What's Your Story?
Part of the appeal of the Walking Dead is the ability to make your own stories based around the choices and dialogue options available. They can either be role-played (predetermining your choices before you play so you get a story you prefer) or just based entirely on your emotions.
I've decided to start a discussion around one fundamental question: What stories have you made?
In all of Season 1 and Season 2, how did you approach your characters and situations? Did stay mean and calculating? Honest and trustworthy? Did you start out mean but turn good? Or was it the other way around?
In this post, give two simple synopsis on how you approached the story. One will be for Season 1, and the other will be for season 2. No need to go in detail about all the choices you made and why, just tell how you generally responded to the situations.
I think I'll start by saying that for my personal story, I started out with Lee being very cautious around people and his past, making up quick lies and choosing options to protect those I care about in a safe manner. During after episode 2, I realize how cruel other people can be, especially in a world gone to hell, so I decided that it won't happen to me. From that moment on, I have been more honest to other people, even if it would lead to bad results, and became even more willing to risk myself to protect others.
For Season 2, I started out by having Clementine be a scared little girl, looking for help wherever she can get it. As the series progressed, she begins to grow stronger, becoming more determined to do the right thing even if it gets close to death or involves doing something mean. She wants the group to stay together, even if it goes down cracking, and will get in harms way to protect others.
By the way, I should add that if you have been playing the game for a long time and have made several stories, just choose your favorite ones.
This is easy for me because I played generally the same way in season's 1 and 2. Survive. As Lee it was all about protecting Clem and getting to a boat, doing bad thing's in order to survive and protect those i'm with.
In season 2 as Clem it really was the same, just survive. I never got too concerned with any of the other character's fate's because in the end it was "better them than me".
Well in Season 1 i pretty much did what i would do if i was in Lee's shoes, even if sometimes i regreted certain choices, i only made 1 playthrough,
In season 2 was harder because i couldn't really get into being clem, i'd rather have had another Lee like character, but i found a good way aroun that wich was to make her try to live on following the example my Lee left her, but by the end of the season she was probably pretty much the opposite my Lee, because for once she was alone and was fending off for herself, Clem vs the world.
Firstly I would click on everything and interact with everyone. In S1 I would always side with Clementine and try my best to do the right thing for her and then remain good in everyone else's view of me as well even the "bad guys" from time to time. Try to be the peacekeeper and keep everyone alive. I followed this philosophy in S2 as Clem, but I just couldn't bear to be nice to Carver and Troy. Didn't watch Carver die, but wasn't nice to them either. Despite them being video game characters I wanted Clem and Lee to be able to sleep at night without any regrets.
The same for both seassons. DO everything to protect the characters i liked most in S1 ( Clem, Carley, Kenny) and dont give a fuck for assholes ( Larry, Lilly, , Bandits, ST johns..... I left Lilly behind after what she did and didint kill Any of the brothers to make them suffer. Side with carley and Kenny every possible time, always bring clem with me and left she help . in S2 i started threatening rebecca " Whose baby is it" But i side with her everytime when she changed and starting be nice with me. I dont give a fuck for arvo, troy or Carver, i watched his death. I forgive Mike and Bonnie. Side with Kenny everytime, except when he talked about Jane.totally trusted her and always defended her. didint Tell the truth for walter because i was trying to avoid trouble for Nick. I accepted his apology. Helped sarah everytime. basically, I was good with everyone except assholes.