Should an older Clem be hetero, homo or bi, if romance is to be implemented in future games?



  • Kenny is right. It's never a choice. It's a feeling you're born with.

    It's often put into that situation.

  • As long as there's no Necrophilia.

  • It's like with the transgender people, who grow up feeling like they're trapped in the wrong body. The signs of it show from when they're very young kids, from wanting to play with more girls toys than boys, or wanting to dress like a girl. And you can't just tell them 'no, you can't be this' because that's no way to view it, and that's just who they are :( you have Leelah Alcorn for example who killed herself because her parents wouldn't accept her for a girl, and tried to change her with conversion therapy. She didn't choose to feel that way, it's simply who she was.

    Kenny is right. It's never a choice. It's a feeling you're born with.

  • Exactly. Suicide is never okay, But, Why live when the person you're living as isn't you?

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    It's like with the transgender people, who grow up feeling like they're trapped in the wrong body. The signs of it show from when they're ve

  • ...This is a bit off-topic from this thread, but, well, inauthenticity (acting like something you're not) is something a lot of people live with, be it because they're scared what others may think of them, or they're afraid of losing their job, or they're afraid of being verbally/emotionally abused, or being shunned by family, or beaten, or anything like that. Like the old saying goes, it's important to be true to yourself and to be true to others, and a lot of the time it can be very freeing to confess something you're hiding to your loved-ones, and having those close to you accept you for who you are can be downright amazing, especially if they celebrate your attributes with you. In an ideal world, this would be lovely.

    However, there will almost always at least be some people out there who don't understand why people's orientations are homosexual/bisexual/pansexual etc., or why a person born with female parts would feel like a man trapped in a girl's body, or why a person may not or never have any sexual feelings for another person at all, or why a male may want to do things that females traditionally do. There are still those out there who just don't know the other side of things, and still think it odd or unacceptable, and in looking for an explanation, they end up hurting this person, to the point that the "odd person" in question is berated so much that they may want to commit suicide. However, with careful education, there are slowly more and more people every day who are, if not celebrating, then at least accepting these things.

    I find it's best to find those who accept you and love you for who you are, and surround yourself with those people; if there are people you love who you have who don't accept you, then perhaps it's best to keep your head under the radar with them, but there are ways to educate these misunderstanding (but usually well-meaning) individuals, too. It just takes patience and communication, and quite a lot of it. But people's minds can be changed; I've seen it happen with some people, even older more traditional senior individuals.

    So yes, it may be very difficult to keep going when days can seem hard, but it's important to have faith that people can completely express themselves freely one day, and others could accept them for it, and meanwhile quietly expressing yourself to only those who you know will accept you is fine, too. :3

    Exactly. Suicide is never okay, But, Why live when the person you're living as isn't you?

  • Some people change their sexuality over time, it's natural, some people become religious or other reasons like that i don't know.

    I tend to not pay attention to stuff like that. People are people and sexuality doesn't mean anything.

    Kenny is right. It's never a choice. It's a feeling you're born with.

  • Lol, so I am.

    Deltino posted: »

    You're kind of late...

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