Favourite Character? (so far)



  • Briliant!

    fallandir posted: »

    His name was The Coal Boy. :>

  • I kinda have a thing for chars who have a short temper and are also strong. Maybe that's why I liked Kenny too :)

    From what I've heard of Asher, he strikes me as the person who's fiercely protective. His heart's in the right place, but he can't control h

  • Everyone was cool, but my personal favorite has to be Gared. I wanna make him reach to the top :D

    Talia is interesting as well, Ethan not so much anymore. (manly tears)

    I have the feeling that Asher will be to my liking as well. We'll see.

    I also want to do something with my douchy friend, Bowan. Maybe eventually.

  • Update: Lord Rodrik. I've cheered for him since the beginning.

  • I went into episode 2 expecting that Asher will be my new favorite character. Instead that position goes to the lord who has returned to us, Rodrik. :)

    fallandir posted: »

    Update: Lord Rodrik. I've cheered for him since the beginning.

  • I immediately had a thing for Gared. I'm trying to play him in an as honourable and just way as possible, a role that I think fits him perfectly. I enjoy his plot on the wall, as it let me come face to face with my favourite character from the books, Jon Snow.

    I have a soft spot for two of the ladies as well; I fell for Talia right on. I was ready to sacrifice everything when Ramsay threatened to take her with him and poor Ethan had to pay the price for that...
    The second one is Sera. I do not trust her at all, but I find her quite adorable.

    Finally, Asher emerged as a strong and solid character in episode 2 and I believe he'll be growing on me. As for Rodrik, he's an interesting character but I believe his story will be a very sad one, especially since I lost his betrothed =(

  • Gared, and now Rodrik.

    I also think Beshka is my third favourite, but she will undoubtebly die soon enough

  • Asher, the moment he was pissing against a wall, he was my favorite.
    Rodrik impressed me aswell.

  • edited February 2015

    I love playing as Mira but I like Talia, Rodrick, and Asher.

  • Mira for sure!

  • I like Cotter and Tom the Coal Boy.

  • edited February 2015

    Personally, I really enjoy Talia, Rodrik, Asher and Beshka. Though I did enjoy interacting with Frostfinger and Cotter "The Potato Fucker".

  • Rodrik! Rodrik by far!!!!

  • Talia is my favorite so far. She just has such a good quality of character.

  • Gared, Rodrik, Talia and Cotter The Potato Fucker.

  • It was Gared but Mira has taken over.

  • I like how Cotter the 'Tater Fucker is becoming a fast favourite.

    While I love House Forrester as a whole, my favourites are; Gared, Asher, Beshka, Rodrik and Ethan. Also Talia.

    And the horse you could pet at Castle Black.

  • Rodrik Asher Talia.

  • I must say Rodrik. I loved to rule the house with Ethan and I think I love it even more with Rodrik. Also Asher had a nice start, I like him already and wish he has more time in the next episode.

    From NPCs Talia is my favorite. I mean she is so adorable and wise (for her age), who wouldn't like her. And that song, pure gold. From the smaller characters Cotter and Finn are great :D

    Oh, and all of the canon characters are great in their own ways :)

  • Rodrik or Asher, can't decide yet. Not after only one episode with either. So far, Rodrik's in the lead for me simply because he's had a lot more screentime. But I enjoy playing as both. I like Mira's STORY, but the character itself hasn't grown on me yet. And I don't like Gared. So far he's just a carbon copy of Jon Snow from Season 1 in terms of character, even Jon himself notes the similarities between them. I didn't like Jon in the early seasons, so I don't like Gared either. Other than being the only one of two people who know of the North Grove, there is absolutely nothing interesting about his character so far. And the North Grove storyline is on hold for now.

  • edited February 2015

    Rodrik is the best
    But I like Asher too and Talia is just very sweet

    Mira is kinda boring though

  • Mira is the best charter in the game she somehow always steals the show

  • I really Like Duncan Tuttle surprisingly I am most likely the only one that does but I like his character and how he try's to solves things peacefully or with as less violence as possible. A close second would be Asher Forrester this guy is a true bad ass I kill everything with him and I like how he kills and kills and does not care.

  • well Potato fucker is not getting a lot of screen time but you cant leave him out. Just you watch or in this case play Potato Fucker dies in Ep 3 I called it first!

    Gared, Rodrik, Talia and Cotter The Potato Fucker.

  • Remember that horse he is an important character latter :)

    feainn posted: »

    I like how Cotter the 'Tater Fucker is becoming a fast favourite. While I love House Forrester as a whole, my favourites are; Gared, Asher, Beshka, Rodrik and Ethan. Also Talia. And the horse you could pet at Castle Black.

  • Rodrik 'cause he's gonna call the unbreakable to save his house

  • Am I the only one who thinks Mira is really cute? Something about dem big eyes.

  • Rodrik. I did consider his comeback stupid, it's true. Telltale surprised me and his story is imo most interesting. I mean, look how they are treating him. It's a miracle he's alive. Great knight, wounded, barely walks, gets minimal compassion. People are mocking, calling him "the ruined". Lord can't show weakness. That is fascinating.

    Gared was okay, Mira's part in first episode was more interesting. I'm dissapointed with Asher. I thought he'll be kind of viking, strong fighter, bitter, cynical like Bigby, and Malcolm will have problems with convincing him. In fact Beskha seems to be stronger and more athletic than her friend. Asher is just cheery british guy who wants to go home.

  • Omid.

    Uh, I mean, Talia. If you mean playable characters, then Mira. Then Garred. Then Roderik. Then Ethan. Then Asher.

  • Gared. I love Gared.

  • The Imp. Always the Imp.

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