The Walking Dead: Life & Death [CANCELLED]
I think I might be late for the party, but I'm starting a brand new interactive The Walking Dead story!
I'll tell you guys more about it. First of all, there is no protagonist in the story. The fanfiction is about the story of many survivors living during apocalyptic times, and as we all know there is no protagonist or main character in real life. There will be lots of hard choices for you guys to make, just like in the videogame.
The story will mainly follow Atlanta during the first stages of the apocalypse. We will follow the tales of the characters you submit, and visit real-life locations as the story unfolds.
If you want to submit a character, you can just follow this link (You can submit ALL the characters you want!):
WARNING: The list below of introduced and awaiting introduction characters contains spoilers.
NORMAL - Alive | BOLD - Dead | ITALIC - Unknown | BOLD & ITALIC - Undead
Introduced Characters: Steve Leopard; Matt Brown; Billy "Hopeless" Coleman; Bianca Reed; Victoria; Victor Bishop; Oliver Williams; Jill Carter; Anson Barnard; Andrey Kozlov; Tina Willows; Camille Willows; George Roberts; Donatien Vial; Luis; Uriel Santiago; Jonna Sullivan; Lee Wong; Lee Leon Wong; Lucas Daniel Santiago; Winston; Norman Irvin Monroe;
Awaiting Introduction: Veronica Patterson; Oscar Thompson; Delaney; Shelby; Alan Daniels; Aaliyah; Brooke Rodriguez; Maria Rodriguez, Roberta Martinez; Camille Johnson; Mina Tork; Clarice Chang; Kristine Morgan; Violet Bridgette Moore; Trevor Moore; Natalie Smith; Hope Winters; Hayley Winters; Jeffrey Sohmer; Anya Cole; Kyle Green; Max Cole; Joel Butler; Caeden James; Paula Sana;
Episode 1 - Who We Once Were - COMPLETE
Four days after the beginning of the end, a handful of survivors straggle to make it amongst the ruins of Atlanta. Through a journey of loss, grief and metamorphosis, they will have to choose to either adapt to living amid the walkers or perish to their hungry claws.
Episode 2 - Deliver Us From Evil - IN PROGRESS
They thought that they were supposed to dread the walkers...but they finally learn the lesson that it's the living you gotta fear. They're not alone in the walker-filled world. In the Pratt-Pullman Engineering Building, a cult of religious people who believe death is salvation tries to impose their beliefs upon others, and in the outskirts of town, a teensy community of the younger, abandoned ones tries to thrive in an unforgiving world.
Episode 3 - Coming Soon
Episode 4 - Coming Soon
Episode 5 - Coming Soon
And that's it! I can't wait to begin writing this and I hope that we can work to create some epic zombie stories!
Sounds good. I have little time now, but I'm gonna submit my characters tomorrow
Of course, man, take your time! I'm just glad you're willing to help!
I'll submit one now! Starting a Fan Fic can be tough, That's what I'm trying to do now, Good Luck!
Thanks for the character and the encouragement!
Yay, new interactive story!
Submitted a character. 
I'm glad people are starting to make them again
, There's this one, Mine(Dark Angels), Raining 2, Locked In, Dead World, Theres a good number now.
Submitted 2 characters, Victor and Jill.
Also, I noticed you did not do a new post in the advertising thread. Since nobody really notices if a post got updated, I'd advice you to do a new post, so more people notice it.
Submitted a character!
Thanks to everybody who has submitted characters so far! Keep an eye out for the very first chapter, that should be out soon.
Oh okay. Thanks for the advice!
Anyway, i submitted a character (Hopeless). Looking forward to seeing this start.
I got your character, and I think I've got something cool planned for him...anyways, thanks for participating!
Sending mine character
First Part has been published!
The Walking Dead - Fear The Living: Episode 1 Who We Once Were Part 1
Note: To the user NoHopeLeft, I hope that you don’t mind that I gave ‘Hopeless’ an actual name. But in the future he will be called by that name.
Atlanta’s Local Zoo, Day 4, 7:57 AM.
Steve Leopard
Steve cracked open his eyes, suddenly being awakened from his slumber. He rose his torso and leaned on his arms. He was huffing the air violently, and noticed great amounts of sweat draining out of his skin; drenching his hair and t-shirt in water. He calmed himself down, by breathing regularly and by waving his hand in front of his face to send a fresh breeze against himself.
Another night, another nightmare. Every time he drifted off to sleep, he would constantly repeat those images vividly on his head…
Both Steve and a second man are standing in the middle of a town. The village is deserted, papers flow along with the wind, wrecked cars are clashed against poles and shops’ vitrines and not a single person was visible. The man accompanying him is his father and they both look alike. They both bear proudly a safari hat on top of their heads. Their heads blossom of blonde hair and their cheeks germinate with hay-colored beards. Their clothing consists of dark blue jeans and hiking boots. The only differences between the two men is the fact that their shirts are of diverging colors; his father’s being green and his being blue.
They decide to go inside a grocery store to get food for themselves since they’re starving. But they are ambushed by bandits. They try to fight back, but are being overwhelmed. Steve’s father is too distracted shooting back at the punks that he doesn’t notice a walker lunging at him from an alley behind him. Steve spins around but isn’t able to warn his father in time. The undead corpse bites viciously his dad’s shoulder, but the walker keeps sinking his teeth on anything he can reach. Steve essays to get to his dad, as his eyes are dripping with tears and his gestures are weak, before a bullet punctures his leg. And then, seeing he’s cornered, the only thing he’s able to do is run away like a coward, leaving his father to face his demise…
Back in reality, Steve shook his head to dissipate those thoughts away. He got up, and began dressing his clothes.
Steve was now living inside a spacious public bathroom. Not the best place to live, but it was the only solid building inside the zoo he inhabited.
Now with his blue t-shirt put on, fit in his jeans and feet inserted inside his sneakers, he walked towards the mirror.
The room, lightened by a candle, drew shadows on the walls. Steve passed a hand through his face, and regarded the wound scarring his face. His left eye was gauged out of his orbit, leaving behind an empty space on his skull. He grabbed the eyepatch lingering on the sink and straps it around his cranium, in order to clout the hole.
“Time to go feed the animals.” He blurts out, before he exits the room. There’s work to do with the animals outside.
Atlanta, somewhere in a dense forest. Day 4, 1:04 PM.
Matt Brown
Matt’s footsteps made the ground tremble as he stepped on the grass repeatedly. His legs were tired and giving in, his breathing was uncontrollable and his muscles felt sore. But he couldn’t stop, couldn’t slow down. Because if he did, THEY would catch him. Those undead beasts, all of them built out of decaying bones, rotten skin, soulless eyes and torn apart garments, would clutch onto his body and devour him. And that wasn’t probably a good thing to go through.
He looked past his shoulder quick as a flash. The small horde of zombies were still too slow to catch up to him and were really far away from him, but they would eventually reach him. He just had to keep running.
Beside him was his friend Billy Coleman. They were both of the same age and were in the same form in highschool. Billy was a guy with short, blonde hair and was wearing a red jacket with blue jeans. The duo was sprinting like madmen through a forest in unison; despite the fact that they were lost and didn’t know where to go.
Exhaustion came like it always did and Matt was forced to come to a harsh halt. Once his legs had stopped, he leaned up against a tree and panted heavily. His throat was aching from the strange respiration he had been doing for a few minutes now and his brain was a bit dizzy. Billy stopped dead on his tracks too and leaned on his knees, catching his breath like Matt.
“Fu…fuck, man…” Matt sputtered, looking at the trees around him. Some straws of sunshine penetrated the leaves and branches, illuminating the forest with bright dots. “I…I gotta stop…I’m all out.”
“Me too, bro…” Billy admitted. He couldn’t resist but fall on his ass, as he butted his back against a tree. Even through the fabric of his trousers he could fell sharpened sticks stinging his derriere. “But we gotta keep moving. Those things will be on our ass in no time.”
“I couldn’t agree more.” Matt blurted out. The two friends stared at their side and spotted the herd emerging from between bushes and other varieties of vegetation. They were catching up to them.
“Shit, ya talk ‘bout the devil...Anyways, let’s haul ass.” Billy commanded, as both of them stood in a normal posture and continued to dash through the forest, hoping to find some shelter.
Atlanta, A prison’s exterior. Day 4, 1:06 PM.
Bianca Reed
Bianca sat in one of the benches situated inside the large prison van. On the opposite side of the vehicle a police officer, donning a policewoman costume, sat in front of Bianca, before the woman shuttered the door with a loud noise. The small room they were confined in had some dim light erupting from a pair of barred windows around them. A few seconds after, she heard another door closing, and the van’s engine lit up.
Bianca lowered her head and gaped at the orange clothes she was wearing, and twirled with the cuffs arresting her wrists behind her spine. It was difficult to accept the fact that it had been two years ever since her first day she spent inside a cell. Time flew out the window so quick she didn’t even realize it. And now she was being transferred to a higher security prison. She wasn’t all that disappointed though; in her eyes the place she was in before was full of pansies, so perhaps the new prison would be a bigger challenge for her.
She sensed an annoying vibration under her legs due to the van’s movement. The policewoman sitting across her had her arms folded and kept her eyes fixed on Bianca. It was unnerving and it slightly pissed Bianca off her judging stare, but she said nothing nonetheless and just kept gazing at her feet.
“Holy shit!” Bianca heard the driver shout. She raised her head spontaneously, before she heard the deafening sound of the brakes making friction with the tires and felt the vehicle zigzagging around in the road. She tried to grip something, but before she could do anything the police van flipped around like they were laundry inside a washing machine. Loud noises of metal crashing and denting blew through her ears, until she struck her head against the wall, before she lost consciousness. And then the noises ceased and her mind went black.
Great Part!!
Really great writing! Can't wait for the next part.
Awesome part!
This is amazing!
You and me both, mate.
Don't worry people, the second part is bound to appear soon. Sorry for the delay, I've been a bit busy!
The Walking Dead: Life & Death Episode 1 – Who We Once Were Part 2
A/N: In case you didn’t notice, I changed the title of the fanfic. Also, if you’re gonna submit more character, I ask that you don’t send any children OCs please. I’ve got a surprising number of those.
Atlanta, somewhere in a dense forest, 1:09 PM
“Fucking finally!” Matt exclaimed.
After a few more minutes of running, there it was. A two-story house was erected in a clearing, right beside a pond. Its walls seemed to be assembled out of wood like it was a log cabin, and it was just the perfect place for them to take cover.
“We might be able to lose ‘em in there!” Billy stated, as the front porch and front door grew closer.
They thundered up the degrees of the stairs leading to the porch. Matt basically dived onto the knob, twisting it but nothing happened. “Shit, it’s locked!” He affirmed, his body burning and sweating.
Billy was facing the coniferous woods they had been running through the past minutes. He narrowed his eyes, essaying to find walkers following them. He saw none, but he knew that they were gonna persist until they got what they wanted. “You played football, knock it down!” Billy ordered, turning his head.
“Yeah.” Matt assented with a nod. He took a few steps back, raising his right shoulder and latching onto his wrist. He began sprinting towards the wooden door; his objective being to take it down.
As soon as his muscle and bone made contact with the door it flew on its hinges. It was impossible for Matt to halt, so he collapsed on the household’s hallway, as splinters were stinging his flesh and dust hovered above him.
“Geez, man.” Billy muttered, as he seized Matt by the armpits and pulled him up. He was slim and wasn’t as bulky and strong as him, so Matt was the one who did most of the work by pushing the floor with his foot.
“I’m fine. Thanks.” Matt said in a grunt, twitching his shoulder and swooping away the splinters. He gaped at Billy, and noticed a shocked expression stamped across his face. His hands were shaking, his eyebrows jolting erratically and his eyelids fully opened. “What’s wrong… ” He was cut off, as he spun around and metamorphosed into a disturbed pose like Billy.
In the hallway of the house, adorned with bookshelves, old paintings and rugs, a chair was toppled over on the ground. Hooked to the colossal chandelier decorated with candles, was a rope. And attached to the end of the rope was a human being.
The zombified man began groaning once he saw human flesh. His arms fluttered around and his body swung around like a merry-go-round, except for his white as milk eyes that remained firm on the two teenagers’ figures.
“Oh my God…” Matt sputtered. He couldn’t avoid, but he located the nearest vase that stood right next to him and was forced to puke inside like there was no tomorrow. Billy patted him on the back so he would calm down. “We should…put it out of its misery.” Matt suggested, although he didn’t feel well about doing it.
“I’ll do it.” Billy volunteered with a sad voice.
He looked around him, before he noticed a set of sharp fire pokers in the corner of the living room. He marched through the hallway, the house seemed impeccably taken care of, and took out one of the deadly objects. He twirled around, as Matt wiped his mouth on his sleeve and coughed into his fist.
Billy stared upwards, regarding the undead creature. Its eyes were soulless. No matter who that person was before, all of that was gone now, turned into a mindless robot. The undead man had a long beard yet a bald head. The clothes he was wearing when he hung himself were pajama pants and a white t-shirt, bare feet. Billy distanced his arms a bit, to give impulse on his hit.
He pushed the rod right into the zombie’s brain. The decayed skull was easy to penetrate through. The walker immediately went static, its body losing any kind of life it had before. Some drops of blood splashed onto Billy’s face, but he cleaned them away.
“Let’s bury this guy before that herd hits us.” Billy coldly said.
Atlanta’s Local Zoo, Day 4, 8:00 AM
The fresh morning pierced Steve’s lungs the second he stepped outside. It was sweet. It was way better than the muffled stink that paired inside the obscure bathroom he slept in.
He looked carefully around in each corner of the fence surrounding the zoo. Those fences were sturdy, built of metal and too tall and spiky on the ends for anyone to climb over, meaning he was safe from any menace. The only thing he really needed to do was keep the arched gate shut at all times. Some walkers, who were unfortunate to stumble upon the walls, had their arms lingering in between the gaps, desperately trying to get inside. Albeit it was useless.
Steve picked up two buckets sitting by the door, just when he heard an acute trumpet echoing through the air. The zombies, listening the noise, began waving their arms up and down even faster. Steve turned his head with a smile, gazing at a space enclosed by a small fence.
He walked up to it and faced the creature living inside the cage. It was a baby elephant, being just a bit taller than him. He was a bit large on the side and had quite a tummy, and its ears were just as big. “Heya, Big Paw.” Steve greeted, placing a hand on one of the iron bars. The animal responded with a long blink in its cute, teensy eyes and its native sound.
The man set down one of the buckets, and then followed into dumping the other recipient replenished with water into one of the feeding through. Big Paw motioned his like it was a nod, before he used its hose-shaped snouts to suck the water, and then squirt it onto his mouth. “Sorry, can’t feed you anymore.” He apologized to the elephant, taking the other bucket and dumping some grinded ration on the second feeding through. “I don’t have much food. I’ve been trying to grow food in the zoo’s gardens, but…never really have the time though.” He told the beast that continued to drink water and sometimes spilling it on its head. “I might have to run into town or something…not sure if you like human food, but you have to eat. Like canned beans, uh? Anyways, bye.”
Steve bent and grabbed the other bucket, leaving the empty one behind. He started strolling towards his second destination. The zoo was located somewhere remote off the main city, the whole structure being encircled by trees and plants beyond the fences. Steve was now walking through a dirt road; his only salvation being that some of the trees grew fruit and he had plenty of space to move around or carry projects he could have for the long-term survival.
“Well good morning Skinny.” He said hello to the next animal, waving his hand.
The cage he was close to was now constructed into the ground, like it was a spacious yet empty swimming pool. He angled over the handrail, peaking down. He spotted a greenish silhouette stretched out on the floor. The reason he didn’t look up at Steve was because his bodily anatomy didn’t allow. “Gotcha a treat.” He told the crocodile.
He put his hand inside the canister and rummaged through the powdered rations until he found a dead rat. Its intestines were splattered out of its belly and Steve’s hand was stained with blood and gore. The crocodile called Skinny grunted in joy, as Steve dumped the dead mouse inside the cage. Skinny’s poignant skin shone from the humidity as it opened its massive jaws and involved the rat whose cadaver was elongated on the ground.
Steve sighed. “Things been rough, Skinny, won’t lie to you.” Steve admitted, the silence being broken by the jaws of Skinny’s jaws functioning. “It’s only been…a few days I guess. And it’s hard to find enough rations for each and every one of you. It’s gonna be hard to tend y’all if we think about the long-term. But I won’t leave you. Don’t worry.”
Steve suddenly heard the sound of hurried footsteps behind him. He spun around and smirked once he laid sight on what was there. The panther, black as night, paced towards him at a fast speed, until it laid its claws on Steve’s chest in a caring gesture. “Hey, Sunshine.” He said, petting the panther’s head.
Atlanta, somewhere in a dense forest, 1:20PM
Before they decided to put that dead guy in the dirt, Matt and Billy had poked around the house, and it looked to be clear. The kitchen still had its cabinets stocked with edible canned goods and even found some decent knives to fight off the zombies, however the fridge had all of its content unpalatable and it was best to steer clear from it. The two bedrooms didn’t have any lurkers inside and contained proper beds, and it felt great to be able to sleep on a bed instead on top of a tree. The basement had various useful tools, such as wrenches, hacksaws and even a Marlin 22. Neither of them knew how to use it, but if they probably weren’t gonna need.
In the backyard, the only noises were Billy and Matt thrusting their respective shovels into the ground, before they tossed it on separate piles along with some sighs and panting. Beside him, laid the corpse of the walker they slayed earlier, cloaked with a white sheet. The horde was probably a bit far away, so they had time to bury the walker.
“So…perhaps we should…think about our next move.” Matt proposed, taking a break from the digging. He took the chance to breathe heavily.
“I don’t think there’s nothing else to plan out.” Billy contradicted, concentrated on the task. “We’ve been improvisin’ all along and it’s worked.”
“Maybe, but I’d feel safer if we had a…’road map’ to follow.” Matt spoke, resuming the mission at hand.
“Want a plan? We stay inside the house until we run out of supplies. And then we push on.” Billy summarized what was on his mind.
“That’s crazy. I think we should grab as many supplies we can and then get the heck outta here.” Matt commented, already knowing that this was one of those moments in which he and Billy would start disputing.
“What?!” He inquired in a perplexed tone, elevating his head slightly. “That’s even worst. This house was one hell of a find, why leave it?!”
“We can barely deal with walkers, how you wanna deal with a herd?!” Matt asked. Now both him and Billy had stopped digging, too distracted discussing to do anything else.
“I would like to have a fuckin’ roof over my head at night, Matt!” Billy confessed, jabbing his finger on his own chest. “We got everything. Shelter, food, weapons…where else would you want to go?”
“I wanna go into the city.” Matt disclosed.
“Not this again!” Billy hissed, revolving his eyes and releasing a sigh.
“I wanna find my family, Billy.” Matt conceded with a firm voice. “Know if they’re okay.”
“We don’t have the time!” Billy hollered. “They’re probably dead like mine. So get over it!”
Matt gulped. He knew that what Billy was saying was probably true. It was hard to believe that the two people he held the nearest to his heart had perished and were probably now roaming the streets, craving for human flesh.
“Didn’t have to be such a dick about it.” Matt spat in a low voice, throwing the shovel on the ground and heading towards the front porch to enter the house. Billy sighed again and pinched his nose bridge.
Atlanta’s Subway System, 1:08 PM
Victoria woke up from her deep slumber, as he felt something scratching her cheek. She opened her eyes. She couldn’t see much, the light was dim inside whatever place she was in. Her eyes rolled sideways and her heart almost stopped when she spotted a rodent biting her cheek.
“Jesus!” She yelled feebly. Her voice rang out in an echo, as she used her right hand to push the vile creature away. The rat squeaked, before it ran away and vanished into the darkness.
Victoria couldn’t see anything. The only thing she sensed was that she was lying on her back against a cold surface. Her bones felt sore and she had aches all over her body; she wasn’t getting up so soon. She passed a hand through her forehead and extended her eyelids when she saw blood on her palm.
“What the…” She murmured, before some memories came into her mind. She was riding the night subway when everything began shaking, and after that everything was black.
She raised her head when she listened to a sound. A groan. She blinked several times, trying desperately to get used to the obscurity. It was killing her, hearing something in the dark, and not being able to see it. Perhaps it was her imagination, but it was enough to get her nape hair horrent.
“Holy…” She whispered when she saw the subway’s driver through the small window on the control room’s door. The driver had putrid skin, and was squeezing his body against the door. She wasn’t sure what that was…but it wasn’t human. And she had to get out of there.
Double Post sorry
Amazing chapters!
Well thanks for reading! There might not be a lot of moral choices right now, but there will be in the future.
That was amazing!
Amazing Chapter!!!!
I would make more characters (=
Wow, guys, there are a lot of characters that were submitted! I'll probably try to introduce more characters and their stories in the next chapter. Maybe it'll contain the very first moral choice...
the most of the characters are mine XD
I submitted one! Good story.
The reason for the waiting is school XD. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about this fic just yet. I'll try to update as soon as I can.
Sees Notification
Sees that it is just an update
In all seriousness take as long as you need.
Haha, troll life I guess lol. But I'm gonna have vacation soon so I'll have plenty of time to write.