So do you love or hate the beautiful/blurry background graphics?

Some call it a feat of art direction and blah blah blah. Some call mucky graphics and blah blah blah. What do you blah blah blah? Or think?



  • Charcaters look good bar Margery, backgrounds look a bit glitchy

  • Gotta say, the backgrounds are killing me at times. A little too wiggly. I get the feel they're going for, but IDK.

    Charcaters look good bar Margery, backgrounds look a bit glitchy

  • I thought the graphics were pretty great all around. Love how the characters look exactly like how the show characters look. Ex: Ramsay, Cersei, ETC.

  • I don't mind them. They get the job done.

  • It just looks like a blurry mess to me. It would be nice with an option to disable it because it doesn't look like the painting effect they were going for on my TV.

  • Likewise.

    This was obviously a style choice, but playing on a large TV makes the blurring effect even more exasperated looking.

    Can someone out there who knows what they were going for explain this? lol.

    Ursa-Doom posted: »

    It just looks like a blurry mess to me. It would be nice with an option to disable it because it doesn't look like the painting effect they were going for on my TV.

  • They were going for an oil painting.

    BenGajus posted: »

    Likewise. This was obviously a style choice, but playing on a large TV makes the blurring effect even more exasperated looking. Can someone out there who knows what they were going for explain this? lol.

  • Yup...

    "Since the first season of The Walking Dead, Telltale has employed a visual direction of ‘pictures brought to life’. In The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us, we looked to the original comic book source material as inspiration. For Game of Thrones, we chose a ‘painterly’ look, that is, something that looks like a living oil painting. We feel that this is in-keeping with the epic and fantastical nature of George R. R. Martin’s and HBO’s world."

    They were going for an oil painting.

  • I don't like it...The graphics is just secondary beside the story but it really really bothered me... It felt like they rushed it or it's a pretty old game... The characters look good, but the background hurts my eyes. But I guess I'll get used to it. :)

  • The problem is that it does't look like it on my version. It just ends up looking blurry or the contrast just makes it look like undefined pixels along ledges.

    They were going for an oil painting.

  • I like the artstyle but I hate that effect they put on backgrounds. All the straight lines get distorted and it looks kinda glitchy cause of that, especially for the Kings Landing sections.

  • I think a part of the problem is that all of Telltale's games seem to have small texture resolution on their engine, which can make things look "muddied" if up close. I noticed the same of Wolf Among Us, where somewhat blurry textures up close can contrast the otherwise vibrant "ink" art style.

    I think that might also be what some people view as a problem here, where what is a deliberate art choice seems to kind of collide with small resolution textures. I personally think that the art style looks good. Of course, it could be better if models were more detailed, but Telltale is an indie studio producing episodic games that have to work across a variety of different platforms (from consoles to computers to phones/tablets), so they do not have the same luxuries that a AAA studio spending years on a single retail would have.

  • I don't think they need to, the current graphics are great, its just the post processing effect that looks off, at least in my opinion.

    I think a part of the problem is that all of Telltale's games seem to have small texture resolution on their engine, which can make things l

  • I personally don't mind the rippling effect, but I can see how others would potentially take concern to it. When I first saw the screens prior to playing the game, I thought the edges of characters/objects rippling was going to work like how the comic outlines worked for characters in Walking Dead and Wolf Among Us, where instead of an inky black outline, only the outside of a character or object would ripple in order to give off the painter effect.

    However, it seems it is a graphical effect that is used on large parts of the background and not just the outline of a character or an object, which I think is what distracts some people.

    I don't think they need to, the current graphics are great, its just the post processing effect that looks off, at least in my opinion.

  • I like it, fits the game very well.

  • Everything in the foreground is great. Everything in the background is fine as long as the camera doesn't move. Really on the 19" pc screen its fine, on my 55" tv, its kind of jarring.

  • I honestly liked the background and art style. It felt like a nice departure from the comic book graphics. In my opinion, I like both art styles.

  • I like it, it fits the Game of Thrones universe well

  • edited December 2014

    There are few moments when the shadows, the effect and the colours make you say "wow, they're paintings brought to life".

    But suddenly, often when close-ups are over, everything collapse into what I call... The Christmas Manger effect!

    It's not a believable landscape, and the town lacks life... No panoramas, no many trees, not so much grass.... The locations remember the Star Trek 1st gen Studios, with fake rocks and fake sun...

    And low poligons+blurry textures, make it seems that the textures are low-quality (and some of them are).
    The old engine lacks proper shadows effects, and it makes everything lacking depth. Low poligons ruin the overall detail, and a stronger global tone-filtering would have been welcome. Sometime, in the darker scenes, I would have preferred more shadowy contrast, and some more painting effect added in quick combat scenes - like brush strokes.

    And it's not helped by some poor camera direction. The Gared combat scene with the House Boulton soldier and the two House Whitehill soldiers is so badly directed that remembered me Back To The Future Game.

    Notwithstanding that, I like the game, it got me hooked. Kudos to the actors, the dialog writers and the screenplay.

  • I think my main issue with the art style is the fuzzy silhouettes it sometimes creates around characters. That aside, I think it works well. It's reminiscent of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword's art style. Telltale's version is considerably bleaker though, haha.

    And I agree with Eugene that the environments could do with some more detail. Atmosphere is very important in story-driven games such as Telltale's, but I get that they're working across an array of platforms with various capabilities.

  • At times, I liked it and it looked neat. At other times, it really distracted me. There are moments where it looks too blotchy and every kind of looks sloppy.

  • It doesn't really bother me but I can't help but feel like it would look better without the oil painting effects.

  • edited December 2014

    I like it, especially in the backgrounds. Looks very much like a painting.

    Only exceptions are Margarey, who looks like some sort of dinosaur from Jurassic Park, and Gared. Gared looks fine most of the times, but then you get those close ups of his eyes and it just looks weird. (Though I suppose those two issues are more character design than the graphics)

  • I like it but it can look very glitchy at times. I think it just needs something a bit extra. I personally think the best style so far has been in the Borderland episode. That was a beautiful looking episode

  • I considered the beginning at the twin towers as extremely ugly. Especially the tents were just aweful. I didn't like the backgrounds.

    I agree that graphics aren't that important in a story driven game, but you would expect some improvement over the years. On the technical side TTG is weak. That they relase for multi platforms is just an excuse and by the way their choice.

    And yes, the game is good. I do like it and I do like TTG. That doesn't mean that they make everything right.

  • I liked it, and even if I didn't like it graphics don't matter to me.

  • I will say I am very impressed with how they've animated hands, yes maybe it seems minor but they are veyr hard to do and they really add depth to a character, the way ethan twiddles with his finger is clearly a habit of his but also shows how nervous he is in scenes without actually saying anything

  • edited December 2014

    the blurriness was really distracting for me at the start but i got used to it

  • I just finished the first 2 acts of the first episode and damn, those blurry backgrounds are really distracting and annoying to me. I even changed graphic setting to low so they dont pop up as much, but still annoying.
    Would love the option to turn the blurrienes off.

  • To me the graphics just don't matter, the story and characters are so great it overshadows most of the visuals. As long as the animations stay pretty decent and they stay true to the grittyness I'm very happy with it.

  • Worst Telltale graphics so far

  • And to compare it with TWD S1, where some characters (even Lee) got extremely static while speaking their lines, which is a really deprived animation for a video game... I know the VOs do a beautiful work but sometimes we need more than that in a scene to convince us.

    I will say I am very impressed with how they've animated hands, yes maybe it seems minor but they are veyr hard to do and they really add de

  • I feel ambivalent towards it.

  • edited December 2014

    They're fine, but I think that [one dead person] in the background(you know which) could have had an actual model, as well as the [murder weapon] sticking into [their] back.

    I've changed my mind actually. It's hard to ignore the prickly/pixel edge that some of the background objects have. An artsy look is fine, but they need to smooth out the edges.

  • I could have done without the weird blur thing. It doesn't "add" anything to my experience while playing.

  • Some places like the Ironrath's courtyard and King's Landing, it can be a little distracting. But in Ironrath's hall, I didn't notices the blur and it looks quite good.

  • I like it, reminds me of oil pastel paintings.

  • I honestly thought my graphics card was glitching out at first - I even launched Tales From the Borderlands to see if the same thing would happen. I had no idea this was the art direction they were going for. I can't say I like it; I find it too distracting. The backgrounds aren't too bad for me, it's the foreground that I dislike: I find myself staring at the edges of character models and thinking they look wonky.

    Maybe I'll get used to it. I just started the game tonight, and actually found this thread from Googling to find out more about the art style.

  • It's like an oil painting style, if you didn't find what they are going for. I personally liked it, but at the same time I can understand it if you didn't.

    I honestly thought my graphics card was glitching out at first - I even launched Tales From the Borderlands to see if the same thing would h

  • Not that I love them, but I don't really mind them...

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