This episode was so amazing!



  • Have faith, brother. Telltale will impress, they have to.

    That makes me scared for what GoT will be like.

  • So I played it only because it's Telltale's prodution. I've never played this kind of games, never been interested in such themes, but well... life is short, I gave it a try. And I'm glad I did, really. I would never expect it to be this much fun. Definitely gonna stick to the series, I'm impressed.

    And how I missed longer episodes. :>

  • I have faith but I doubt they will have a Loaderbot cameo.

    Have faith, brother. Telltale will impress, they have to.

  • True enough. Maybe they could put him in the background, like an easter egg? :D

    I have faith but I doubt they will have a Loaderbot cameo.

  • well you know that could be arranged through certain methods

    I have faith but I doubt they will have a Loaderbot cameo.

  • NO!

    He shall fight on the front lines with the protagonist or sneak around in an enemy camp.

    True enough. Maybe they could put him in the background, like an easter egg?

  • Maybe Blind could convince them...

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    well you know that could be arranged through certain methods

  • it really is a great episode i do give it a 9.5/10

  • lol I was joking of course. loaderbot can slaughter all enemies!

    NO! He shall fight on the front lines with the protagonist or sneak around in an enemy camp.

  • maybe or i could do it myself if you know what i mean

    Maybe Blind could convince them...

  • ...I do...My Loader Brother.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    maybe or i could do it myself if you know what i mean

  • LongLiveLoaderBot!

    lol I was joking of course. loaderbot can slaughter all enemies!

  • It really was. I wasn't expecting much tbh, but I was pleasantly surprised, it was really fun.

    Looking forward to the rest of the season, if the other episodes are anything like the first episode, it's going to be amazing.

  • edited November 2014

    Was very pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this one. There were a lot of solid jokes without undermining the characterization, the action was lively and creative, the episode length provided enough time to develop an enjoyable dynamic between multiple characters. Yeah, I had a lot of fun with it.

  • I had no intention of buying this when it was announced. Then I saw the reviews and caved in. I'll be gladly sticking around for the rest of the season. It was a 10/10 for me.

  • I enjoyed it. Being my first Telltale games I was only dissapointed to learn it was only the 1st episode.

    Arg! Now I gotta wait for more.


  • Welcome to the Forums!

    I enjoyed it. Being my first Telltale games I was only dissapointed to learn it was only the 1st episode. Arg! Now I gotta wait for more. LOL!

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