Mira alone in Margaery's Chambers



  • I didn't. I figured I didn't want to ruin what trust Margaery Tyrell had in me. But knowing what I know now... maybe Margaery herself left them for Mira to "find"?

  • I agree bad puppy. Look how quick she was to notice and return the marker that serra was moving around on the wedding plan.
    I think that after asking her to put herself at risk for you, she has reason to be somewhat suspicious of you, and we know shes a smart cookie, quick to see opportunity and manipulate. Like she did with sansa

    badpuppy282 posted: »

    I didn't. I figured I didn't want to ruin what trust Margaery Tyrell had in me. But knowing what I know now... maybe Margaery herself left them for Mira to "find"?

  • Somehow through the books and show I always get the sense that Verys wants to make Westeros better... Like he wants someone who thinks about the people of Westeros rather than themselves and their family. I don't really remember where I got that idea from but that always makes me want to trust him even if he will sell me out to be able to play the game another day.

    Alan_ posted: »

    I'd argue Varys is much, much for agenda driven than LF, whereas LF seems driven purely by chaos and whatever's happening at the time, Varys

  • edited December 2014

    I'm going to be honest.. I took everything. I didn't even know what it was. I just saw shit laying around so I pocketed all of it lol..

    Maybe I just wasn't paying attention at the time, but I also had just assumed that the room was Mira's, and not Margery's. Pretty much a giant fail on my part.

  • I saw them both and I was about to examine them both when Margaery came in so I wasn't able to take any of the items. I don't know if I would or not to be honest since Margaery seems to treat you more than just a handmaiden but a friend as well. I would feel like stealing from her would be betraying her trust.

    As for the coal boy, he seems too informative to really trust. He could be a spy but maybe he can also be helpful?

    Tyrion is one of my favorite characters and I love how devious he can be just to piss his sister off, the way he talked to me was a bit friendly but also he had some good advice. I don't know but I kept getting this vibe that he might be interested in Mira, we all know he has a thing for young maidens.

  • K0t0K0t0 Banned
    edited January 2015

    Its a shame because people who havent read the books/watched the show are getting quite literally an entirely different experience from Mira.

    If you ask Majorey for help and she comes back saying Joffrey gets rough the experience is:

    ((People new to GoT)): Oh no what have I done? Poor Marjorey! Joffrey really is a horrible person!
    ((People familiar with GoT)): Yeah right Majorey TYRELL. Joffrey is a scumbag but he'd never get physical with someone, especially you. This is typical Tyrell deviousness.

    ((People unfamiliar with GoT)): That coal boy seems like a spy, I dont trust him...
    ((People who watch the show)): That coal boy seems like a spy, logically he must be a spy for Varys, Varys is an alright guy so I'll just go with it.
    ((People who read the books)): Well, atleast Im not a Lannister.

    Oh and I stole the key and stamp, because...c'mon...telltale games and consequences? Yeah right! I dare you TTG, punish my Mira...go on...I...DARE...you.

  • I would eat the shit out of that Raccoon.

    best typo ever. Lol

    I would eat the shit out of that Raccoon.

  • ..."typo"...Sure, yeah, let's go with that.

    I would eat the shit out of that Raccoon. best typo ever. Lol

  • Verys says at one point, when asked who he serves: "Why, the realm, my good lord, how ever could you doubt that? I swear it by my lost manhood. I serve the realm, and the realm needs peace."

    So yes, I'm more inclined to believe he has good intentions, though recently I am not as convinced that I'll agree with what he thinks is good for the realm (speaking in particular about the epilogue for ADWD).

    magsram posted: »

    Somehow through the books and show I always get the sense that Verys wants to make Westeros better... Like he wants someone who thinks about

  • edited January 2015

    Oh come on,this is Telltale game,any item you pick will definitely be useful,look at how people who wrongly thought that taking the watch was a bad idea.

  • That scene with Clem and the Watch is actually Why i think that taking Margery's things will have some bad karma kind of consequences for Mira. We have this instinct (like some above have said) to just take everything, cuz you will probably wish you had later. And in TWD, it paid off. But in The Game of Thrones, i think that instinct will be used against us. Mira is in a really precarious position in King's Landing, especially with all the things that we know are just about to happen, and just trying to keep her under the radar seems a good idea.

    Herodriver posted: »

    Oh come on,this is Telltale game,any item you pick will definitely be useful,look at how people who wrongly thought that taking the watch was a bad idea.

  • I took the key because I thought it might come in handy
    also I was curious to what it might open
    because telltale gives you the option of taking it and most of the time they do it for a reason
    like in TWD if you took that watch it would in fact come in handy

  • You might not get the scene and the opportunity to steal it, though. I didn't.

    I took the key because I thought it might come in handy also I was curious to what it might open because telltale gives you the option of

  • I took both cause they can be useful.

  • Huh, I never asked for Marg's help, so I didn't have the option to do so. But if I recall, you can't really do anything with them. YET.

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