5 Playable Characters and New GOT Characters



  • edited November 2014

    Meh, I think I'll stick with Margaery if that just is possible :D

    Edit: I could take the wine though!

    ninoobz posted: »

    I am so sucking up to Cersei. And drinking all that wine she's offering

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    Meh, I think I'll stick with Margaery if that just is possible Edit: I could take the wine though!

  • edited November 2014

    Unless we get a glimpse of danerys being an idiot I'm not interested in her. That said shes always acting like an idiot so maybe we will

    ninoobz posted: »

    He can't go back, he must be our eyes in Essos, for Dany and her dragons?

  • Good point... Dragons catch everyone's attention... no way a junkie like him will want to come back to ~Ironrath~ instead of searching everyone's wife/mother, the Dragon Queen.

    ninoobz posted: »

    He can't go back, he must be our eyes in Essos, for Dany and her dragons?

  • Well if he thinks Dany could become his wife then he is a bigger idiot than Victarion :D but maybe he is just going to join the Second Sons or something like that....or of course he could already be in the Second Sons since all we know is that he is a sellsword. Though Golden Company would seem more suitable for him since it's a company of exiled westerosis.

    Good point... Dragons catch everyone's attention... no way a junkie like him will want to come back to ~Ironrath~ instead of searching everyone's wife/mother, the Dragon Queen.

  • One of the most quotable line from the series and they turn into some bizzare feminism thing..... The thing thats annoyed me most about the show adaption.

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    She is a sexist!

  • He can be whatever he wants, I just want to see dragons Telltale-style :D

    Well if he thinks Dany could become his wife then he is a bigger idiot than Victarion but maybe he is just going to join the Second Sons or

  • edited November 2014

    Agreed. The Forresters are basically the Starks 2.0

    • Lord Gregor Forrester = Ned Stark

    • Lady Elissa Forrester = Catelyn Stark

    • Rodrik Forrester = Robb Stark

    • Mira Forrester = Sansa Stark

    • Ethan Forrester = Bran Stark

    • Talia Forrester (can't really place her)

    • Ryon Forrester = Rickon Stark

    • Asher Forrester (can't place him, either)

    sprocket23 posted: »

    They just seem a bit like a carbon copy of the Starks. Maybe that's just how characters have to be in this universe, idk. They just seem, idk "done before" in Game of Thrones.

  • No, I mean, not wife... I don't know but... not wife, okay? I just think he would be kinda lacking ambition to go back to live as a nobody-lord in a devasted country in a even more devasted kingdom - jeez, how bad does westeros suck, seriously?...
    If I was in Essos, god, I'd love living so damn bad. And to even think that the greatest circus of all is set in Meeren, rival slaver metropolis to Astapor... Being a heartless sellsword i'd definetily build my fortune behind the walls of Astapor, rebuild the slaving traffic, the politics society, declared loyalty to House Bolton, ask them favors, and, once I made Daenerys to mad to charge me down... I would already have the alleagiance of the sellswords looking for her and of my Unsuillied... But, once telltale made their original character big like that, the ~cannon feeling~ would go to hell...

    ... Sorry, that really deviates with absolute nonsense and vague storytelling richness, indeed, you shouldn't have read, indeed.

    ninoobz posted: »

    He can be whatever he wants, I just want to see dragons Telltale-style

  • One of the most neutral-when-it-comes-to-sex-feminismo-machismo-sex-sex-sex series and they turn into some boob-afficionado feminist tv series... the thing thats annoyed me to death about the show adaption.

    One of the most quotable line from the series and they turn into some bizzare feminism thing..... The thing thats annoyed me most about the show adaption.

  • Yeah I didn't really think you meant he would go and ask Dany to marry him, just came to my mind since there are so many of those suitors for her and they all seem to be idiots like Victarion and Quentyn :D

    But yeah of course his story might be happening around the conflicts of Slaver's Bay. But there must be something that links him to other characters of the story. I mean something else than just his background. That's why I think he will return. Unless one of the other characters comes to him.

    No, I mean, not wife... I don't know but... not wife, okay? I just think he would be kinda lacking ambition to go back to live as a nobody-l

    • Talia Forrester = Sweet and innocent version of Arya Stark
    • Asher Forrester = Jon Snow (I know he's not a bastard but I think an exiled son is equivalent to a bastard due to both being an outcast.)

    Agreed. The Forresters are basically the Starks 2.0 * Lord Gregor Forrester = Ned Stark * Lady Elissa Forrester = Catelyn Stark *

  • edited November 2014

    soo, 5 characters, my bets are:

    • Gared Tuttle - i dunno why, but I'm 90% certain he's going to be a PC , something to do with how he looks, all "young male hero"
    • Mira Forrester - our eyes in king's landing.
    • Asher Forrester - our eyes in essos
    • Elissa Forrester - whoo, let's play catelyn, fun!(plus, our eyes in ironrath)
    • Rodrik Forrester - seems more fitting than playing as Gregor, and considering they are too very important characters, one of them needs to be a PC.
    1. Lord Forrester - the Ned and Catelyn type relationship
    2. Lady Forrester - the Ned and Catelyn type relationship
    3. Asher - we need our eyes/ears in Essos somehow (he seems the most interesting imo)
    4. Mira - Sansa Stark type character
    5. Either Talia or Ryon - I doubt they will sacrifice one of the other characters so we can play as two young kids.
  • I'm very sure that we're going to play as Ethan, and I'd like to play as Ethan...

    I want his hair.

  • Is there any chance Gregor and Rodrik were killed at the Red Wedding? I mean, look at the end of Ethan's paragraph summary: the end of the war placed him into a role which he was unprepared for.

  • edited November 2014

    That sounds very possible. In the teaser trailer we saw a scene were Gared Tuttle seems to be injured and comes back to Ironrath alone.

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    Is there any chance Gregor and Rodrik were killed at the Red Wedding? I mean, look at the end of Ethan's paragraph summary: the end of the war placed him into a role which he was unprepared for.

  • Might just mean that Gregor and Rodrik are stuck south of the Neck, perhaps captured by Freys and so Ethan has to make hard decisions for his house (since they are loyal to Starks and Starks just lost a war). But I actually do think that at least one of them dies in the first episode, maybe even both. As I've said before my guess is that Rodrik dies first. :)

    Is there any chance Gregor and Rodrik were killed at the Red Wedding? I mean, look at the end of Ethan's paragraph summary: the end of the war placed him into a role which he was unprepared for.

  • Yeah, that seems reasonable. Especially looking at the picture of Gregor and Gared. It's a possibility that they're at the Red Wedding and only Gared escapes. It's also supported by the game starting at the end of season 3, with the penultimate episode of it being the Red Wedding.

    Is there any chance Gregor and Rodrik were killed at the Red Wedding? I mean, look at the end of Ethan's paragraph summary: the end of the war placed him into a role which he was unprepared for.

  • Malcom's the biggest Motherfucker Traitorous Ass Smug Bastard there.

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    Look at that fucking Mug.

  • edited November 2014

    Reasonably likely that the eldest son will die first to create conflict with the rest of the siblings for succession between the estranged son and the third son.

    If we do get to play the exiled son, he won't start on a completely different map or have many scenes there, that's a lot of resources for just one character. So it makes me doubt whether we'll get to play him, but then again he seems an obvious playable pick.

    The two twins are an obvious pick to play as, as the content can be similar for both.

    So two educated guessed picks are:

    Playing as Mira seems indicated by the trailers but again would require a lot of extra resources just for that one character, so I am not so sure she'll be a full pick, rather than just cutscenes showing her fate. Yet fan service for the obvious parallel between her and sansa make it likely.

    That would make my two less likely guesses:

    And finally for a completely random guess, to give you another perspective, the underdog:

  • Men call me Malzie, and I am an ass!

    Churned posted: »

    Malcom's the biggest Motherfucker Traitorous Ass Smug Bastard there. Look at that fucking Mug.

  • Based on short clips I've seen in a recent review we will play as:


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    So far no other players have been confirmed as PCs. I guess we will have to wait and play ep1 today to find out. I hope we get to play as all 5 in ep1

  • I don't want to play as Gregor or Rodrik. It would be boring.

  • edited December 2014

    You're extremely in luck then...

    Butt-head posted: »

    I don't want to play as Gregor or Rodrik. It would be boring.

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