What would Clementine do to the Bullies (issue 134)
In the newest issue of the comics, Carl confronts some bullies that are about 11 years old that are beating on his girlfriend, Sophia. He goes into a blind rage and beats both bullies to death with a shovel.
How would Clementine handle a situation like that? let's say Gill is being intimidated by a bully and being jumped critically, rocks being thrown at him, 2-3 eleven year old stomping him, and Clem just got hit by a brick or called a b@#$.What would she do?
Or worst, what if the bully threatens to hurt A.J. because of the result of the dilemma?
Also, this will happen in Wellington, where there are a abundant of kids, and where the story converges. So, Gill will be there.
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She´ll be chilling at Howe´s cause he never entered the place.
Well she's with Kenny so he would kill the little bastards
shit! I forgot to add that they would be in Wellington, where all of the stories will converge. I know for sure that Clem will be bullied, in some degree. And gill will try be a hero and get beat down.
I don´t think Clem needs someone to defend her.
[Smack bullies]
I was thinking more like [nut kick]
I aproove but where's the Saltlick?
It's up to the players and how they want Clem to handle it. You can either have her threaten them and scare them off or kill them on the spot like Carl did.
She would draw her gun at them and threaten them and tell them to leave her alone and clementine does not want to shoot but will shoot if she has to.
No guns. They are in Wellington. Kids wouldn't have guns, big ass walls.
one salt lick coming up !
That's better.
That is a determinant situation, based on the player. If a couple of kids were unnecessarily beating up a friend of mine, I would have Clem kick their asses (or, as much ass an 11 year old girl can kick). Some people would not want their Clem to fight and just walk away.
The same Sophia did to the same bullies 2-3 issues ago.
Everyone should be required 1 gun in case of emergency.
look at what she knows when lee beat the hell out of andy st.john i think that will happen but clem beating the bullies just as bad
My Clementine wouldn't beat a kid to death unless it was absolutely dire. If it was a couple of punches or kicks then just step in and warn them to cut it out. If they were about to kill Gill (let's assume we let him in, and he's nice) or A.J, even if they were just playing, then yeah my Clementine might kill, especially A.J, if you bully a baby then you're already on your way to becoming Carver 2.0 and my Clementine wouldn't think twice to kill them.
(Beaten and on his knees)
(Clementine,walking away, picks up A.J.)
Clementine: Come on Gill, lets go.
Bully: When my brothers see what you did to me, Y'ALLS FUCKED... We going to go to your sector, while you sleep! I'm going to kill you Gill and Your BITCH. And throw that bastard baby that's with you over the wall-----
(Stops walking away, hands A.J. to Gill, Stabs the Bully)
Clementine: IT'S OVER!!!
I remember this... from somewhere...
Clementine would fucking demolish their sorry asses.
Do they know who they're dealing with? She's motherfucking Clementine. Her pinky finger alone would send that boys sobbing home to their mothers with 54 different broken bones. Clementine would execute and penetrate their shitty little bodies and pull their intestines out of their throat and shove them up their ass again.
Motherfucking CLEMENTINE.
Let's reframe this question:
Would Clem have killed Michelle?
Without the time skip I don't think she would've. She was still naïve and optimistic and I'm assuming that she shot walkers but not a live person (unless Lee loses the fight with the stranger) but at the age she is now I think she probably would've shot her.
I know for sure that Clem will be bullied, in some degree
How do you know this for sure? Do you have some insight to season three? Did someone from Telltale make a comment saying this would happen? You said you know for sure so would you please display your source?
RIP Gill
I'm sure that some kid, unless Telltale doesn't know a dilly about childhood, are going to have Clem be antagonized by the kids that can't understand what she had to go through. Kids are always target the odd ones out. Or possibly, the girls at Wellington will envy and hate Clem because she is seen as cool with the boys at the Wellington, due to her having cool stories about her life beyond the walls and just being a badass.