Hey, does anyone know what happens if you dont tell Vaughn about Handsome Jack, but trusted Jack at the end. I was curious on what the reactions would be if not even Vaughn knew about the whole Jack controlling Rhys thing
Hey, does anyone know what happens if you dont tell Vaughn about Handsome Jack, but trusted Jack at the end. I was curious on what the reactions would be if not even Vaughn knew about the whole Jack controlling Rhys thing
As you're trying to get into the dome, Loaderbot and Gortys are having a conversation about Rhys' tie. Gortys doesn't think it's a tie because it's tucked into his pants.
If you check the Atlas gate and clear the rubble before operating the lever, you'll get to speak to Loaderbot and Gortys separately and get extra dialogue. This includes further adorable Gortys and Loaderbot's lovely "joke.exe"
Depending on your choices if you chose to go to Old Haven in episode 2 Fiona could tell Janey about Athena still doing adventurous stuff. It causes that Springs is pissed on Athena when she calls her in episode 3. If you did not tell Springs about Vault Hunter stuff Athena is doing, in phone call Athena will say to Janey that she is doing another delivery. This causes that Fiona has different dialogue options. In first one there was line "It is good that it is in the air." In the second I remember line "You should tell her the truth." and "Why do lie to her?"
Soooo, I wasn't the only one that missed out on the outfit vending machine on my first playthrough right?
Cause, I found it in my second playthrough, and it's completely awesome.
Fiona gets hold of a white-rarity Jakobs Scarab assault rifle in the beginning. However, it does NOT fire 3-round bursts-that's for Dahl weapons. Then again, you can fire as fast as you can click with Jakobs weapons, so she could just be that good.
The gun that Vasquez is seen holding after Vallory arrives is a Jakobs Coach Gun, with the Jakobs barrel, stock and sight, but with a Tediore grip (that's the pump, by the way.) Oddly enough, it's a Citrine one, which only appears to the Vault Hunters in a BL2 fantasy-based DLC.
Vallory tries to shoot Fiona with a blue-rarity Jakobs Longarm. It appears to be standard issue for her bandits, too.
That pistol Vasquez used (that didn't jam on him) is a purple-rarity Hyperion Impact that uses the Torgue grip and barrel.
Finch uses a blue-rarity Dahl repeater with a Torgue sight and the Bandit grip, like Tector.
The legendary Skullmasher appears again.
Mordy is normally shown using a slag Maliwan sniper rifle made up of Jakobs parts that fires exploding bullets, in the second game. Here, though, we finally get to see him use a revolver similar to Maggie, which is a Jakobs revolver that thinks it's a shotgun, and is one of the best pistols in the game, ESPECIALLY for Zer0. This one seems to be an upgraded Unforgiven Masher, due to its darker red colouring, and it has a Maliwan sight (that somehow isn't on.)
The D&D game is called Bunkers And Badasses. It first appears in what is considered to be the best Borderlands 2 DLC, Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragon Keep. I don't remember the board being that simplistic, though-it was more detailed.
The mushrooms seem to reference the annoying Cryo Shrooms on Elpis, Pandora's Moon/Space Australia.
Jack mentions that Athena hates him very much. She does-on Elpis, she thought he was a hero, but that went to hell when he started to become Handsome Jack. Also, he's lying when he says he looks out for his team-by Borderlands 2, his robot bodyguard and gunslinger girlfriend are dead, his Claptrap is still alive, but was nearly killed, Athena hates him by the end of TPS, Aurelia Hammerlock went to hunt other Vaults on her own and Timothy Lawrence's fate is uncertain.
Athena blocking shots with her shields references a capstone in her "Phalanx" skill tree, where her shield can now ricochet bullets/lasers/grenades/buzz axes at enemies.
Gortys is essentially a female Claptrap, but MUCH less annoying, way more useful and actually cute.
The whole statue thing is a reference to both Bioshock and Raiders Of The Lost Ark.
Mordy using a revolver is a reference to his infamously overpowered "Gunslinger" skill tree, and he uses an upgraded Unforgiven Masher, which was the ultimate primary weapon for many Gunslinger builds AND was also a revolver that behaved like a shotgun.
Athena's normally...very, very, stoic. Her being emotive is showing that she's slowly becoming more open to the world.
The Quick Change station CAN be found in all three games. It's awesome. There's just one problem...WHY THE HELL DOES THIS EVEN CHARGE MONEY? WHO DID THIS? WHO?
Rhys says that he's somewhat afraid of heights-a reference to Timothy Lawrence, the only Elpis Vault Hunter who was terrified of heights.
The bugs that fly out when Rhys and Sasha slip are varkids, or more specifically, adult ones that can fly. Like many of the wildlife, they are annoying douchenozzles.
Mordecai appears to be sniping with the Trespasser rifle, which is a sidequest reward in Borderlands 2. It's a unique weapon in that it completely ignores shields, so if you hit someone with a shield, you'll still wound them. From the parts, this one seems to have a Dahl sight and Hyperion stock alongside the special Hyperion barrel.
Well it only happens if you trust Jack on top of the caravan as well apparently. But yeah, siding with Jack pretty much ruined Rhys' chance with Sasha, I weep for those people.
It would be cool! Apparently there wasn't a message for skipping the credits this time, though. A little disappointing, but I guess they didn't want to kill the joke.
It would be cool! Apparently there wasn't a message for skipping the credits this time, though. A little disappointing, but I guess they didn't want to kill the joke.
Only Bul Loaders get to use big-ass Torgue assault rifles, and shields, and be gigantic dickheads at the same time. (Not this one, though. He da best.)
So, Jack is apparently the biggest freakin' hypocrite in the history of the world:
:in Vasquez voice:
So, Jack is apparently the biggest freakin' hypocrite in the history of the world:
:in Vasquez voice:
You forgot the RL used by Vallory : it's bandit made, explaining the volley of 3 rockets AND explaining why Athena doesn't die from it since Bandit made RLs do much weaker dmg compared to others RLs !
Also I think the "stranger" is maybe using a "Conference Call", and August I don't remember his pistol but I remember it having a Tediore Sight (also known as mini-TV !)
Also yeah about Athena normally being stoic and now emotional, is it not because she's now in a relationship that probably is the first in her life ?
* Fiona gets hold of a white-rarity Jakobs Scarab assault rifle in the beginning. However, it does NOT fire … more3-round bursts-that's for Dahl weapons. Then again, you can fire as fast as you can click with Jakobs weapons, so she could just be that good.
* The gun that Vasquez is seen holding after Vallory arrives is a Jakobs Coach Gun, with the Jakobs barrel, stock and sight, but with a Tediore grip (that's the pump, by the way.) Oddly enough, it's a Citrine one, which only appears to the Vault Hunters in a BL2 fantasy-based DLC.
* Vallory tries to shoot Fiona with a blue-rarity Jakobs Longarm. It appears to be standard issue for her bandits, too.
* That pistol Vasquez used (that didn't jam on him) is a purple-rarity Hyperion Impact that uses the Torgue grip and barrel.
* Finch uses a blue-rarity Dahl repeater with a Torgue sight and the Bandit grip, like Tector.
* The legendary Skullmasher appears again.
* … [view original content]
Jack mentions that Athena hates him very much. She does-on Elpis, she thought he was a hero, but that went to hell when he started to become Handsome Jack. Also, he's lying when he says he looks out for his team-by Borderlands 2, his robot bodyguard and gunslinger girlfriend are dead, Athena and another, richer Vault Hunter hate him, and the last one's fate is uncertain.
Well, considering Jack didn't know he was dead, he probably wouldn't know they were dead so that's kinda false. At least from his perspective.
* Fiona gets hold of a white-rarity Jakobs Scarab assault rifle in the beginning. However, it does NOT fire … more3-round bursts-that's for Dahl weapons. Then again, you can fire as fast as you can click with Jakobs weapons, so she could just be that good.
* The gun that Vasquez is seen holding after Vallory arrives is a Jakobs Coach Gun, with the Jakobs barrel, stock and sight, but with a Tediore grip (that's the pump, by the way.) Oddly enough, it's a Citrine one, which only appears to the Vault Hunters in a BL2 fantasy-based DLC.
* Vallory tries to shoot Fiona with a blue-rarity Jakobs Longarm. It appears to be standard issue for her bandits, too.
* That pistol Vasquez used (that didn't jam on him) is a purple-rarity Hyperion Impact that uses the Torgue grip and barrel.
* Finch uses a blue-rarity Dahl repeater with a Torgue sight and the Bandit grip, like Tector.
* The legendary Skullmasher appears again.
* … [view original content]
The Conference Call is the best Hyperion shotgun in the game, believe me. And beloved as a primary by many, many, players, because it is a legendary and therefore it is super OP.
Yes, I do not like that sight very much. It's a purple-rarity Widow Maker, I think, because it has the Torgue barrel. DO NOT USE IT UNLESS IT HAS A GOOD SIGHT. The recoil will make you miss a lot, and it's harder to aim with iron sights.
That Bandit rocket launcher appears to be a green-rarity "Bombarbarbarbdeer", with no sight, a Vladof barrel, a Maliwan grip and a Bandit exhaust. Also, it seems to increased reload speed due to the massive grip on the exhaust.
You forgot the RL used by Vallory : it's bandit made, explaining the volley of 3 rockets AND explaining why Athena doesn't die from it since… more Bandit made RLs do much weaker dmg compared to others RLs !
Also I think the "stranger" is maybe using a "Conference Call", and August I don't remember his pistol but I remember it having a Tediore Sight (also known as mini-TV !)
Also yeah about Athena normally being stoic and now emotional, is it not because she's now in a relationship that probably is the first in her life ?
But he's still alive and watching when you kill Wilhelm, and when you kill Nisha, he actually comes on and goes "Did...did you just kill my girlfriend? I'm actually...kinda pissed about that. Huh."
He also personally shot Claptrap in the eye when he had just become Handsome Jack in Claptastic Voyage, Aurelia Hammerlock went hunting on other Vaults according to the Pre Sequel Holodome DLC, and Athena walks away from him angrily at the end of TPS. The only thing we don't know is what happened to Jack's body double, Timothy Lawrence, but he could be still alive, because he wasn't the guy you killed in Opportunity. (That was a bald Engineer dressed in green with a voice modulator.)
He didn't know he was dead because he was already on the edge of going completely mad near the end of Borderlands 2.
Jack mentions that Athena hates him very much. She does-on Elpis, she thought he was a hero, but that went to hell when he started to become… more Handsome Jack. Also, he's lying when he says he looks out for his team-by Borderlands 2, his robot bodyguard and gunslinger girlfriend are dead, Athena and another, richer Vault Hunter hate him, and the last one's fate is uncertain.
Well, considering Jack didn't know he was dead, he probably wouldn't know they were dead so that's kinda false. At least from his perspective.
But he's still alive and watching when you kill Wilhelm, and when you kill Nisha, he actually comes on and goes "Did...did you just kill my … moregirlfriend? I'm actually...kinda pissed about that. Huh."
He also personally shot Claptrap in the eye when he had just become Handsome Jack in Claptastic Voyage, Aurelia Hammerlock went hunting on other Vaults according to the Pre Sequel Holodome DLC, and Athena walks away from him angrily at the end of TPS. The only thing we don't know is what happened to Jack's body double, Timothy Lawrence, but he could be still alive, because he wasn't the guy you killed in Opportunity. (That was a bald Engineer dressed in green with a voice modulator.)
He didn't know he was dead because he was already on the edge of going completely mad near the end of Borderlands 2.
Yeah Jack does. Not rhys. Just saying.
Hey, does anyone know what happens if you dont tell Vaughn about Handsome Jack, but trusted Jack at the end. I was curious on what the reactions would be if not even Vaughn knew about the whole Jack controlling Rhys thing
I thought that scream sounded familiar, I just couldn't place my finger on who it was.
The only difference I'm aware of is that Vaughn doesn't say anything after Loaderbot asks what the hell was going on.
Actually as pointed out by ingen, Rhys did pick it up after splitting the alpha skag in half.
Oh now I see it, never mind, I take it back.
As you're trying to get into the dome, Loaderbot and Gortys are having a conversation about Rhys' tie. Gortys doesn't think it's a tie because it's tucked into his pants.
If you did not give a flower to Sasha, she is shown with facepalm in your choices.
If image is not working
If you check the Atlas gate and clear the rubble before operating the lever, you'll get to speak to Loaderbot and Gortys separately and get extra dialogue. This includes further adorable Gortys and Loaderbot's lovely "joke.exe"
Depending on your choices if you chose to go to Old Haven in episode 2 Fiona could tell Janey about Athena still doing adventurous stuff. It causes that Springs is pissed on Athena when she calls her in episode 3. If you did not tell Springs about Vault Hunter stuff Athena is doing, in phone call Athena will say to Janey that she is doing another delivery. This causes that Fiona has different dialogue options. In first one there was line "It is good that it is in the air." In the second I remember line "You should tell her the truth." and "Why do lie to her?"
Eric Stirpe ( @stirpicus ) wrote the "soon" joke for the forum
But Fiona doesn't know that! ...yet.
The funniest part is that he says 'Hand...' and then his hand hits him.
It was first used by Shawn Greene... then Ben...
So glad I found this before my second playthrough, now I can rebuy Fiona's hat
Nope, I didn't trust him on top of the vehicle and he still slapped her.
I think I may love this man.
OMG is this really what shows up If you skip the credits? They know us so well. xD
No, no, I just edited this a second ago to reply!
Aha, aha... ! I'm not funny. I'm so sorry.
Oh I see. Would be cool, If they did that though, haha.
It would be cool! Apparently there wasn't a message for skipping the credits this time, though. A little disappointing, but I guess they didn't want to kill the joke.
Loader Bot used to be a hat-rack back in Hyperion. Gortys looks at the positives of that.
By any chance does the writing staff like Team Fortress 2?
Um I totally fell for it xD
Gah, don't remind me!
TT copyeditors: "It... It's the Pandoran spelling..."
:nervously wipes brow:
So, Jack is apparently the biggest freakin' hypocrite in the history of the world:
:in Vasquez voice:
Also, this suddenly makes sense.
Only Bul Loaders get to use big-ass Torgue assault rifles, and shields, and be gigantic dickheads at the same time. (Not this one, though. He da best.)
Yeah. I am almost a hunnit purcent shoore she knows something's up with Rhys xD
Pretty sure Vasquez would sound more like "gackgughhghghgggg"
You forgot the RL used by Vallory : it's bandit made, explaining the volley of 3 rockets AND explaining why Athena doesn't die from it since Bandit made RLs do much weaker dmg compared to others RLs !
Also I think the "stranger" is maybe using a "Conference Call", and August I don't remember his pistol but I remember it having a Tediore Sight (also known as mini-TV
Also yeah about Athena normally being stoic and now emotional, is it not because she's now in a relationship that probably is the first in her life ?
Well, considering Jack didn't know he was dead, he probably wouldn't know they were dead so that's kinda false. At least from his perspective.
The Conference Call is the best Hyperion shotgun in the game, believe me. And beloved as a primary by many, many, players, because it is a legendary and therefore it is super OP.
Yes, I do not like that sight very much. It's a purple-rarity Widow Maker, I think, because it has the Torgue barrel. DO NOT USE IT UNLESS IT HAS A GOOD SIGHT. The recoil will make you miss a lot, and it's harder to aim with iron sights.
That Bandit rocket launcher appears to be a green-rarity "Bombarbarbarbdeer", with no sight, a Vladof barrel, a Maliwan grip and a Bandit exhaust. Also, it seems to increased reload speed due to the massive grip on the exhaust.
If you want to know how I know all this, go here:
Useful, huh?
For the names, go here:
Well she knows in the present.
But he's still alive and watching when you kill Wilhelm, and when you kill Nisha, he actually comes on and goes "Did...did you just kill my girlfriend? I'm actually...kinda pissed about that. Huh."
He also personally shot Claptrap in the eye when he had just become Handsome Jack in Claptastic Voyage, Aurelia Hammerlock went hunting on other Vaults according to the Pre Sequel Holodome DLC, and Athena walks away from him angrily at the end of TPS. The only thing we don't know is what happened to Jack's body double, Timothy Lawrence, but he could be still alive, because he wasn't the guy you killed in Opportunity. (That was a bald Engineer dressed in green with a voice modulator.)
He didn't know he was dead because he was already on the edge of going completely mad near the end of Borderlands 2.
I'm talking about AI Jack XD