The Ending *BIG spoilers*



  • But we have a couple episodes to get attached to Carley and she wasn't the playable character. To kill a main character within the first episode after we get familiar with the character is a bold move by TellTale. I'm looking forward to see what other bold steps they will take with Game of Thrones. With that being said, I'm actually a bit scared to see how bold they do get in the future with TWD now.

    Ah I wouldn't say that. The walking dead has the shock of Carley dying. It has potential, but Telltale just has to live up to it now.

  • BOOK SPOILERS: Well, the preview chapter for Winds of Winter has him with Stannis (who wants to kill him to appease the Northern lords in his camp) and it seems like he's slowly pulling himself back together. That said, yeah there's no way he's going to be the same as he was when the series started but I think that he still has a small chance at redemption in killing Ramsay/helping Stannis take back Winterfell

    tauer posted: »

    I kinda doubt it.. It would be poetic justice for sure, but Theon is completely broken. Talk about Stockholm syndrome... to the extreme.

  • They'd better have a damn good ace up their sleeves, otherwise House Forrester is done - the only living heir is a hostage and less than 10 years old, they've lost half of their livelihood to their greatest enemies, they're low on food, they're rapidly losing loyal subjects, their men are undertrained and vastly outnumbered, they're now under the thumb of Ramsay Snow and the Boltons, and to top it all off their leader was just murdered in his own home... several weeks after his father (their former ruler) was murdered along with his son at the Red Wedding . The only possible hope I can imagine they have is Mira swaying Margaery to help them and Asher - the batshit insane exiled son-turned sellsword in Essos.

    God I hope Asher is as badass as I'm imagining (probably not, but who knows) and he gets to be a main character - I want vengeance, dammit!

    EarthRocker posted: »

    "There are those who will fight for us. Those who hold house Forrester above all other loyalties." It's just a fun little line, seems like they do infact have an ace up their sleeve, it's just that they've been saving it for desperate times.

  • edited December 2014

    I always liked the Bolton's "out" for the Red Wedding.

    They commit treason against their liege lord and break their oaths.

    HOWEVER, they avoid the worst of it.


    Because it's not their house.

    Capsr posted: »

    Got to love how Ramsay declines the bread and salt here, just so he can pull this kind of shit :P

  • I'm pretty sure Lady Elissa wouldn't have said those exact words if she wasn't feeling confident enough. Though I must admit, things are looking pretty grim for House Forrester, that's for sure.

    When it comes to Asher, he won't be too happy when he finds out that his younger brother had been murdered. We already know he knocked some poor bastard's teeth out just for pushing Ethan. Who ever has a strong sense of protection towards family is, in my book, a god damn badass.

    They'd better have a damn good ace up their sleeves, otherwise House Forrester is done - the only living heir is a hostage and less than 10

  • He won't be the same and I think that's just a good thing. Original Theon was annoying, Reek is(/was) broken but interesting, and if he survives and gets himself together at some level then I think that will be the most badass Theon.

  • Yeah, in the books he even names his dogs after the women he's hunted. "His girls," he calls them.

    I believe it's worse in the books, but they get across his ruthlessness in his hunts pretty well in the show too. The way he sends the dogs on his prey is sickening, but the way he enjoys it just gives me a liking for his character for some reason.

  • Reek, reek it rhymes with eek, they just killed Ethan! ;)

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    lets just be happy ethan didn't get reeked if you know what i mean....

  • edited December 2014

    A lot of people seem to be confused by that, but Duncan and Ser Royland both explain that there will be more traitors because a lot of the smallfolk were frightened of what would happen to the House, so my immediate thought (after I let Ramsay and Whitehill in alone,) was that they were right about the traitors.

  • OK, really curious how that's going to turn out. Forum is already rife with posts saying that players' choices have little weight. This naturally because alternate story-arcs are in short supply.

    Cyber-Funk posted: »

    I think Malcolm goes to get Asher anyways. I chose for him to stay and he was with Asher in Essos in the preview for the next episode.

  • edited December 2014

    @ Bisrakas... I would like to start off by saying that I am a long time gamer with Telltale. ** I also made very similar choices, if not, the same exact choices as you did!** So, I couldn't agree more with your assumption about Telltale games! It is only an ILLUSION that your CHOICES will have an IMPACT to the OUTCOME. Your choices might have an impact on MINOR EVENTS & DETAILS but it will not let you Navigate your choices to have a different ending! In my opinion, TELLTALE does Not Live up to their Advertised Products, "Your choices will lead to a different Outcome. We would like to see that our Choices matter and make a difference!!! Only in the very Last Episode do we get to have a different ending! I understand that some characters must die, fine. Even after I chose to fight, I am bringing RAMSEY into my Home...WTF!!! After saying that, *HOW DID HIS SOLDIERS MAGICALLY APPEAR IN THE HALL! I CHOSE TO KEEP HIS SOLDIERS FROM ENTERING THE HALL! THEY WERE BEHIND THE GATES! * Sorry Telltale but you need to make your games where our choices can persuade a different Outcome in Some Major events. To answer your question, NO, our choices Do Not really matter in this game! I will always be a fan of Telltale but I am hoping that their games Will Evolve over the years to come!!!

  • then raped the corpses

    Am I a horrible person for laughing at this?

    This was actually merciful by Ramsay's usual standards, believe it or not. If he was given free reign he would have torched the entire place and raped and flayed everyone/flayed and then raped the corpses

  • People worship the TV series / game Ramsay Bolton, I think the one of the book is a much better character.

    XtremeOne1 posted: »

    I'm disappointed by the ending. Yeah Ethan was my favorite of the three but it also felt like too much of a shock without really really into

  • The one who wasn't chosen as sentinel opened the gates.

    St. Jimmy posted: »

    I guess it was Ramsays plan all along to kind of go Rains of Castamere on house Forrester since the Whitehills are the far better ally by no

  • I did too. D:

    then raped the corpses Am I a horrible person for laughing at this?

  • I tried to solve the problem in a diplomatical way and even made Ramsay leave us the half of the Ironwood, but what happened next... He grabbed Talia, I told him to get off and he shoved a knife in Ethan's throat saying that he "doesn't need a brave lord". Fuck. It was so shocking! The way Ethan died made my heart squeeze. I just realied how much sympathy I had for him...

  • If you kill Ramsay Snow then and there, Lord Tywin's destruction of the Forresters would make his treatment of the Reynes of Castamere seem gentle.

    Lol. I know what you mean. I just wanted to kill Ramsey Snow at the gate SO badly.

  • I'm pretty sure it will be Asher, Gared and Mira. (You only see them on the main menu after finishing the episode.)

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    Ethan just died. I can't believe it. I guess that makes Talia the new PC (someone needs to be our eyes in Ironrath).

  • edited December 2014

    Imagine how happy he will be when he finds out that his younger brother had been murdered, his father murdered, his elder brother also killed or missing, his youngest brother taken hostage.

    +Gared,possibly his friend, had to take the black.

    I wonder how he will deal with the Whitehills since Gwyn Whitehill was once his love. Gryff could be spared, but he is trusted by his father, so he is possibly similar to him. Maybe Asher will marry Gwyn and take over House Whitehill.


    won't give a fuck. Grind grind grind, kill kill kill.

    EarthRocker posted: »

    I'm pretty sure Lady Elissa wouldn't have said those exact words if she wasn't feeling confident enough. Though I must admit, things are loo

  • He gets +9000 badass level if he grinds his teeth like the Mannis.

    Karaj posted: »

    Imagine how happy he will be when he finds out that his younger brother had been murdered, his father murdered, his elder brother also kille

  • There's still the Maester. Never trust that Citadel guys, except for Luwin, Aemon and Cressen.

    St. Jimmy posted: »

    Yeah it also bothers me that Ramsey was even capable of getting his soldiers into the castle even though I only allowed him and Lord Whitehi

  • That's the most beautiful pic ever xD

  • You are completely wrong. I don't think you appreciate just how unimportant house Forrester is. It's the house of a bannerman's bannerman and a small one at that being merely a fifth of the size of house Whitehall which is in a similar position. Ramsey knows he can do whatever he likes to house Forrester because they are next to powerless. To someone acting with the authority of the warden of the north they are no different to common folk.

    Theon in contrast is not only heir to a great house but heir to a Great House that is directly threatening the north. The importance of Theon and Ethan are not even comparable and yet you somehow think Roose would care more about Ethan? I don't think you have a good grasp of the story as you think you do.

    XtremeOne1 posted: »

    I'm disappointed by the ending. Yeah Ethan was my favorite of the three but it also felt like too much of a shock without really really into

  • edited December 2014

    nope, on one playthrough I did not send him and he appeared on the preview with Asher anyway, so in that aspect is another choice that didn't matter.

    Rob_K posted: »

    Regarding choices mattering, this was episode 1. You can bet Ethan's death sets up the rest of the season. If he didn't die, it would lead t

  • Ah, alright. Thanks for saying. A shame.

    Future_Me posted: »

    nope, on one playthrough I did not send him and he appeared on the preview with Asher anyway, so in that aspect is another choice that didn't matter.

  • You wont get any chance to kill him. He's a major character in the books and show. They aren't going to off him in a video game.

    We still have a chance to kill him in Game of Thrones Season 2 since that's caught up with the TV series. Maybe HBO won't pull a Robert Kirkman and give us the honor of killing him.

  • It'd be interesting if they had the go-ahead to do whatever they want and have a lot of what-if scenarios. Martin claims Star Wars gave him a boost to get around to finishing the next book. We'll have to wait and see.

    We still have a chance to kill him in Game of Thrones Season 2 since that's caught up with the TV series. Maybe HBO won't pull a Robert Kirkman and give us the honor of killing him.

  • Same thing here; I was so upset with his death, thinking it was my fault. Knowing that Ethan would perish either way makes me less frustrated :)

    I tried to solve the problem in a diplomatical way and even made Ramsay leave us the half of the Ironwood, but what happened next... He grab

  • i loved eathan an i realy felt so sad when he die it was a damn shocking moment as i wasn't expecting at all i thought it was because of what i choose but it seemes that he will die no matter what you do
    Our choises arnt that important i think

  • His name is Ethan, Goddamn.

    Mira eathan posted: »

    i loved eathan an i realy felt so sad when he die it was a damn shocking moment as i wasn't expecting at all i thought it was because of what i choose but it seemes that he will die no matter what you do Our choises arnt that important i think

  • Sorry , lol

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    His name is Ethan, Goddamn.

  • I love the telltale games and I used to get annoyed when I saw that statement as it loads that says your choices will change the story...they don't...and as far as I can remember, never have in any of their games. All choices really amount to is a specific line or two reply from whoever you are talking to and then you are just guided down the common path. It's still great storytelling but if you see an event that looks like they put a lot of development time into, you are going to see that event no matter what you do.

    Mira eathan posted: »

    i loved eathan an i realy felt so sad when he die it was a damn shocking moment as i wasn't expecting at all i thought it was because of what i choose but it seemes that he will die no matter what you do Our choises arnt that important i think

  • edited December 2014

    Yeah thats right i have just replayed this game to change my choises cz i didnt like what happened to ethan an then the same thing happened again :(

  • I have a feeling (and I read other people thinking the same thing in another thread, I just can't find out now) that someone betrayed the Forresters and let Ramsay's men inside the walls. In one of my playthroughs, before Ramsay announces the Whitehill men are already inside the castle, my mother turns to me and urges me (Ethan) to do something. I said something along the lines of "We'll bar the gates" and Ramsay replied "It's too late for that" as the men walked in the hall.

    I think one of the plotlines is that there is a traitor in the house. Some are saying it's the maester (because of his shady line about the Ironwood grooves being "forests of gold"or something of the sort), some think it's the "rejected Sentinel" that was absent from the meeting with Ramsay, and maybe it's just normal people like Erik that want to fall in Ramsay's favour to survive.

    Mikejames posted: »

    If we heard a violent struggle, it'd be one thing. But Ramsay's garrison was locked outside, and guards sworn to protect Ethan made no appar

  • That would be a more interesting plot point than just ignoring how they were able to get in, but I still find it sketchy how one traitor would be able to sneak in Ramsay's whole platoon with no retaliation or audible resistance from all those guarding the keep (Unless everyone outside was stealth-killed).

    rayella posted: »

    I have a feeling (and I read other people thinking the same thing in another thread, I just can't find out now) that someone betrayed the Fo

  • I spit defiance against the Whitehills, the Boltons and the Lannisters and ended up dead anyways. I don't really regret it. lol

    Arrowtic posted: »

    I played it as a real craven ! I let him in my halls and even knelt(for my family) , but when he reached for the girl , I lost it , grabbed her , and died ! Now I really regret that kneeling ! Did anyone else kneel/try to be nice to ramsay too ?

  • I think if the traitor was a cunning one, he would be able to convince most of the people standing guard to side with him. After all, those people had just seen Erik in the courtyard saying the house was doomed, and I bet they could be easily convinced that siding with the new Warden of the North and Whitehill was the safest route to go...

    Of course, that is bit of a stretch. :/ But I hope they somehow do mention it — how the guards came in — since it was clear in the line of dialogue I mentioned that Ethan had given orders for them to wait outside (so it was not an overlooked detail, or else they wouldn't had added the line...).

    Mikejames posted: »

    That would be a more interesting plot point than just ignoring how they were able to get in, but I still find it sketchy how one traitor wou

  • Did the same thing man. Ramsay is a dick like really bro.

    usul294 posted: »

    I went with a different ending (offering to go instead), and got killed for it as well.

  • The only retribution I can think of is, the destruction of House Whitehill since Ramsay and Roose cant be touched due to the show, the next best thing is Killing Lord Whitehill.

    Fireflew posted: »

    Ugh the ending really got me good :C Felt a real kick in the gut after Ethan got stabbed... They certainly captured that feeling of shock

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