something important must have come up. It was probably just some scheme that Gage had made up to fuck with them; sometimes he did that when he was high. But nobody had seen Otto in a while, he was on a “business trip” so Ariel decided to go, but she would ask Jaylen first.

    She put on the usual, black combat boots filled with belt buckles, black leather trousers, a long grey t-shirt with a black star print and a black loose belt with a big belt buckle, long black and grey striped pattern gloves that go all the way up to her elbows, grey arab scarf with a black square pattern, a pair star shaped ear-rings and a grey paperboy hat. (Long description, which I shortened, but I like her look so deal with it.)

    She stepped out the door, still tuning out the noise of the bustling household, and continued down the sidewalk, pulling the scarf closer to her face, the chill wind trying to bite her. She heard footsteps behind her, and she walked faster. Who is it this time? If Kyle was going to try and scare her again she would---

    “Hey there.” An unfamiliar voice said beside her. Why the hell is he talking to me? Something must be wrong with him. “Who the hell are you?” She said quietly. The guy seems unfazed. What’s his problem? Does he think I’m joking? “Shepard. Desmond Shepard.” He said reaching his hand out. She slaps it away.

    “Who even handshakes anymore. Is there something you want?” She said. This time Desmond must have saw what she was doing here, but he kept on walking with her. “You must be new here huh?” She said looking at a new face he had some stubble, and these alluring green eyes but she looked away.

    “Yeah, we just moved in. I uh, I’m sorry if I offended you or anything.” He said apologetically.

    “Did your parents ever teach you to not talk to strangers?” She said annoyingly. Desmond scratched his head. “Well yeah, but… I just wanted to get to know people, I guess I’m not good at this kind of stuff.” He said laughing. Damn this guy must like me or something. No guy is this nice to me. “How old are you?” He asks.

    “Seventeen.” She lied, would that discourage him? Or did that just intrigue him more. Ariel just wanted to get away.

    “Fifteen here.” He said.

    She was almost at school, maybe then she could escape him. Then there was the construction sign… A ditch with men in yellow hats were fixing the road, and there was a sign with a glowing arrow pointing left. “Looks like we’re detouring…” Desmond said.

    No. No way. Ariel burst forward, running her fastest. She heard footsteps behind her. Then she jumped. One of the construction men shouted, she made it perfectly. She turned around and Desmond had followed after her. He just barely made it. She watched as he stood up. “That was close…” He said.

    Ariel went up to him and slapped him across the face. “Idiot.” Then she walked towards the school.

    Max Anderson

    He looked over the room. “Nothing seems to be wrong here. Keep up the good work doc, this will come in handy.” Max told him. The man in the lab coat nodded in appreciation and Max left the room. Another boring inspection another boring day at work. Now he was going to gun practice. He wasn’t the best shot, but he could hit the target from twenty yards. After he was finished, he went to his house. He received an email from his supervising officer.

    There have been reports of shootings near Clement High, do not apprehend, find who is doing it and report back to me immediately. Don’t screw up this time.

    Max was suspicious, it seems his SO had something special in mind. Max had other plans. And he didn’t take strict orders like that seriously anyway. A friend had told him he had heard the same thing happening, but near another school nearby. It also seemed to involve drugs. He didn’t know that area much, but it seemed like the email was leading him away from where he was supposed to be. He could sense he was distrusted.

    Tomorrow he would check out the other high school. But it could get hairy over there. He might need some backup. The one who gave him the information, Warren Davis, might be ideal, but he knew someone who knew the area better, someone who understood how things worked. Rodrigo…

    [Call up Officer Davis for backup]

    [Call up Rodrigo Velasco for backup]

    [Call up both for backup]

    [Go in alone. Less casualties, and less people involved]

  • Go in Alone

    Ariel Monteros She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Pulling it out, and checking her texts, was one from the unofficial leader Otto

  • [ call Rodrigo]

    Ariel Monteros She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Pulling it out, and checking her texts, was one from the unofficial leader Otto

  • Call Rodrigo

    Ariel Monteros She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Pulling it out, and checking her texts, was one from the unofficial leader Otto

  • [Call up both for backup]

    Ariel Monteros She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Pulling it out, and checking her texts, was one from the unofficial leader Otto

  • @Raging_Blades is this an apocalyptic/zombie scenario?

  • edited November 2014

    Not really, but I could if you wanted it to be. Here vote on it.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    @Raging_Blades is this an apocalyptic/zombie scenario?

  • My 1 vote says I like the story the way it is :P

    Not really, but I could if you wanted it to be. Here vote on it.

  • K

    (Oh and guys I forgot to add apocalypse scenario, but basically just comment what you would like to see and I can consider it.)

    maxbear29 posted: »

    My 1 vote says I like the story the way it is :P

  • Just keep it the way it is. I'd like to see you branch out and try new things :)

    K (Oh and guys I forgot to add apocalypse scenario, but basically just comment what you would like to see and I can consider it.)

  • I agree but I'll do anything to entertain the audience :p

    PoopBrown posted: »

    Just keep it the way it is. I'd like to see you branch out and try new things

  • just kinda seemed that way. No need to change it, though.

    What kind of story will this be, though? Day-to-day life? Or action/adventure?

    Not really, but I could if you wanted it to be. Here vote on it.

  • edited November 2014

    Day-to-day life? Or action/adventure?

    Both, or at least I think so :p.

    Right now it's pretty normal, but things are starting to go into motion, example: Max investigating shooting, something going on with Duster gang.

    ComingSoon posted: » just kinda seemed that way. No need to change it, though. What kind of story will this be, though? Day-to-day life? Or action/adventure?

  • Ahh, I see. Hmm...sound interesting. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Day-to-day life? Or action/adventure? Both, or at least I think so . Right now it's pretty normal, but things are starting to go into motion, example: Max investigating shooting, something going on with Duster gang.

  • Sarcasm? :p Anyway, thanks for coming to my new fan fiction. You feeling alright? :D

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Ahh, I see. Hmm...sound interesting. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Just wondering, glad you feel better man. That face tho, how do you do it? :p

    ComingSoon posted: »

    No, no sarcasm, lol ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) And I'm feeling fine. Why do you ask?

  • No, no sarcasm, lol ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    And I'm feeling fine. Why do you ask?

    Sarcasm? Anyway, thanks for coming to my new fan fiction. You feeling alright?

  • Keep it like this.

    Not really, but I could if you wanted it to be. Here vote on it.

  • [Call up both for backup]

    Ariel Monteros She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Pulling it out, and checking her texts, was one from the unofficial leader Otto

  • Just wondering, glad you feel better man. That face tho, how do you do it? :p




    GASP ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Sarcasm? Anyway, thanks for coming to my new fan fiction. You feeling alright?

  • since it's tied ill say call both for backup then :P

    PoopBrown posted: »

    Call Rodrigo

  • edited November 2014

    Both would make more sense I guess, since Rodrigo knows the area he could be useful but he's just a civilian and it would probably be better if he had someone who could cover his back, going in alone would probably get him killed though I guess now it's possible for all 3 of them to die though I highly doubt all 3 of them would die.

    I know I promised I'd help you with more characters, I kinda just got home I'll get to it in a bit, what do you need more though?

    My current guess is both Out of school characters and Investigators since we seem to have only 3, there aren't that many Dusters either but for the moment we might not need more, not sure.

    OK, I'm drawing a blank X_x all I wrote was a fairly generic lawyer, I have other ideas but they would take longer to write and are rather silly, I'll try again tomorrow, maybe sleeping would help.

    Ariel Monteros She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Pulling it out, and checking her texts, was one from the unofficial leader Otto

  • Whatever you're doing is fine, I'm more interested in seeing where this plot that may have to involve FBI and CIA in the future is going than zombies, besides one of the main factions is a gang comprised mostly of teenagers which I find odd since I'm not sure if they are going to be bad guys or good guys, anyway whatever it is you are doing right now is more interesting.

    Not really, but I could if you wanted it to be. Here vote on it.

  • XD No problem. At this rate, we need people for all the groups, but the three you mentioned would be nice to have some more. Even some more school. I'm just going with what I have, anything would be great.

    kaleion posted: »

    Both would make more sense I guess, since Rodrigo knows the area he could be useful but he's just a civilian and it would probably be better

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